• 为了全国青少年传播这种意识好事基金会1月23发起了一次“保持动力峰会

    In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation sponsored a Keep The Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd.


  • 根据上周五国会通过的一项新法律,制造传播电脑病毒、或发送垃圾邮件将面临法律制裁。

    and spam emails was passed in Japanese parliament last Friday.


  • 或许某些人会大胆地期待有朝一这些观点中国的文人雅士传播

    Some may dare to hope that such views will, one day, be allowed to be aired in polite company in China.


  • 2006年8月24—二十五年前洛杉矶出现人类首例艾滋病毒感染者二十五年后,艾滋病毒艾滋病继续传播也没有艾滋病疫苗

    August 24, 2006-the first case of the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was detected 25 years ago in Los Angeles. Yet HIV and AIDS are spreading and there is still no vaccine available.


  • 甚至11月16星期三,当这位94经济学家去世时候努力传播自由市场思想,但,是通过美国公共电视台纪录片方式。

    At the time of his death on Thursday November 16th, the 94-year-old economist was still working to spread his ideas about free markets, this time through a documentary for American public television.


  • 疫情继续埃尔比勒传播,2007年9110期间,该省报告了11,641腹泻病病例,但没有死亡

    The outbreak continues to spread into Erbil province, where, between 1 and 10 September 2007, 11,641 cases of diarrhoeal disease with no deaths were reported.


  • 但是发表三月分子生物学》杂志上的篇报导[文章发布时它还没有放在网上]称,蚊子并不需要中间的传播

    But a report published March 2nd in the journal Molecular Ecology [not available online as this episode was posted] says mosquitoes didn't need a middleman.


  • 2月18报告印度发生疾病最近病毒野生鸟类家禽迅速地理传播一部分

    The occurrence of the disease in India, reported on 18 February, is part of a recent pattern of rapid geographical spread of the virus in wild and domestic birds.


  • 2006年6月1罗马-迁徙野鸟对于高致病性禽流感病毒的远距离传播起到了一定的作用继续病毒蔓延的个原因。

    June 2006, Rome - Migrating wild birds have played and will likely continue to play a role in transporting highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus, or bird flu, over long distances.


  • 英国医学杂志》2008年124网上发布一项研究表明,快乐幸福以病毒形式迅速社交圈传播

    A study published online December 4th in the British Medical Journal says happiness can quickly go viral within your social network.


  • 另外项研究中,PublicisGroupe旗下的媒体空间购买公司实力传播(ZenithOptimedia)107预计,包括在内亚洲市场明年广告支出增幅仅有5.2%,低于今年的6.6%。

    In a separate analysis, Publicis Groupe media-buying firm ZenithOptimedia predicted Oct. 7 that AD spending growth in Asia, including Japan, would slow to 5.2% next year, down from 6.6% this year.


  • 2008年6月18-利亚北部目前受到暴发野生1脊髓灰质炎病毒(WPV1)影响,此病毒开始在国际上传播

    June 2008 - Northern Nigeria is currently affected by a new outbreak of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1), which has begun to spread internationally.


  • 但是发表于3月2分子生物期刊上的报告则认为,蚊子传播病毒给人类并不需要一个中介人

    But a report published March 2nd in the journal Molecular Ecology says mosquitoes didn't need a middleman.


  • 改变光的传播路径这项技术关键所在,使人类有朝一制造隐形装置就是掩盖物体存在的装置

    The way in which it can propagate, which is the key element to one day, hopefully, be able to fabricate invisibility device, so devices that can conceal an object.


  • 如果第一个全隐形档案传播设计损害碟假设流逝任何九月22之后

    It was the first full-stealth file infector, designed to damage the hard drive if run on or after September 22 of any year.


  • 事发生三月份这个故事格里森女士联系苹果公司,苹果公司通知澳大利亚媒体《7消息之后现已展开病毒式地传播

    It happened in March but the story has now gone viral after Ms Gleeson contacted Apple, who alerted Australian news outlet 7 News.


  • 宇宙线恒星变化紧密联系于宇宙线的起源、其传播途径性质,以及宇宙线加速机制宇宙线物理基本重大问题

    The sidereal diurnal variation of cosmic ray ties up with the most basic and important problem in cosmic ray physics such as the origin, propagation and the acceleration mechanisms of cosmic ray.


  • 相当于几百万感冒流感的人数。打着喷嚏咳嗽美国人渡过一个工作的同时把细菌传播了别人。

    That translates to millions of cold- and flu-ridden Americans sneezing and coughing their way through the workday, spreading germs in their wake.


  • 值此世界艾滋病我们重申致力于制订一项国内优先防治这种肆意传播的疾病所必需全国防治艾滋病战略

    On World AIDS Day, we rededicate ourselves to developing a national AIDS strategy that will establish the priorities necessary to combat this devastating epidemic at home.


  • 值此世界艾滋病我们重申致力于制订一项国内优先防治这种肆意传播的疾病所必需全国防治艾滋病战略

    On World AIDS Day, we rededicate ourselves to developing a national AIDS strategy that will establish the priorities necessary to combat this devastating epidemic at home.


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