• 其中会议中,发现了个人偏见。”回忆

    "Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias," he recalls.


  • 韩国国际展览中心位于京畿一个会议展览中心。

    Kintex is a convention and exhibition center located in Gyeonggi Province.


  • 这样做实际情况是,特瓦芮与其借款国团队市场十字路口举行公开会议

    The reality of that meant Tewari, with her client teams, staging open meetings in markets and at street cross roads.


  • 沃氏只是会议期间轻率之过一次歉。

    Mr Wolfowitz apologised for his indiscretion only once during the meetings.


  • 专家组及其下属各工作小组成员姓名所属单位连同会议报告专家提交利益申报表公布在世卫组织网站上。

    The names and affiliations of members of SAGE and of SAGE working groups are published on the WHO web site, together with meeting reports and declarations of interest submitted by the experts.


  • 博比特-Zeher今天美国社会学协会会议报告兄弟姐妹数量并未对此任何影响更不用说兄弟姐妹的性别

    The number of siblings they had made no difference, Bobbitt-Zeher reported today at a meeting of the American Sociological Association. Neither did the gender of their siblings.


  • 哲学博士学者Taemie Kim一Pentland开始应用这些发现使得分散式会议更多的社会信号

    Working with PhD student Taemie Kim, Pentland has begun to use some of these findings in a device to improve social signalling in distributed meetings.


  • 每天都可能一些微不足变化(如更改会议日期)发生,甚至是发生重大变革(公司被出售)。有时候,甚至看起来微不足微小变化都会对计划产生严重冲击

    And sometimes, even a seemingly minor change of plan can have a frustratingly huge impact.


  • 美国以色列退出了那次会议因为美国认为会议文件有关以色列犹太复国主义的措辞是反犹太人的。

    The United States joined Israel in walking out of that meeting because of document language about Israel and Zionism that U.S. officials considered anti-Semitic.


  • 粮农组织通过国际伙伴一组织国际会议来促进全球一级林业教育讨论

    FAO also promotes discussion on forestry education at the global level through the organization of international meetings, together with international partners.


  • 事实上补充很多英语召开商业会议没有英语母语人士在场似乎运作得更加平稳

    Indeed, he adds, many business meetings held in English appear to run more smoothly when there are no native English-speakers present.


  • 出席首脑会议185个国家领导人称世界饥饿为不可接受无法忍受”的,迪乌夫博士回忆

    The leaders of the 185 countries who took part in the Summit termed world hunger "unacceptable and intolerable," Dr Diouf recalled.


  • 中国代表团全力支持工作成员国推动本届会议完成既定的目标

    The Chinese delegation will fully support your work and cooperate with other Member States towards the fulfillment of the goals set by this Assembly.


  • 双方共同其他国家未来几周内为哥本哈根会议的成功努力

    The two sides are committed to working together and with othercountries in the weeks ahead for a successful outcome at Copenhagen.


  • 至少多数会议员看来,通过引入策略避免危机倒不算太晚,一位党派不少国会议参议员稍后透露

    Yet it is not too late, in the eyes of many congressmen at least, to introduce elaborate new schemes to avert calamity. A bipartisan group of senators unveiled one shortly before the president spoke.


  • 重新评估。项目小组关键干系人进行全面头脑风暴会议来重新评估整个WBS

    Re-evaluate the entire WBS after a thorough brainstorming session with the project team and key stakeholders.


  • 这次会议之后,很有希望用不着逃离这里赶着上吊或者”,主持这次会议最后阶段尼尔讽刺

    "Hopefully at the end of this session you won't be running out of here ready to hang yourself or slit your wrists," quipped Neal, who led the final session.


  • 目前中双方论坛其他成员国,抓紧推进会议各项筹备工作

    At present, Egypt and China are working with other members of the forum to make good preparation for the event.


  • 也许地球试图告诉我们什么,”麦圭尔补充是“气候导致地质危害”(ClimateForcingof Geological Hazards)会议组织者之一,该会议由伦敦大学学院主办,915日开幕。

    "Maybe the Earth is trying to tell us something," added McGuire, who is one of the organisers of UCL's Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards conference, which will open on 15 September.


  • 1777年6月14日第二届制宪会议(Second Constitutional Congress)决定采用十三条纹十三颗星星旗帜代表美国颗星代表创始殖民地

    On June 14, 1777, the Second Constitutional Congress adopted a flag with thirteen stripes and thirteen stars to represent our Nation, one star for each of our founding colonies.


  • 纽约自由派会议安东尼·维纳(Anthony Weiner)雀跃:“雷德够得上15张票!”

    Anthony Weiner, a liberal Congressman from New York, gushes that "Reid was worth 15 votes!"


  • G7财长2月6日的会议正确总结现在收回刺激政策为时过早

    At their gathering on February 6th, the G7’s finance ministers concluded, rightly, that it was too early to begin withdrawing stimulus.


  • 尽管本周对话结果并不引人注目,但一位高级财政官员辩解必须召开这样会议

    Unspectacular though the fruits of this week's dialogue were, a senior Treasury official defends the need for such meetings.


  • 美国以色列退出了那次会议因为美国认为会议文件有关以色列犹太复国主义的措辞是反犹太人的。

    The United States joined Israel in walking out of that meeting because of document language about Israel and Zionism that U. S. officials considered anti-Semitic.


  • 补充那些错过一部分陈述的人可以在之后回顾会议内容、问题避免信息遗漏

    Those who have missed a portion of the presentation can then review and ask questions to avoid information lapses, he adds.


  • 拉宾先生会议开始就提出了自己问题的时候,预先计划破产了。先生回忆:“相当尴尬。”

    The plan went awry, he said, when Mr. Rabin began the session by posing a question of his own. No one answered. "It was very embarrassing, " Mr. Ni recalled.


  • 与此同时会议的目的消化肿瘤社区横跨加拿大西部教育交流机会

    At the same time, the conference is intended to provide educational and networking opportunities for the gastrointestinal oncology community across Western Canada.


  • 与此同时会议的目的消化肿瘤社区横跨加拿大西部教育交流机会

    At the same time, the conference is intended to provide educational and networking opportunities for the gastrointestinal oncology community across Western Canada.


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