• 进而达到这一古老传统经验学说进行探究完善的目的。

    Further more to achieve to explore and perfect the ancient traditional experience theory.


  • 传统经验相比,模型考虑因素计算结果更符合实际,精度较高

    The comparison of the calculation results shows that the accuracy of the proposed model is higher than the traditional empirical method.


  • 方法避免了传统经验设计方法缺陷容易实现系统内各部件最优匹配

    The method avoids the defect of traditional design method using experience, easy to realize optimum match between system component parts.


  • 目的对比观察目标指导下脓毒性休克治疗传统经验治疗患者预后影响

    Objective To investigate the efficacy and effect on outcome of goal-directed therapy in patients with septic shock compared with conventional therapy.


  • 传统现代结合理想模式自然传统经验思维与现代科学思维有机结合

    Traditional and modern ideal mode that combines together is the traditional experience thinking and the organic integration of modern science thinking naturally.


  • 针对传统经验无法满足航天技术日益提高需求问题,研究导管数字化制造技术

    Since the traditional tube bending method can't meet the timing demand of aviation technology, a tube digital manufacturing method was put forward.


  • 较之传统经验方法模型能够有效定量预测新建公共建筑交通影响分析中的交通产生量。

    Compared with conventional empirical methods, this model can effectively and quantitatively forecast the potential traffic demand of newly built public buildings in traffic impact analysis.


  • 作为一名草根站长知道曾几何时数据硝烟弥漫,杀人无形传统经验受用了。

    As a grass-roots webmaster don't know there was a time when big data is of smoke, kill people in the invisible, traditional experience is not useful.


  • 由于缺乏相关理论指导导致复合桥面铺装目前应用停留传统经验之上出现大量病害

    As the lack of theoretical guidance, leading to the current application of composite bridge deck has also remain above the traditional experience, coming up with a large number of diseases.


  • 结果:探索时间温度方面的客观可控指标其进行评价分析,结果传统经验判断一致

    Results: Through analyzing and estimating the time, temperature and other objective targets, the result was the same with traditional experience.


  • 而且即便像是微软这样的公司也曾告诉我们说,密码的长度应当大于14个字符——传统经验肯定正确的,吧?

    And, as even Microsoft tell us that passwords should be 14 or more characters, conventional wisdom must be right, right?


  • 长期以来燃烧炉多是依靠传统经验模型进行设计充分考虑反应动力学流体动力学燃烧影响

    Over the years, the design methods of burner rely on traditional empirical model, which did not fully add the effect of reaction kinetics and fluid dynamics to the combustion field.


  • 支持向量机是以统计学习理论基础的,采用结构风险最小化原则代替传统经验风险最小化原则的新型统计学习方法

    It is a new statistical study method in which the traditional empirical risk minimization principle is replaced by structural risk minimization principle.


  • 为了提高钢锭锻压比,借鉴钢锭设计传统经验原有钢锭模结构进行重新设计,尝试优化钢锭模结构来改善钢锭的整体质量

    Traditional experiments of ingot mould design is drawn on . The existing ingot mould structure has been redesigned and optimized to raise forging rate and improve quality of ingot.


  • 以调整传统经验为基础,编制了控制软件,最终采用计算机对流环压进行实时监控,实现岩心流动试验装置压力系统的自动控制。

    Accordingly, real time flowing pressure and confining pressure in the core flooding test apparatus can be monitored and controlled automatically by computer and software.


  • 阶级组织经验丰富员工组成团队时,他们已经习惯于传统组织文化合作可能不会自然地发生

    When teams consist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations, who have been conditioned to traditional organizational culture, cooperation may not occur naturally.


  • 如果他们相关技术经验那么可能关于使用传统文档驱动以代码为中心工作方式项目

    If they have any relevant technical experience at all, it is most likely on projects that used traditional document-driven and code-centric ways of working.


  • 根据经验前例中的传统项目外观仍然普遍的,是我们今天见到一半以上项目的特征

    From my experience, the conventional profile in the illustration is still the norm and is characteristic of more than half the projects we see today.


  • 组织应用重用经验而言,发现采用这个方法处理传统重用阻碍因素(前面所述那些因素)非常有效

    In my experience with applying reuse engineering to an organization, I found it to be very effective in addressing traditional reuse inhibitors, such as those described earlier.


  • 经验使适合记录传统产品管理过渡敏捷产品管理最佳实践陷阱

    Her experience makes her a perfect candidate to document the best practices and pitfalls to transition from traditional to agile product management.


  • 传统治疗师患者及其家人之外关键合作伙伴有助于理解心理学经验获得社会支持结构

    Traditional healers were the key partner beyond the patients and their families in gaining an understanding of the psychological experience and access to social support structures.


  • 我们来探讨一些经验教训,真希望我从传统产品经理转变敏捷产品经理时,我已经了解到这些

    Let's explore some of the lessons-learned I wish I would have known when I started my transition from traditional to an agile product manager.


  • 乔布斯扎克伯格尝试传统媒体大亨一样这么微调产品各个方面,提供更多设计好的有指导方向改进过经验

    Jobs and Zuckerberg are trying to do this like old-media moguls, fine-tuning all aspects of their product, providing a more designed, directed, and polished experience.


  • 根据传统经济学经验垄断者不惜重金搞科研

    Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research.


  • 要避免过多废话不过从另一方面来看,尽管传统观点认为,简历所有内容都必须浓缩到页纸里,不过你可以忘记一点。哈里斯指出:“简历长度应该与你的专业经验年限相关。”

    Avoid excess verbiage, but forget the conventional wisdom that all resumes must be one page affairs, Harris adds: "resume length should correlate to your years of professional experience."


  • 小企业必需注意搜索传统销售影响以及在线搜索购物店中经验

    Small businesses must pay attention to the influence of search on brick and mortar sales as well as the influence of the in-store experience on searching and purchasing online.


  • 过去传统的购物经验拥有制作相机传统厂商,如尼康佳能奥林巴斯宾得,能够生产最好数码相机。

    In the past, the conventional wisdom was that manufacturers with a traditional photographic lineage (Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax etc.) made the best digital cameras.


  • 然而尽管传统医生通常愿意其他卫生工作者学习经验表明建立成功合作不是一件容易的事情。

    Yet although traditional healers are generally eager to learn from other health workers, experience has shown it is not easy to establish successful collaboration.17


  • 然而尽管传统医生通常愿意其他卫生工作者学习经验表明建立成功合作不是一件容易的事情。

    Yet although traditional healers are generally eager to learn from other health workers, experience has shown it is not easy to establish successful collaboration.17


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