• 恒基伏电力科技股份有限公司真诚承诺符合您的需求提供最优质全球范围里具有竞争力价格的太阳能产品

    HJ Solar sincerely assures you that we will provide high quality PV products with reasonable price to all of our customers around the world.


  • 空气通过电池产生巨大能量这些将输送当地电力公司,而由此产生的利润用于建筑维护

    Using photovoltaic cells, the Air Tree produces a substantial amount of energy, which is then sold back to the local electric companies, the profits being used for maintenance of the structure.


  • 传统面板产生电力必须就地使用,因此晚间的时候是无法产生任何的能量的。

    Conventional photovoltaic panels typically use the electricity they generate in situ, and cannot deliver power at night.


  • 无锡尚德太阳能电力有限公司2002年获得赠款,用于开发智能型系统控制箱。

    One such company (Suntech or Wuxi Shangdu by its Chinese name) received a grant in 2002 to develop an intelligent controller for PV systems.


  • 国际能源机构(International Energy Agency)数据,2006年电池系统提供了占全球0.04%的电力

    In 2006 photovoltaic systems produced 0.04% of the world's electricity, according to the International Energy Agency.


  • 阿波罗的3个电池储备28直流系统相比,猎户飞船6电池电力储存使用120的直流电源分配系统。

    It will hold six batteries for power storage and will use a 120V DC power distribution system, compared to Apollo’s three-battery storage and 28V DC system.


  • Pridneprovskaya热电厂将铺彻一条330电缆线发电站提供电力

    A 330 kV cable line was laid from the Pridneprovskaya Thermal Power Plant to feed the electric station.


  • 由于整个PV(光太阳能)市场增长10亿瓦特范围内所以每年可能数万千瓦数十万千瓦的CPV电力进入市场。

    With the overall PV market growing in the gigawatt range, CPV has an opportunity to enter the market with production of tens or hundreds of megawatts per year.


  • Taser国际公司的董事长汤姆·史密斯今年早些时候告知加拿大议会中的一个委员会虽然5000 0电力听起来好像很多,但是门把手上的静电几乎具备同样多的电力

    Tom Smith, Taser's chairman, told a committee of Canada's Parliament earlier this year that although 50,000 volts sounds like a lot, a static charge from a doorknob is almost as high.


  • Taser国际公司的董事长汤姆·史密斯今年早些时候告知加拿大议会中的一个委员会虽然5000 0电力听起来好像很多,但是门把手上的静电几乎具备同样多的电力

    Tom Smith, Taser's chairman, told a committee of Canada's Parliament earlier this year that although 50, 000 volts sounds like a lot, a static charge from a doorknob is almost as high.


  • 一个电池盒,设计12电力系统使用发电法就可以储存电力了。

    Electricity can be stored through design of a 12v electrical system using a battery bank and means of "off grid" generation.


  • 大规模太阳能系统不会替代需要屋顶电力研究员预计将需要17亿个3千瓦的太阳能系统。

    And the big solar systems wouldn't displace the need for rooftop power; the researchers estimate a need for 1.7 billion 3-kilowatt solar PV systems as well.


  • 而且,突出作为支持发电地热电力利用丰富地下水加热冷却房子

    The projecting piles also serve as supports for photovoltaics that power geothermal pumps, utilizing the abundance of high ground water to heat and cool the house.


  • 消耗自己利用太阳能光发电系统产生电,比公共电网,消耗大约同样数额电力我们能够节省400欧元

    We receive 400 euros for the electricity we feed into the grid from the photovoltaic panels and consume roughly the same amount of electricity ourselves.


  • 对于直接太阳光转换电能电池来说,特别难以克服的困难,因为电力很难储存

    For photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight directly to electricity, this is especially difficult to overcome, because electricity is difficult to store.


  • 电力两个发动机驱动发电机供应三相,115400周期交流电

    Primary electrical power is provided by two engine driven generators which supply three-phase, 115 volt 400 cycle alternating current.


  • 透亮电池板花费正大幅下降,它们通过半导体材料释放电子而生产了大多数太阳能电力

    The cost of the glassy photovoltaic panels that generate most solar electricity-by freeing electrons from a semi conducting material such as silicon-is plummeting.


  • 研究者表示:“我们设计安全性为主要考量,最小化外形因素,以线圈为材料真正实现了电力传输高达3.”1

    'Our design emphasizes safety, minimizes form factor, presents flexible coils and shows real world power transfer up to 3.1 volts,' said the researchers.


  • 使用两种不同类型太阳能电池板——太阳能热水器使电力和热能上可以自给自足。

    Two different kinds of solar panels -photovoltaic and solar water heater are used for this villa to make it self-sufficient for both electric and heating energy.


  • 固体电路控制操作一个微型接触器提供高达12024020安培电力

    The solid state control operates a miniature contactor that will power up to 20 amps at 120 or 240 volts.


  • 法律规定公用事业企业必须按照“光上网电价”政策,二十年内以高于市场固定价格购买可再生能源生产电力

    The law says electricity produced from renewable sources must be purchased by utilities according to a generous "feed-in tariff" that sets higher-than-market rates and fixes them for 20 years.


  • 2013年,完成中国电力建设咨询公司项目招标代理工作。

    In 2013, completed bidding for PV project of China Power Construction Engineering Consulting Corporation.


  • 介绍种利用220同相电力线载波传送dtmf编码数据的系统中的通讯控制电路设计数据采集电路及数据处理电路构成一个完整的系统。

    The design of the communication and controlling circuit that transmits DTMF code in AC220 inphase power line is presented. It forms a complete system with data picking and processing circuit.


  • 电力地区体育会,一个普遍3电池提供高达300小时手术更换需要

    The electrical power for the DSAS is provided by a commonly available 3-volt lithium battery, which will deliver up to 300 hours of operation before replacement is required.


  • 变压器电压转化为220然后110千转化10只有这种方式电力才能配送城市电力网。

    Transformers convert voltage to 220, then from 110 to 10 kV and only in such form electricity is fed into the town network.


  • 据说利用这笔资金支持发电技术2020年提供欧盟所需电力的12%。

    The funding support is said to needed to be able to supply 12% of the EU demand for electricity by 2020, using PV technologies.


  • 据说利用这笔资金支持发电技术2020年提供欧盟所需电力的12%。

    The funding support is said to needed to be able to supply 12% of the EU demand for electricity by 2020, using PV technologies.


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