• 出售靴子政策办事处执行得有所不同要求复制离婚记录时候,它们告诉你还需要什么

    The policies that need to uggs on sale be followed differ between record offices but they will let you know what is to be done when you request the divorce record copy.


  • 日本国家环境问题研究所岛道雄,花费年时间研究湄公河鱼类他说没有真正知道单单个沙耶里大坝产生什么样的影响

    Michio Fukushima, of the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan, who has spent five years studying the Mekong’s fish, says no one really knows the impact Xayaburi alone would have.


  • 拥有一间干净浴室不仅更加健康,你的浴室更加美观。

    Having a clean bathroom creates a healthier environment and is much more pleasant to look at.


  • 然而,工作废除该项条款带来混乱,也带来同事纠分

    Unions, however, said abolishing the code would produce "chaos", and "strife" between colleagues.


  • 1951年,名列筹建国际科学理事专家委员之中,在1952年至1961年间担任其首任秘书长。

    In 1951, he sat on the committee of experts convened to set up the International Social Science Council, of which he was the first Secretary-General, from 1952 to 1961.


  • 例如dll装载在各自的地址空间,因此dll留下内存空隙。另外,重新分配虚拟内存间留下空隙

    For example, DLL's have preferred loading addresses so gaps are left between them, and virtual allocations that have been de-allocated will also leave gaps.


  • 不管怎样美国目前所面临一些问题需要另外2- 5年时间修复——如果困难时期久拖未决的情况下,投资者日本经历中吸取一些教训

    Nevertheless, some of the problems the U.S. faces now could take another two to five years to fix - and investors could learn a thing or two from the Japanese experience if hard times drag on.


  • 但是,突然间,邪恶精灵一样Facebook看到好友的照片他们如何想念你”的信息

    But, in a stroke of evil genius, Facebook then confronts you with pictures of your friends and messages saying how much they will 'miss you'.


  • 法国互联董事董事成员组成部分重叠)随处可见。

    In France, for instance, interlocking board memberships are common.


  • 父母怀念年轻时光,自己孩子间的代沟而伤心不已,当孩子外面世界,并最终循环他们曾经的路时,父母也开心

    Parents can be filled with nostalgia for their own youth, sadness at the distance from their offspring, but happiness that they are going out into the world, eventually to reproduce the cycle.


  • 一棵树去磨斧头即使一点时间,砍伐速度效率提高很多但是更少时间减少一棵树上的时间。

    Even though sharpening the axe before chopping down a tree takes you sometime, the speed and efficiency of it will be improved a lot, and you will spend less time cutting down the same tree.


  • 通过一次很好的同一寝室学生很快了解彼此这样能够带来室友的互相理解

    Through a good bedtime chat, students in the same dorm would soon earn about each other's likes and dislikes, which can result in a better understanding among roommates.


  • 我们到了33岁,我们努力父母祖父母相处,愿意积极化解和家人朋友间的积怨

    When we reach 33, we are also more likely to make an effort with parents and grandparents and take a positive attitude towards ending feuds with family or friends.


  • 多项任务同时进行可能影响我们与他人之间的关系如果有人检查他们电子邮件同时朋友通电话他们可能无意间挂断电话

    Multitasking can also affect our relationships. If someone checks their email while on the phone with a friend, they may come off as absentminded or disinterested.


  • 夜里或者白天阴暗房间里强烈恐惧疑虑也许袭上心头。但是一旦到了阳光下一时间恐怕死亡恐惧忘记的。

    In the night, or the gloomy Chambers of the day, fears and misgivings wax strong, but out in the sunlight there is, for a time, cessation even of the terror of death.


  • 有时这个不合时宜地从嘴里冒出来,因为我看看自己是否歪打正着突然间明白这句话意义

    Sometimes I said the words out of con-text to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me.


  • 距离2012伦敦奥林匹克运动不到年时间,这次抢劫事件世界展示了伦敦丑陋一面位运动官员希望能够展示城市好的方面。

    The looting also showed the world an ugly side of London less than a year before it hosts the 2012 Olympic Games, an event officials hope will serve as a showcase for the city.


  • 此后小组委员职务便通过非正式机构间机制常设小组委员继续下去

    Since then, the functions of the former subcommittee have continued through an informal inter-agency mechanism rather than under a standing subcommittee.


  • 耶路撒冷人民进入巴比伦流放时期持续50年时间他们先知耶利米安慰中得到慰藉,先知也告诉他们再次归来

    Taking solace from the consolation offered by the prophet Jeremiah, who told them that they would return, the people of Jerusalem were led into a Babylonian exile which would last for 50 years.


  • 非常享受大学教书生活但是不觉间过巡回的生活——不时举办独创钢琴音乐开发直觉研讨

    After teaching college for about six years and enjoying it immensely, I felt guided to take up an itinerant lifestyle giving concerts of original piano music and seminars on developing intuition.


  • 蜜蜂接近花卉时产生电荷间的相互作用,蜜蜂感觉到

    As a bee gets close to a flower, there is an electric interaction, and the bee can feel it.


  • 下颚牙齿咬合不正磨损牙齿造成咀嚼问题此外造成外表美观问题

    Misalignment of teeth between the upper and lower jaws can grind down the teeth and cause problems in chewing. Elsewhere, it is a cosmetic problem.


  • 定时偏差导致码间干扰频率偏差破坏载波正交性引起子载波间干扰,从而使系统整体性能急剧下降

    Timing offset causes inter-symbol interference, and frequency offset would destroy the orthogonality between subcarriers, causing ICI, which lead to a sharp decline in overall system performance.


  • 它们想法遭到广播商无线话筒制造商反对这些人害怕设备间相互干扰

    The idea is opposed by broadcasters and makers of wireless microphones, who fear the devices would cause interference.


  • 它们想法遭到广播商无线话筒制造商反对这些人害怕设备间相互干扰

    The idea is opposed by broadcasters and makers of wireless microphones, who fear the devices would cause interference.


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