• 然而报告说,南撒哈拉非洲地区可能成为一体化最大受益者因为可以利用技术工资差距优势推动较高速度的持续增长

    However, the report says Sub-Saharan Africa could also potentially gain the most from integration, since it could take advantage of technology and wage gaps to propel higher sustained growth.


  • 这些优势你们承诺本次会议准备文件报告中显而易见。

    These strengths, and your commitments, are readily apparent in the documents and reports prepared for this session.


  • 最低五分位数教育年限的个人自我报告不良健康状况可能性最高的五分位数教育年限的个人的倍(优势比:2.292;95%置信区间:2.165—2.426)。

    Compared with the individuals in the highest quintile of years of schooling, those in the lowest quintile were twice as likely to report poor health (or: 2.292; 95% CI: 2.165-2.426).


  • sar一个优势,它允许捕获日常信息运行关于信息的报告(不用自己撰写本来进行此工作)。

    One advantage that SAR gives you is the ability to capture daily information and to run reports on this information (without writing your own script to do so).


  • 报告主要作者全球新趋势研究团队负责人曼苏尔·戴拉米(MansoorDailami)表示,中国日益增强经济优势促使人民币国际上发挥更大作用

    According to Mansoor Dailami, manager of the Emerging Global Trends team and lead author of the report, China’s increasing economic dominance will lead to a more international role for its currency.


  • 从全球来看教育年限自我报告不良健康状况之间反向关系(优势:0.929;95%置信区间:0.926—0.933)。

    Globally, there was an inverse association between years of schooling and self-rated poor health (odds ratio, or: 0.929; 95% confidence interval, ci: 0.926-0.933).


  • 研究报告表明这个优势转化管理开销水平可用性能够极大地减少成本提高ROI

    These new studies confirm that this appeal translates into low administrative overhead and high levels of availability, which can significantly reduce costs and enhance ROI.


  • 接下来就可以开始使用报告优势改善您的网站内容优化布局

    Next, you can start using the reports to your advantage by improving your site content, optimizing the layout and so on.


  • 补丁文件一个优势在于能够作为电子邮件消息附件或者bug报告进行提交

    An advantage of a patch file is that it can be submitted as an attachment to an E-mail message or bug report.


  • 如果优势从事分析工作,那么你一定一些研究一个报告然后呈送上楼

    If your strength is analysis, make sure you do some sort of research, make a report and send it upstairs.


  • 美国运动医学院Wellpoint基金会上周联合发布了美国首份健康指数报告报告显示,旧金山及其周边湾区以微弱优势击败西雅图,荣登健康指数榜首位

    San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area narrowly edged out Seattle in the first American Fitness Index released last week by the American College of Sports Medicine and the WellPoint Foundation.


  • 一些患者报告结果显示RH优势显著,每个结果只有一个研究报告

    Several patient-reported outcomes showed a significant benefit of RH, but each outcome was reported in only one study.


  • 来自同一研究机构的报告指出,自动化进程中,美国还是优势的。

    Yet America is the high ground when it comes to automation, according to a new report from the same pair along with other authors.


  • 肤浅文章给人的感觉一样,表明经济学人已经失去了调查报告方面优势

    Shallow as the article appears, it only shows that the Economist has lost it's edge in investigative reporting.


  • 优势沃鲁卡斯或许只会昙花一现2,200雷曼破产调查报告已经名垂青史

    Strength: Valukus may prove a one-hit wonder, but his 2,200 page report on the collapse of Lehman Brothers has already gone platinum.


  • 这份报告中,每个管理系统驱动力优势潜在后果进行了分析。

    In this report, each management system is analyzed in terms of driving forces, advantages and potential consequences.


  • John Holinger前的预测报告里,一点关于纳姆的:“甚至拜纳姆字内线占有优势时,他会选择球传出去。因此他需要学会变得有侵略性。”

    In John Hollinger's pre-season scouting report, he wrote this about Bynum: "& he'll pass out of the post even when he has an advantage, and needs to learn to get more aggressive."


  • 然而报告撰写人称并不意味着由于劳动密集型产品我国就会国际市场失去优势

    One of the architects of the report, however, said it doesn't necessarily mean the country will lose the advantage it enjoys in the international market because of its labor-intensive products.


  • 如果优势从事分析工作,那么你一定一些研究一个报告然后向上呈送

    If your strength is analysis, make sure you do some sort of research, make a report and send it upstairs.


  • 报告每个技术优势、劣势进行分析,并对手机电视广播网络部署现状未来趋势进行了分析

    This report outlines each, listing the positive and negative aspects of each standard. Current and future deployments of mobile TV broadcast networks are presented.


  • 由于那么用途优势毫无疑问越来越多的人们互联网-信息高速公路

    With so many USES and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway.


  • 由于那么用途优势毫无疑问越来越多的人们互联网-信息高速公路

    With so many USES and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway.


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