• 问题肯定集中,在顾问们找到发动战争借口之前已经决定入侵拉克。

    Questions are sure to centre on claims that he had already decided to join the invasion of Iraq even before the compilation by his advisers of a “dodgy dossier”.


  • 尽管布莱尔战争中的角色屡遭诟病,但却因促成北爱和平协议而在爱尔兰备受赞誉。

    Despite continuing controversy over his role in the Iraq conflict, Blair is also particularly hailed in Ireland for his role in the Northern Ireland peace process.


  • 通过考察拉克战略地位及其中东棋盘中的作用,有助于研究伊战争中东格局的演变方向。

    The research on the strategic location of Iraq and its role on the strategic board of the Middle East is of great significance to the study of the configuration evolvement in the future Middle East.


  • 随着美国媒体开始筹备二战诺曼底/盟军登陆纪念报道法国是否伊战争采取“高姿态问题呼之欲出

    As America's great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised.


  • 迈锡尼国王特洛战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲

    The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia; His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.


  • 观点可能会导致关系紧张自从战争以来,国都遵循一项君子协定,即在欧佩克内部保持配额相当。

    His position could cause tension with Iran. Since the Iran-Iraq war, the two countries have had a gentlemen's agreement to maintain similar quotas within Opec.


  • 他指出: “认为历史证明战争取得胜利之后工作计划制定的非常糟糕或许该计划制定的过于乐观但不尽合理

    "I think history will show that the planning for what happened after the initial, successful war-fighting phase was poor, probably based more on optimism than sound planning, " he said.


  • 拜登本人很快美国的对战争联系一起,因为长子德拉瓦州国民警卫队名上尉,将于今年10月被派往拉克

    Biden will soon have a personal connection to the war in Iraq. His eldest son, Beau, a captain in the Delaware National Guard, is scheduled to leave for a tour of duty in Iraq in October.


  • 他们的婚姻熬过了战争并且两个孩子,直到10年前Nafisi接到约翰·霍金·普斯大学的研究员邀请之后才告终结。

    They stick it out through the Iran-Iraq war and the birth of two children, leaving for good a decade ago when Ms Nafisi received a fellowship from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 近期战争中,只有战争之相提并论,因为战争战壕毒气战的使用,1980至1988年间,有上百万人在战争中丧命。

    Among recent conflicts, only the Iran-Iraq war - featuring trench warfare and gas, and claiming up to a million lives between 1980 and 1988 - can even be usefully compared.


  • 巴马竞选一面反对拉克战争,一面强调美国在阿富汗还有不少工作做,在终结战争同时,他还要面对新的诱惑-增兵阿富汗。

    Having campaigned against the war in Iraq while emphasising the need to do more in Afghanistan, Mr Obama will face a continuing temptation to end the former war while reinforcing the latter.


  • 赖斯自己回忆录《荣耀》(下周出版)中表示,已经预见到伊战争结束后需要更多善后计划可是同事却没有一个有如此远见

    Ms Rice says inNo Higher Honour” (to be published next week) that she saw the need for more planning for the invasion's aftermath, but was blocked by the absence of prescience in those around her.


  • 例如乌鲁克两个守护神——阿努天空,是所有其他主宰娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 盟军之所以能战胜,丘吉尔最亲近助手之一恩·雅各布先生关于战争结果如下精辟总结因为我们麾下的德国科学家他们的要优秀些”。

    The allies won becauseour German scientists were better than their German scientists”, was the pithy summary of the war’s outcome by one of Churchill’s closest aides, Sir Ian Jacob.


  • 同时·尔,伦敦《泰晤士报》上写到电影包含含蓄的对美国反恐战争中的行为批评”。

    Meanwhile Ben Hoyle, writing in the Times of London, noted that the film "contains heavy implicit criticism of America's conduct in the War on Terror."


  • 乔治·布什2003年5月过早宣称主力作战结束的时候,盖洛普民意测验数据显示,大多数美国人力挺战争只有四分之一人觉得是个错误。

    When George Bush prematurely declared an end to major combat operations in May 2003 most Americans were behind the war, with only a quarter saying it was a mistake according to Gallup polling data.


  • 八月三十一星期二这天,巴马发表演说,重弹美国人不会白流之类的老调平复党内反对派这场战争指责

    On Tuesday August 31st, Mr Obama will make a speech about Iraq that has to balance his own opposition to the war with reassuring words about American blood not having been spilt for nothing.


  • 在关于1995年波斯尼亚和谈回忆录开头引用了希梅尔自白,“结束战争”:“来说,遥远事物一种不断的渴望,这一直使我备受折磨。”

    He cited Ishmael's confession near the beginning of his memoir of the 1995 Bosnian peace talks, "to End a War" : "as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote."


  • 余下战争鼓吹者担心美国政客听起来如此强烈地想要甩开拉克信以为真一旦美国撤兵,他们将进入备战。

    The war's remaining advocates worry that when American politicians sound so keen to abandon Iraq, Iraqis will believe them, and will arm for war once the Americans are gone.


  • 如果战争爆发那么这场战争可能南北苏丹交界处原油争端地区进行,也就是下图所示的几个地区:科尔多凡南部地区、阿拜尤里尼罗河上游各省。

    If war broke out, it would probably be fought in the disputed oil fields in the borderlands between north and south: in southern Kordofan, Abyei, Unity and the Upper Nile states (see map).


  • 几天前,迪曾在狱中兄弟透露,继续拉克下层人民以及那些饱受六年战争苦的人民工作

    Zaidi told his brothers from prison during the past few days that he wants to continue working with Iraq's underclass as well as those disadvantaged by the six-year occupation.


  • 这部·麦克·尤恩小说改编的电影里,奈特莉詹姆斯·麦卡沃扮演一对战争看似无辜的谎言分开的被诅咒的爱人强大的故事

    In this Ian McEwan adap, Knightley and James McAvoy play star crossed lovers who are torn apart by war, and a seemingly innocent lie. Powerful stuff.


  • 卡尔·加入使得争夺艾克隆公司战争更加惨烈。卡尔·擅长掠夺式收购的传奇人物,他掌控着公司一部分股份出任公司董事长

    The tussle over ImClone has been an altogether messier affair, thanks to Carl Icahn, a legendary corporate raider who owns a stake and is chairman of the firm.


  • 利诺参军,参加了整个内战,都没有发现战争结束后男人身份,继续生活50

    She enlisted in Illinois and she fought the entire Civil War without being discovered and ended up living out the rest of her life as a man for another fifty years.


  • 利诺参军,参加了整个内战,都没有发现战争结束后男人身份,继续生活50

    She enlisted in Illinois and she fought the entire Civil War without being discovered and ended up living out the rest of her life as a man for another fifty years.


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