• 维也纳休闲豪华酒店坐落维也纳环城大道,完善一个充满冒险奥地利度假

    The Ring, Vienna's Casual Luxury Hotel is ideally located in the heart of Vienna on the Ringstrasse, perfect for an adventure-filled Austrian vacation.


  • 维也纳休闲豪华酒店维也纳提供了餐厅以及一个酒吧照顾每一客人餐饮需求烹饪喜好。 餐厅“八”是用各种香料和调味料,新鲜的香草可口的菜,美味的成分。”

    The Ring, Vienna's Casual Luxury Hotel offers one restaurant in Vienna, as well as one bar to care for every guest's dining needs and culinary preferences.


  • 它们休闲豪华酒店具有非常标准

    They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of very high standard.


  • 摩天大楼内设办公室豪华公寓酒店其它休闲设施

    The complex will house offices, luxury flats, a hotel and leisure facilities.


  • 完美商务休闲旅行者一样看看所有这些当代豪华宝石必须提供

    Perfect for business and leisure travelers alike, come see all that this contemporary and luxurious gem has to offer.


  • 这个高雅豪华酒店非常适合于那些商务旅行休闲

    This tasteful, luxurious hotel is well-suited to those traveling on business or leisure.


  • 被评为世界上2011顶级酒店之一旅游+休闲杂志,由海上酒店一个豪华伊丽莎白精品酒店难忘的住宿周围环境

    Named one of the top hotels in the world in 2011 by Travel + Leisure magazine, Inn by the Sea is a luxury Cape Elizabeth boutique hotel with unforgettable accommodations and surroundings.


  • 2008年4月金先生中国一家公司签订合同,计划把湖区改建成豪华居住休闲,号之“东方新城”。

    In April 2008 Mr Khin signed a deal with a Chinese company to turn the lake area into a posh residential and recreation development, to be dubbed the “New City of the East”.


  • 灵活性多功能性定义后排座位货运领域目的为了支持豪华各种休闲利益

    Flexibility and versatility define the rear seats and cargo area, which are designed to support a wide variety of luxury and leisure interests.


  • 这个豪华贝洛天恒大酒店位于巴西提供恬静舒适适合休闲度假商务旅行环境

    This luxury Belo Horizonte hotel, located in Brazil, offers tranquil and comfortable surroundings perfect for both relaxing vacations and business trips.


  • 一个完美的结合豪华品质休闲健康浸泡

    It is a perfect combination of luxury and quality, of leisure bath and healthy water immersion.


  • 享受独一无二的环境服务,使得会所迅速成为当地具品位休闲会所同时确立豪华会所服务市场标杆地位

    Enjoy the unique environment and service, the club quickly became the best taste of the leisure clubs, at the same time, it established the benchmark status in luxury club service market.


  • 主要产品玻璃钢豪华游艇休闲钓鱼工作艇、帆船渔船五大系列

    Main products: FRP Luxury yacht. Leisure fishing boat. Working boat. Sailboat and fishing vessel total five Series as below.


  • 另外他们很少去买豪华休闲豪宅私人飞机很少享受奢侈假期

    In addition, very few of them buy boats, recreational vehicles, second homes, personal airplanes or invest in expensive vacations.


  • 金星许多地方生活包括爱情浪漫乐趣休闲豪华时尚珠宝-和金星一些金钱的统治。

    Venus is associated with many parts of life, including love and romance, fun, leisure, luxury, fashion, jewels - and Venus also has some dominion over money.


  • 金星浪漫乐趣休闲豪华美容费-利润了。

    Venus is in charge of love, romance, fun, leisure, luxury, and beauty - and profits, too.


  • 区内配有豪华会所供业主休闲娱乐聚会步行至海滩仅需15分钟

    Luxurious Chambers have been built in this district to provide leisure, entertainment, and party for the owner; it shall take only 15 minutes walking to the beachfront from here.


  • 学习及工作经历:设计:办公楼,宾馆酒店,餐饮空间休闲会所豪华别墅

    Specialize in Public space adornment design:office, hotel, recreation, Leisure Club , Luxury villas etc.


  • 对于金牛座这种情况发生个人享乐第5恋人浪漫娱乐时间爱好创意人才宠物儿童运动休闲豪华幸福

    For Taurus, this happens in your fifth house of personal pleasure, lovers, romance, playtime, hobbies, creative talents, pets, children, sports, leisure, luxury, and happiness.


  • 皇城豪门酒店一家豪华全新五星级酒店,休闲商务客人提供一流的设施全面服务

    Grand Noble Hotel Xian is a new luxurious property offering comprehensive facilities and services for leisure and business stays.


  • 酒店共有300间豪华客房套间其所在综合性物业重要组成部分。高端客户来到这里,无论商务休闲,都能酒店享用缤纷多样餐厅酒吧和独特难忘的住宿体验。

    The 300-room hotel will form part of a mixed-use development and will offer a variety of restaurants bars and other facilities to its luxury guests, whether they are visiting on business or leisure.


  • 一系列先进高端运动休闲设施舒适豪华会所环境专业温馨服务得到全身心尽情放松

    A series of advanced high-end sports and leisure facilities, comfortable and luxurious clubhouse bad environment, professional and warm service, making you feel lots of relax.


  • 既有曲径通幽休闲小道豪华典雅乡间别墅

    Not only recreational path winding streets can be found, but also elegant luxury villas in the countryside can be seen;


  • 无锡凯莱饭店一家全新五星级豪华酒店商务休闲客人提供一流的设施全面的服务

    Gloria Grand Hotel Wuxi is a new luxurious property offering comprehensive facilities and service for business and leisure travelers.


  • 豪华雅致中餐包厢休闲度假亲朋好友小聚时光美食首选

    Chinese restaurant box is elegant and luxury, there is no doubt to be the first food choice of gathering time during your leisure vacation trip.


  • 酒店内装修豪华、设施齐全您高档接待商务休闲度假理想之选

    It is an ideal option to choose our hotel for reception, commerce and recreations because of the luxury and functional designing.


  • 商务闲暇之余,选择风情别致大堂吧享受片刻香茗时光,到活力动感的游泳健身中心舒展放松。酒店盛装开启的水疗中心设施豪华SPA都将您带来更丰富的休闲体验。

    To inspire the spare time, you can either choose to have a tea break in the lobby bar, or have a total relaxation in Swimming Pool and Gymnasium, or go for an exclusive treatment in sauna and SPA.


  • 酒店尊荣会所60多个豪华KTV包厢,设施一流装修华贵、尽享奢华服务贴心尊贵阁下放松休闲最佳之选

    Hotel Elite Club has more the 60 luxury KTV private rooms, with excellent facilities, luxury decoration, intimate service, is the best choice of distinguished you to relax.


  • 酒店尊荣会所60多个豪华KTV包厢,设施一流装修华贵、尽享奢华服务贴心尊贵阁下放松休闲最佳之选

    Hotel Elite Club has more the 60 luxury KTV private rooms, with excellent facilities, luxury decoration, intimate service, is the best choice of distinguished you to relax.


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