• 到点消息传送模型场景示例

    Example of scenario for point-to-point messaging model.


  • 然后确定作为给定提拉速率分布模型直径分布热和质量传送模型函数功率分布。

    A power profile is then determined as a function of the heat and mass transfer model for a given pull rate profile and model diameter profile.


  • 问题在于,如果通过网络传送图纸模型动画文件其他相关内容省钱呢?

    The question what if the transfer of my drawings, models, animations and rest of the stuff on the web will be costly.


  • 事件模型一致,事件资源负责一个所决定频率异步传送事件消息

    Consistent with the event model, the event source is responsible for asynchronous delivery of event messages on a frequency that it determines.


  • 同样这个阶段设计模型代码同步以便模型发生变化能够传送代码中。

    Also during this phase the design model was synchronized with code so that changes in the model could be forward engineered to code.


  • 位于餐盘背后模型编码记录寿司传送上来循环多长时间;如果时间长,一个小型机器人手臂就会处理掉它们。

    Matrix codes on the backs of plates keep track of how long a sushi portion has been circulating on conveyor belts; a small robotic arm disposes of any that have been out too long.


  • 赫尔甚至认为这个模型可以帮助引导未来全自动机器人高效地它们目的地也许忙碌医院传送设备

    Helbing even thinks the model could help autonomous robots of the future efficiently navigate to their destinations, perhaps to deliver supplies within a busy hospital.


  • 制造商模型版本组合起来形成一个独一无二的设备概要文件名这个名称传送代码转换技术

    The manufacturer, model, and version are combined to form a unique device profile name, which is passed into Transcoding Technology.


  • 最后我们要做网格传送数据存储栏目模型(第22-25),执行网格,然后数据表单中加载数据存储。

    The last thing we do is to pass the Grid the data store and column model (lines 22-25), render the grid, then load in the data from our data store.


  • TLIISO-OSI模型传输一个编程界面支持网络两个用户进程数据传送

    TLI Is a programming interface to the transport layer of ISO-OSI model, it supports the transfer of data between two user processes in network.


  • 首先利用多维m序列作为激励输入信号实验建立出空气传送部分的多变量离散状态空间模型

    Firstly, the paper models the multivariable discrete state-space model of the air transmission unit by the lab method, using multi-dimensional inverse m series as input stimulus signal.


  • 根据报文传送延时模型,分析CAN总线的传输延时和MAC访问机制

    According to a message transmission delay model, CAN bus transmission neat delay and MAC access mechanism were analyzed.


  • 模块连接模型通过连接类型连接的传送方式描述,解决了可穿戴计算机模块之间连接和相互作用的问题。

    The modules connection models describe the connection type and the connection transmission pattern, revolving the interconnection between wearable computer hardware modules.


  • 然后古典系统传送过程动态开方模型已经基本上解释

    Then, models of dynamical evolutions of transport processes in classical and quantum systems have been largely explained.


  • 通过分析,从理论上提出一种建立输送管内不可压缩流体动态传送简化模型方法

    A method based on complex frequency domain analysis is presented for the simplification of the partial differential model of non compressible fluid transportation process.


  • 把这个复杂东西建成模型传送出去,然后接受方补充智能细节,还有什么更好办法呢?

    What better way to compress a complication than to model it, mail it, and let the recipient supply the intelligent details?


  • 两种模型页面模型及其原理、页面制作信息(数据)传送方式数据库连接访问技术四个方面进行了对照研究。

    This paper discusses the two Web-page models' models, principles, Web-pages making, transmission methods of information (data) as well as the connection and access technology of database.


  • 模型利用事件通告机制传送双音多频信号,通过SUBSCRIBENOTIFY两个消息来实现交换机SIP终端的完全控制

    This model offers SIP Specific Event Notification to transmit DTMF, and USES SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY to realize the control to IP phone.


  • 文章设计了一种基于双层混合式P 2 P模型协同架构结合本地组的传送结构结构化骨干网结构。

    This paper designs a P2P based hybrid collaborative model, which combines local delivery tree and structured backbone network.


  • 本文宽带光纤传送网分层模型的基础上,提出一种综合应用串行启动并行启动的层间综合自愈策略

    Based on the layering model, this paper proposed an integration self-healing strategy to which the serial and parallel start-up methods are applied.


  • 传送时间由叠代减最小技术申请了于旋转恒定逆风行驶角度景气起重机的一个被模仿模型,当缆绳并且酬载平衡位置附近线性化了。

    The technique was applied to a simulated model of a boom crane slewing at a constant luff Angle while reeling in the cable and linearized around the payload equilibrium position.


  • 并借鉴传送设计了管理信息模型

    By reusing the optical transport network management information model, new ASON network management information model is designed.


  • 资料模型入资料之后通常加入编辑删除部分资料,然后再将资料传回资料来源,或传送其他处理序或应用程序

    After your data model is populated with data, you will typically add, edit, or delete some of the data before sending it back to the data source or to another process or application.


  • 提出传送节点传输模型概念

    The concept of OTN Node Transmission Model is introduced.


  • 通过对著名网络仿真软件OPNET的IC I接口进行数据安全信息传送过程的仿真实现分析和研究,寻找一种可以运用信息安全模型仿真的新方法,从而简化信息安全模型仿真过程中的复杂编程。

    It makes use of the interface ICI of OPNET which is a noted network simulation software to simulate the reality to transmit process of security information of data in the paper.


  • 通过对著名网络仿真软件OPNET的IC I接口进行数据安全信息传送过程的仿真实现分析和研究,寻找一种可以运用信息安全模型仿真的新方法,从而简化信息安全模型仿真过程中的复杂编程。

    It makes use of the interface ICI of OPNET which is a noted network simulation software to simulate the reality to transmit process of security information of data in the paper.


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