• 部分内容介绍了如何更改用于计算每个线程优先级CPU调度参数

    This section shows how you can change some of the CPU scheduling parameters, which are used to calculate the priority value for each thread.


  • 执行这些计算将考虑不同任务优先级

    The priority values of different tasks are also considered while doing these calculations.


  • 近几年里,由于预算削减以及优先级给以了那些做为标准化考试基础核心课程,做为选修课计算科学教育已经遭到了削减。

    And computer science programs, typically elective courses, have suffered in recent years because of budget cuts and the priority given to core courses that are the basis of standardized tests.


  • 提取到每个符合条件项目相关联订单优先之后,计算项目数量,并订单优先级行项目的发货方式列出这些数字。

    Once the order priority associated with each qualifying line item has been extracted, the line items are counted and the counts summarized by order priority and line item shipping mode.


  • 产生量子位计算将会同时处理01从而处理一些问题时会快上许多,例如破解密码的一个步骤——大量数字设置优先

    Computers that process qubits, which weirdly manage to be both 0 and 1 at the same time, are far faster at solving some problems-such as factoring large Numbers into primes, a step in code-breaking.


  • 作业计算最近6 个时间里,一般优先级订单通过邮寄海运发货项目数量这些数量订单优先级排序

    The job counts the number of line items shipped by mail or sea within the last six months that are part of normal or high-priority orders, and breaks the counts down by order priority.


  • 类似地所有标准标准相对Priority 都被计算出来,正如3,子标准的全局优先本地优先级优先级乘积

    Similarly, relative Priority is calculated for all criteria and sub-criteria. As shown in Table 3, global priority of sub-criteria is product of its local priority and the parent's priority.


  • 首先任务引入定义然后基于定义计算各任务优先级进行调度

    First new definition for each task was introduced, then the priority of each task based on the definition was computed, the schedule carried on.


  • 通过实例给出一个计算预计完成时间优先级算法

    Furthermore, showed an algorithm on calculating finishing time and priority by an instance.


  • 此外由于评估具有优先因此暂时降低计算运行速度

    Additionally, because the evaluation runs at a high priority, it can momentarily cause your computer to run slowly.


  • 为了解决计算网络中的多媒体通信以及对服务质量要求,提出了一种基于优先级队列缓存管理机制

    To meet the need of multimedia communications in network in desirable quality of service, a priority queue based on buffer management mechanism is forwarded in support of multimedia communications.


  • 对于优先为3的操作,该服务计算空闲执行

    For priority3actions the service executes during idle time on the computer.


  • 本文介绍种具有优先级扩展时间自动机模型,对一种计算d BM减法算法进行改进

    In this paper an extension of timed automata with priorities is introduced, and we present an improved algorithm to compute subtraction on DBMs.


  • 利用抽取计算DNA方法实现了基因检测优先级策略

    And a gene detection strategy of PRI is adopted by abstracting a computer's DNA.


  • 关键优先级决定是由操作系统计算速度来处理的。

    The key point is that the priority decision is handled by the operating system at computer speed.


  • 这个决定线程绝对优先这个绝对优先级通过API值给线程优先级以及它所在进程的优先级共同计算得到的。

    This value is termed the absolute priority of the thread and is calculated from the priority values assigned through the API to both the thread and the process which owns that thread.


  • 分布式计算环境下,为了有效地利用计算资源快速完成协同计算任务提出了基于优先的任务调度负载均衡模型

    To utilize the computing resources effectively and accomplish the cooperative task rapidly in the distributed environment, the priorities based task scheduling and load balancing models are proposed.


  • 运用灰色关联分析计算冲突工序获得资源优先级使得资源得到合理配置

    The priority of resources is obtained by using the gray connection analysis to compute the conflict working procedure, which enables the resources configured reasonably.


  • 乘法除法优先级高于加法操作,于是它们操作数先于加法操作的操作数计算

    Multiplication and division have higher precedence than addition. Their operands are bound to the operator in preference to the operands to addition.


  • 通常加法乘法具有更高优先级求幂示例最后计算因为其他表达式放在括号中

    Exponentiation, which normally has higher precedence than addition or multiplication, is evaluated last in this example because the other expressions are enclosed in parentheses.


  • 分析AT M网络中的各种技术提出了一种具有优先级通道综合自愈策略其进行计算机模拟验证

    This paper analyzes several self healing techniques in ATM networks, proposes an integrated self healing strategy in ATM networks with multi priority virtual path, and makes a simulation to verify it.


  • 在此基础上设计实现了一个主题爬虫系统,该系统利用主题敏感HITS计算网页优先级

    Then a topic crawler system was designed and implemented, employing topic sensitive Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) to predict the priority of fetched Web pages.


  • 其次改进O(1)进程调度调度器数据结构时间片优先计算方法,调度时机等部分分析研究

    Next to improve the o (1) after the process scheduling scheduler data structure, time, and the calculation method of priority scheduling of analysis and study of the part.


  • 保证优先短路计算分闸任务得到及时运行

    All these ensure that short circuit calculation and opening tasks that have high PRI can be run in time.


  • 优先级规定操作的结合方式但并没有说明操作数的计算顺序

    Precedence specifies how the operands are grouped. It says nothing about the order in which the operands are evaluated.


  • 信道分配计算阶段优先确保瓶颈链路带宽需求,实现网络信道干扰最小; 在信道分配切换阶段逐层实现切换,确保网络的连通

    In the channel calculation phase, the bottle-neck links' bandwidth was ensured by its higher priority so as to minimize interference among nodes.


  • 将一起计算优先级存储桶中的所有筛选器

    All the filter tables in a priority bucket are evaluated together.


  • 优先关系规则数学一样一系列操作按照一种优先级关系规则来先后进行计算

    As in mathematics, a sequence of operands and operators is evaluated according to a set of precedence and association rules.


  • 根据所有线程相对其运行优先计算基本优先级

    The base priority computed based on the priority class that all threads run relative to.


  • 需要高优先响应,如要求应用在处理其他计算工作用户行为做出响应

    To provide a high level of responsiveness, e. g. , a user interface implementation that can continue to respond to user actions even while the application is performing other computations.


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