• 选民们微弱优势选择了戴先生。戴顿承诺提高10%富有的明尼苏达人的税收,从而一定程度实现收支平衡

    Voters opted by a whisker for Mr. Dayton, who had promised to balance the books in part by raising taxes on the richest 10% of Minnesotans.


  • 当今人与人很大程度上平等——面对自然淘汰法则人人机会均等,并且子嗣数目一样——意味着和在印度土著部落中的情况相比,印度中上层阶级丧失了80%的自然选择中的优势

    The grand mediocrity of todayeveryone being the same in survival and number of offspringmeans that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.


  • 大脑科学家这种效应为“不对称优势”,人们倾向选择个与明显更差选项程度较为接近的一个选项。

    Brain scientists call this effect "asymmetric dominance" and it means that people gravitate toward the choice nearest a clearly inferior option.


  • 选择大学,并确信那些机械工厂”的学生优势,因为那里关心是否价值观是否有随机应变的能力

    I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible.


  • 选择大学,并确信那些机械工厂”的学生优势,因为那里关心是否价值观是否有随机应变的能力

    I headed off to college, sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you have values or were flexible.


  • 相比之下,选择制造地点时经常被忽视质量问题往往创造支持竞争优势核心

    In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage.


  • 理性选择,即案例中人们选择劣势策略,反而选择优势策略使结果变得糟糕。

    Rational choice in this case, people are not choosing a dominated strategy but a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that Suck.


  • 所有参与者看到其他人选择颜色某些特定的参与者一个额外的优势:他们其他人看到更多参与者选择颜色

    All participants could see the colour chosen by some of the other people, but certain participants had an extra advantage: the ability to see more of the participants' chosen colours than others.


  • 卖服务有很多优势,但从长远来看,我们需要确保自己做出正确的选择

    There are many advantages of online food delivery services, but we need to make sure that we make the right choices in the long run.


  • 根据优势劣势选择使用一现象

    You have the choice to use the phenomenon to your advantage or disadvantage.


  • 直接处理XML甚至可以算得上一个优势因为与SOAP框架提供选择相比开发人员这种情况下的选择空间大。

    The direct handling of XML can even be an advantage, since it allows developers to choose from a wider range of processing choices than what is offered by the SOAP frameworks.


  • 如果撇开它们高产能上的优势动态语言也许是个万金油,特别对于大规模高性能程序来说,不是最佳选择

    Despite their productivity advantages, dynamic languages may not be the best choices for all applications, particularly for very large code bases and high-performance applications.


  • 能被保存下来是因为自然选择那些有生存优势特点

    It stuck, because natural selection favors new traits that give their owners a survival advantage.


  • 解决方案优势在于提供尽力服务异步服务有保证同步事务复制所有选择

    The advantage of this solution is that it provides everything from asynchronous replication that is not best effort to guaranteed synchronous transactional replication.


  • 最好通过考虑数据库用户主要角色通过考虑尽量长远地发挥XML功能优势选择主要工具

    It is usually best to choose the main tool by considering the primary role of the database user and by taking advantage of its XML capabilities as far as possible.


  • 正确选择能够企业员工提供巨大优势包括系统管理员、开发人员、业务分析员产品经理等

    The right choices can make a huge difference to people throughout your organization, from system administrators and developers to business analysts and product managers.


  • 选择REST技术来实现API原因提供了一些其他分布式技术所无法比拟的优势

    REST was the technology chosen for the API because of several advantages it offers over other distributed technologies.


  • 类网站凭借用户基础企业能力作为自身优势用户选择合适交易

    Playing on the strength of the user base and the ability of the company to select the right deals for the user base.


  • 因此决定选择哪种联接方法时,优化内部扫描平衡排序成本性能优势以便促进决策

    Therefore, when deciding which join method to choose, the optimizer balances the sort cost and the performance benefit for the inner table scan to drive the decision.


  • 创办一家公司初期可以自由选择新的商业模式一点是创业者初期的优势

    Because start-up companies are free to choose or develop a new business model, in this regard start-ups have an advantage over more established firms.


  • 由于具有一段落中概括XML优势,所以大多数情况下都选择它。

    This is mostly selected for the benefits of XML outlined in a previous paragraph.


  • 主权财富基金需要保持姿态,并且避免从事不能胜任业务,也就是说,只能选择自己除了巨大资产负债表以外还有其他优势的那些业务。

    Sovereign funds will need to keep their humility and stay within their circle of competence -- deals where they have an advantage other than their big balance sheets.


  • 重写也自身的优势然而很多情况一种有风险选择并且团队可能永远都不确定产出的情况。

    Rewrite has its advantages however, in most situations it is a riskier option and the teams can never be sure about the outcome. As Joel on Software suggested


  • 大部分程序同时运行Android黑莓手机当然还有苹果手机时,苹果将会失去最大程序选择空间的优势

    If most apps are built to run on Android and BlackBerry phones, as well as iPhones, then Apple would lose the advantage of being able to offer the widest choice of apps.


  • 即便不是立即需要利用所有这些优势可能仍然会考虑选择这种方案,从而使选择能够应对未来扩展

    Even if you don't need all of these advantages right away, you may still want to choose this approach to keep your options open for future extensions.


  • 虽然很多方法编写软件,但是为了交换信息目的我们选择发送消息的方式来加以实现,因为本身就拥有同步异步优势

    Although there are many ways to write software, we chose messaging for this purpose, because it has the advantage of being both synchronous and asynchronous in nature.


  • 现在使用个人优势之一选择活动可能已经最喜欢的活动列表当中了,或者可以考虑新的方式来发挥你的优势

    Now pick an activity that USES one of your signature strengths. It may already be on your favorite activity list, or you may want to think of a new way to use a strength.


  • 在为移动设备优势一个项目时,没有提供选择项目主题选项

    When you optimize a project for mobile devices, the option for selecting a project theme is not provided.


  • 在为移动设备优势一个项目时,没有提供选择项目主题选项

    When you optimize a project for mobile devices, the option for selecting a project theme is not provided.


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