• 具有装饰艺术特色的精致雕塑,体现广场会所空间品质和档次感。

    The Art Deco-style delicate sculpture indicates the fine quality and valued sense of the plaza and the clubhouse space.


  • 私密性尊贵性兼容华贵底蕴共存纯熟设计手法诠释深圳娱乐会所空间

    Privacy is compatible with the dignity, luxury and culture coexist, in order to design skilled interpretation of Shenzhen entertainment space.


  • 基地位置处于花山古城公园东北角北侧可见基地内部,环境纷杂,不利于会所空间私密性

    The location in the northeast of Huashan Gucheng Park can hardly be taken as a private space for it can be viewed from both the south and the north and has a noisy and crowded outer environment.


  • 外加旗袍国画等中国元素趣味混搭以及墨绿色系的华丽渲染,将私人会所空间经典奢华的气息推向极致!

    Plus a cheongsam, painting China elements of interest to mix, and gorgeous rendering ink green, the club Space classic luxury to the extreme!


  • 哈莱姆会所机器衰落,为布鲁克林皇后区的一些小团体制造空间

    The decline of the old Harlem machine is creating a vacuum which other minority groups from Brooklyn and Queens can fill.


  • 会所提供商务会议空间有娱乐健身设施功能同时也是销售办公室

    The Clubhouse will serve a number of functions including business and meeting spaces, recreation and fitness facilities, as well as a sales office.


  • 平面配置会所轴线序列空间分为玄关书房餐厅三进空间

    Look from the flat configuration is axis sequence space, divided into the porch, study and restaurant SanJin space.


  • 酒窖安装空调面积总计30平方米左右会所酒窖发热设备,温湿度控制空间节能有较高要求。

    The total area is of about 30 square meters for the club, and there is no heating source, and it requires the temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving features.


  • 杰出工程师设计所谓的“作为伦敦泰晤士隧道入口但是现在空间现在转化成了地下表演会所

    The so-called "sinking shaft" was designed by the eminent engineer as an entrance to London's Thames Tunnel, but the space has now been transformed into an underground performance venue.


  • 针对会所酒窖场所空调解决方案由于会所明显发热设备,且对温湿度控制空间节能较高要求

    The solution of wine cellar for a club is equipped with higher requirements for temperature and humidity control, space, and energy saving because of the no heating in the room.


  • 这个空间大型设计不会干扰家庭隐私

    It is a space designed for big gatherings without interfering with the home privacy.


  • 包括别墅酒店售楼样板间、高级会所展场公共商业空间设计

    Including villas, hotels, sales department and the model, the senior clubs, exhibition and other public commercial space design.


  • 书院会所主要空间为:酒吧雪茄客厅健身房、按摩房、桌球房、KTV、影视厅、茶室书画书房

    College Club, the main space: red bars, cigar bar, living room, gym, massage room, billiard room, KTV, TV room, tea room, and rooms, painting the study and so on.


  • 会所洗手间尝试水泥粗糙质感诠释诗般的情境石材铁件组合产生一种超现实空间

    Club restroom try to use the rough texture of cement to explain the situation like a poem, with the combination of stone and iron to produce a surreal space.


  • 船上另一处优质空间就是海滩会所

    Another prime onboard space is the beach club.


  • 我们幽雅环境秉承家庭式服务打造私人空间专业技师贴心保健按摩会所带给男性魅力健康

    We elegant environment, adhering to the family of services, to create your private space, professional technicians, intimate massage clubs, men's charm and bring you health!


  • 设计项目涵盖别墅豪宅样板房会所商业空间

    Design projects including: villa, luxury, model room, clubhouse, and commercial space.


  • 空间应用:适用于商场广场机场地铁酒店会所博物馆大型工程

    Space Application: shopping malls, plazas, airports, subways, hotels, clubs, museums and other large projects.


  • 学习及工作经历:设计:办公楼,宾馆酒店,餐饮空间休闲会所豪华别墅

    Specialize in Public space adornment design:office, hotel, recreation, Leisure Club , Luxury villas etc.


  • 会所景观设计充分考虑了室内空间特点风格

    The landscape design of the club has fully taken the character and style of the indoor space into consideration.


  • 会所特定人群服务,是为了这些特定人群能够特定空间中得到享受满足

    Clubhouse serves a particular group of people so that they can obtain enjoyment and satisfaction in a particular space.


  • 重点部位大堂方案巧妙利用过渡空间烘托会所气氛豁然开朗,别有洞天惊喜

    The key parts such as lobby scheme, was ingeniousness used of transition space to effect club atmosphere. It gives a person the feeling of suddenly enlightened and surprised by a different world.


  • 产品广泛用于个人艺术空间高档商业会所高级酒店餐厅咖啡厅茶楼、高档KTV以及样板房工程等

    The products are widely used in personal art space , high-grade commercial clubs, high-grade hotels, high-grade restaurants, cafes, high-grade KTV and the show house projects.


  • 飘零汇聚了行业优秀的人才,服务商业店铺公共空间酒店会所住宅装修领域交钥匙工程成功经历

    Fresh-start brought together the best people the industry has been serving the commercial shops, public spaces, hotels, clubs, the field of turnkey projects of residential fitting-out success stories!


  • 中建沃森空间室内设计前身为上海华德利装饰设计,业务专长酒店会所写字楼影城示范单位室内设计。

    The predecessor of "Awesome Space Design" was "Shanghai Headline Decoration Design", we specialized in hotel, club, office, cinema, model house and other commercial complex interior design.


  • 因此我们设计重塑镂空上限薄竹交织委员会所空间墙壁延伸天花板

    Hence, our design wants to reshape the space with a large hollowed-out ceiling which is made from interweaved thin bamboo boards; and extending from the wall to the ceiling.


  • 过往项目及住宅别墅、酒店餐厅酒吧会所专卖商铺领域办公空间

    The previous projects are including villas, hotels, restaurants, bars, Chambers, exclusive stores, and offices of different areas.


  • 本文介绍了北京高尔夫会所庭院设计,探讨如何在一个微尺度中,通过现代设计手法,营造宜人的空间

    This paper presents a design for a small courtyard of a golf club, about its challenges and problems. Andmodern design techniques to solves these problems to make a friendly and aesthetic space.


  • 本文介绍了北京高尔夫会所庭院设计,探讨如何在一个微尺度中,通过现代设计手法,营造宜人的空间

    This paper presents a design for a small courtyard of a golf club, about its challenges and problems. Andmodern design techniques to solves these problems to make a friendly and aesthetic space.


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