• 可以优化重要页面元素包括标题图形图片命令按钮结构布局

    Important page elements that can be optimized include headlines, graphics, images, command buttons, structure and layout.


  • 由于可用图形内存通常通用内存有限,所以已经呈现过程进行了优化图形内存的使用控制在最小

    As available graphics memory is usually far more limited than general memory, the rendering process has been optimized to keep the use of graphics memory to a minimum.


  • 保存屏幕截图最佳格式jpggif因为它们针对高对比度图形(例如应用程序界面)进行优化

    The best formats for saving your screen captures are JPG or GIF, since they are optimized for high-contrast graphics, such as application interfaces.


  • VisualExplain工具提供了一个sql语句图形视图这样可以分析查询优化它们性能

    The Visual Explain tool provides a graphic view of your SQL statements so that you can analyze your queries and tune them for better performance.


  • 不能优化具有绘图类型格式矢量图形向量图形使用几何公式图形对象表示形式线条弧形正方形

    You cannot optimize pictures that have a drawing type of format vector graphics vector graphics: The representation of graphic objects such as lines, arcs, and squares by using geometrical formulas.


  • 本文给出计算机屏幕绘制平面图形,提高绘制效果的优化方法

    In this paper, we gave the optimization method when drawing the plane graph on the computer screen.


  • 数据库图形建立液压集成自动优化设计提供了有力支持。

    The establishment of database and the graphics library provides great support for the automatically optimized design of hydraulic manifold block.


  • 基于界面图形化方式,提出扩充临界比例基础直流输电系统PID控制器参数优化方法

    Using interface graphic scheme, this paper presents the parameter optimization method for DC transmission PID controller based on expanding critical ratio method.


  • 然后针对面向工程项目型制造企业板材下系统涉及优化下料、图形处理、系统集成关键技术进行了较深入研究

    Then, this paper deeply studies the key technology of the cutting stock system for Project Manufacture Enterprises: optimized cutting stock, graph disposal and system integration, etc.


  • 全面优化视网膜图形显示

    Graphics fully optimized for retina display.


  • 一些图形修复顶点缓存性能改进画面清晰优化

    Some graphical fixes, a vertex cache performance improvement and a screen clear optimization.


  • 为了实现机械制造企业当中资源优化本文需要利用绘图仪进行图形数据处理的过程进行了分析。

    In order to optimize the resources in the manufacturing enterprise, we need to process the graphic data in the plotting devices.


  • 根据新型并联混合有源滤波系统参数优化流程设计图形用户界面使用户学习操作更为方便

    Furthermore, the graphical user interface is designed based on the parameters optimal process of NPHAPF, which makes users learn and operate more conveniently.


  • 通过对算分析空间GIS为平台,将网络优化问题图形问题无缝地结合配电网规划工作取得了良好效果。

    Through analyzing the example, it is proved that the idea of combing network optimization with graphical problem based on spatial GIS has succeeded in distribution network planning.


  • 基于分布式交互仿真视景仿真系统,对仿真结点图形网络处理能力提出较高要求需要建模算法进行优化

    The visual simulation based on DIS raises a high demand on the graphics and the net processing ability of the simulation nodes, thus optimization in the modeling and choice of algorithms are required.


  • 文章介绍了两种基本图形理论分析了SVG的一系列特点研究了应用SVG优化通信网管图形用户界面。

    This paper introduced two basic graphics theories, then analysed a series of advantages of SVG, finally presented the study on optimization of communication network GUI with SVG technology.


  • 交易者注意到这个好的方法,而且确信通过不断优化技术图形理解可以有效保证利润源源不断

    Traders, noticing this advantage, are certain that by developing the technique of chart reading farther they will so increase its reliability as to assure themselves continued profits.


  • 本文介绍系统实现框架技术流程对实现过程中的场景建模技术交互设计中的图形设计方法以及场景优化技术做了深入阐述。

    This paper gives a whole illustrate in system's structure and the technical implementation process, and details in the modeling technology, interactive graphic design and optimization technology.


  • 该文讨论了后方交会优化最佳几何图形问题文中还给出一种实用简单判定可靠点位方法

    The problems of optimization and optimal geometrical figure of the resection are discussed in the paper, moreover, a practical and simple method for determining the reliable point position is given.


  • 优化设计电极图形可以获得光电转换效率加工质量的一致性

    Optimum design for coranercial cSi solar cell electrode, we can get high photoelectric efficiency and consistent quality in products.


  • 一个基于供应链单元数据图形驱动通用企业资源优化模型系统核心模块

    A general enterprise resource optimization model based on SCU was a core module of the system. The model construction was driven by data and graphic presentation of the system.


  • 文章部分分别论述了管网优化计算、管网图形绘制压线的绘制方法

    The article includes three parts, which discuss networks "optimal design, networks" drawing process, and plot methods of isopiestic line respectively.


  • 研究了基于微电子测试双桥结构图形,功能成品率模型参数提取优化方法

    Then, based on the double bridge test structure, an optimization method is presented which is used to extracting the parameters of yield model fast and effectively.


  • 介绍面向对象图形数据库一般查询方法、图形数据库的查询处理器结构GDQL语言描述以及查询优化等内容。

    It is emphasized that the query plan of object-oriented graphic database, query controller structure of graphic database, language specification of GDQL and query optimization.


  • 阐述了以基础设计原理公用几何模块设计RCS优化设计方法,介绍相关绘图图形显示软件

    The basic principles of the faced method, the common geometric module and RCS optimization are described. The related contour drawing and display program are introduced.


  • 通过优化利用最新DirectX图形性能- 9嘴脸。

    Optimized graphics performance through using the latest DirectX-9 features.


  • 利用MATLAB绘图函数可用图形优化结果

    The optimal results can be obtained the use of MATLAB picture drawing functions.


  • 利用MATLAB绘图函数可用图形优化结果

    The optimal results can be obtained the use of MATLAB picture drawing functions.


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