• 比·普鲁特承认,去年9发现他的山地车被盗时,他很生气。

    Robbie Pruitt admitted that he got mad when he discovered the theft of his mountain bike last September.


  • 19976泰森万达·霍利菲尔德耳朵之后内华达州拳击官员将泰森的执照吊销了一

    Nevada boxing officials revoked Tyson's license for more than a year after he bit Evanda Holyfield's ear in June of 1997.


  • 年5,罗琳开始撰写名为《克博格》的新故事,它可以在网上免费阅读,以帮助娱乐那些因新冠肺炎疫情而待在家里的人。

    In May, Rowling started writing a new story called The Ickabog, which was free to read online to help amuse people who stayed at home because of COVID-19.


  • 今年5利诺体育公司总裁朱莉·尼蒙斯成功打赢了诉讼,该诉讼涉及一名着舒特头盔比赛中瘫痪足球运动员

    In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutt helmet.


  • 张引人注目'照片WallyPacholka游览参观夏威夷哈雷阿卡拉火山口时拍摄的。

    The remarkable photograph of a 'moonbow' was taken by Wally Pacholka as he looked over the Haleakala crater on Maui Island in Hawaii.


  • 来自埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特研究员奥尔汉斯梅尔发现去年圣诞节10个大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • ·康加尔于1995622日巴黎去世,享年91岁。

    Yves Congar died on 22 June 1995 at the age of 91 years in Paris.


  • 但是事可了。

    But from February through July, Joy sat around with nothing to do.


  • 老虎到九尔把一把高尔夫球棒顶端掉给他了。

    When Tiger was nine months old, Earl sawed off the top of an old golf club.


  • 跨过界,位于佛蒙特州的艾伦家具厂以来已经退了100多名工人

    The Ethan Allen furniture factory, just across the state line in Vermont, has laid off more than 100 workers since February.


  • 时代华纳的股票价格已经持续走低,自从企业狙击手”卡尔·坎出击公司之后公司股票已经下跌了9%。

    Time Warner's share price has been falling for a while, and has declined by 9% since the firm saw off Carl Icahn, a corporate raider, in February.


  • 不能一起参加了,的客座教授施瓦茨曼,我想他们不会都留下来午饭所以唯一一次和嘉宾共进午餐

    I don't think I can get either Icahn — both Icahn and Schwarzman are coming to give a lecture in April, but I don't think either of them will stay for lunch, so this is only a lunch in the event.


  • 99日,扎克.拉宾打电话说,以色列巴勒斯坦解放组织达成了一个和平协议

    On September 9, Yitzhak Rabin called to tell me that Israel and the PLO had reached a peace agreement.


  • 图为因纽特渔民格陵兰利萨特冰湾垂钓。

    This May picture shows shows Inuit fishermen in Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland.


  • 第十二,艾鲁——收割第七登上城墙外山丘,眺望海面,遥见他的船在轻雾中忽隐忽现

    And in the twelfth year, on the seventh day of Ielool, the month of reaping, he climbed the hill without the city walls and looked seaward; and he beheld the ship coming with the mist.


  • 2011年616日,土耳其兹密尔阿里雅加废料场,英国皇家海军航母无敌号正静静地停靠爱琴海边

    Former Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Invinciblesits at Aliaga scrapyard in the Aegean port city of Izmir, on June 16, 2011.


  • 于2010年42日出现症状44日送到医院治疗,当时病情稳定

    She developed symptoms on 2 April 2010. On 4 April, she was transferred to Cho Moi District Hospital for treatment where she is in a stable condition.


  • 唐纳之队1846年4离开利诺的斯普林菲尔德。

    The Donner party left Springfield, Illinois, in April 1846.


  • 有梦苏珊·波尔的故事》1213日美国电视指南频道播出,该片将回顾默默无闻举世闻名的非凡历程

    I Dreamed a Dream: the Susan Boyle Story will air on the TV Guide Channel in the us on December 13, and will trace her extraordinary journey from obscurity to global fame.


  • 817日接受媒体采访时表示:“我们并不反对别人收购但是我们肯定反对收购方低估我们公司的价值。”

    We’re not opposed to a sale of the company, but we certainly are opposed to someone stealing the company, ” Doyle said in an Aug. 17 interview.


  • 卡尔当时正在准备117日进行的第二选举法特米卫生警戒,卡尔扎取消了全国部落长老会议

    Karzai was then preparing for a run-off election scheduled for November 7 but, after the health alert, he cancelled several meetings with tribal elders from across the country, Fatemi said.


  • 正如·福克斯传统115篝火消失一样,如今面具们走上了街头

    Guy Fawkes has taken to the streets, just as he disappears from his traditional starring role on Bonfire Night, 5 November.


  • 尔·库特项目得到推动,当时本土公司Rostekhnologii订单达135而且同租赁公司柳辛金融租赁的订单得到确定。

    Irkut got a boost for the programme in August, when orders for up to 135 MS-21s from state firm Rostekhnologii and lessor Ilyushin Finance were firmed up.


  • 1974年5乔治尔·福德持枪抢劫落网。此前不管做些什么,罗斯从不过问

    Whatever George was doing, Rose didn't ask, until he was arrested in May 1974 for an armed robbery in Ilford.


  • 接下来飓风珍妮横扫戈纳超过3000人死亡

    Then in September, Hurricane Jeanne decimated Gonaives, leaving more than 3,000 dead.


  • 2010年6一个紧急调研专家组归来小组是“海岸地平线油井发生泄漏成立

    In June 2010, Joye returned from an emergency research expedition in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


  • 6公学(Eton College)男生们泰晤士河边观看鲜花装点的草帽同学进行划船比赛。

    Around the beginning of June at Eton College, boys gather on the banks of the Thames to watch classmates wearing flower-festooned straw hats row past.


  • 尔·库特fedorov莫斯科MAKS航展曾表示:“如今的窄体机市场不好混的,也是最大的市场。”

    Irkut's Fedorov said in August at the MAKS air show in Moscow: "This narrow-body market is the toughest, but it is also the biggest."


  • 尔·库特fedorov莫斯科MAKS航展曾表示:“如今的窄体机市场不好混的,也是最大的市场。”

    Irkut's Fedorov said in August at the MAKS air show in Moscow: "This narrow-body market is the toughest, but it is also the biggest."


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