• 应该调查病毒在动物之间传播可能性

    The possibility of animal-to-animal transmission has to be investigated.


  • 最近经验表明根源上处理公共卫生威胁减少国际传播可能性有效方法

    Recent experience shows that addressing public health threats at their source is the most effective way to reduce their potential to spread internationally.


  • 但是传播禽流感任何活动增加出现一种大流行病毒可能性

    However, any activity that spreads avian influenza increases the possibility of the emergence of a pandemic virus.


  • 两亿只禽鸟病毒直接造成死亡作为第一线防御杀,以便遏制疫情减少传播可能性

    Two hundred million birds have been killed directly by the virus or culled as the first line of defence to contain outbreaks and reduce the possibility of transmission to humans.


  • 应该有助于了解有多少病例,有助于了解病毒传播速度保持这种速度的可能性

    That should show how many cases there may have been, how readily the virus spreads, and how likely it is to maintain transmission.


  • 但是他们补充道不能排除如下可能性这种毒株产生于黑猩猩身上,然后传播大猩猩然后传给了人类或者黑猩猩直接传播给了大猩猩以及人类。

    But they added they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain arose in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans.


  • 许多用户由于偷懒不小心而使系统保持连续在线,因而导致消耗大量电力资源并且恶意传播提供了更多可能性

    Many users leave their systems online continuously through laziness or ignorance, resulting in a significant source of power consumption, as well as an additional vector for malware propagation.


  • 疫区自然传播黄热病病毒可能导致这些危险性差异GACVS认为,对这种可能性研究非常重要。

    GACVS considered that it would be important to examine the possibility that naturally circulating yellow fever virus in endemic regions may account for some of these differences in risk.


  • 病毒北卡罗来纳州的牛顿·格罗夫母猪传播,并导致母猪流产随后病毒传到了德克·斯、爱荷华明尼苏达州,引起了流行病学专家对这种新病毒的关注,警告人类中爆发的可能性

    It spread among pregnant sows in Newton Grove, N.C., causing them to abort their litters, and then to swine in Texas, Iowa and.


  • 叮外,鸟类可以通过多种途径感染,但不同物种维持传播循环方面可能性各不相同

    Birds can be infected by a variety of routes other than mosquito bites, and different species may have different potential for maintaining the transmission cycle.


  • 通过清洁消毒过程中已经被喷洒喷淋的水蒸汽灭菌器液滴传播途径可能性不能追查线索。

    The possibility that protozoa are spread by means of droplets formed by the aerosolization of water that is sprayed or splashed during cleaning and disinfection processes cannot be excluded.


  • 这种广泛传播可能性使得程序员宁可花费更多时间微软苹果操作系统程序

    The potential for such wide distribution persuaded developers to spend more time writing software for Microsoft's operating system than for Apple's.


  • HIV病毒不仅通过血液传播而且通过组织细胞传播感染可能性100%。

    The HIV virus not only infects through blood, but also through tissues and cells, the chances of infection are 100 percent.


  • 世界卫生组织警告说本次疫情爆发“全世界大范围传播可能性”,建议各国加强监督准备工作,以防止病情迅速蔓延。

    The World Health Organisation warned the outbreak had "pandemic potential" and countries were advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly.


  • 早期研究提出了这种可能性但是没有人际网络实际疾病传播模型联系在一起。

    Earlier studies raised the possibility, but had not mapped social networks against actual disease models.


  • 倘若成员实际上冒被开除的风险的话传染传播葡萄牙塞浦路斯其他脆弱国家可能性会增大——就算不是这次危机中,也会在下次危机中。

    If, in fact, its members risk ejection, then contagion will be more likely to spread to other vulnerable economies, such as Portugal and Cyprusif not in this crisis, then in the next.


  • 同时不少冬天喜欢马桶上套绒布垫圈这样容易吸附滞留排泄污染物传播疾病可能性更大。

    In the meantime, many people in the toilet last winter like a flannelette gasket, so that it can easily adsorption, retention discharge pollutants, more likely to spread the disease.


  • 就是微型住宅提供一种可能性这个建筑概念正在全球范围迅猛传播

    This is just one of the possibilities offered by "micro housing," an architectural concept that is gaining momentum around the world.


  • 越来越昆虫导致了越来越多的叮咬,也导致了传播更多疾病可能性

    More insects generate more bites and a greater likelihood for the spread of disease.


  • 因此本文通过对品牌信息传播过程研究,旨在寻找规律性寻求建立品牌信息传播模型可能性途径

    So this research analyses the process of brand information communication, in order to find the rules, and explore the probability and way of establishing a model of brand information communication.


  • 目的探讨煤烟污染型氟中毒健康教育干预可能性传播策略

    Objective To explore the possibility and propagation tactics of intervention of health education for endemic fluorosis caused by domestic coal - burning pollution.


  • 虽然任何中立变异随机传播可能性很小每一个体产生大量变异却使基因漂变具备显著力量

    Although the likelihood of any neutral mutation spreading by chance is tiny, the enormous number of mutations in each generation makes genetic drift a significant force.


  • 患者感染HSV - 1(一种引起疱疹疱疹病毒)并不增加减少传播HSV - 2的可能性

    Infection with HSV-1, the herpes virus that causes cold sores, does not make a person shed HSV-2 more or less often.


  • 患者感染HSV - 1(一种引起疱疹疱疹病毒)并不增加减少传播HSV - 2的可能性

    Infection with HSV-1, the herpes virus that causes cold sores, does not make a person shed HSV-2 more or less often.


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