• 中国职业经理人课程众多企业总裁总经理教育专家共同编写

    The Chinese professional manager curriculum is by numerous enterprise President, general manager and the educational expert compiles together.


  • 然而眼下塞尔吉奥·马尔·基奥尼毫无疑问是世界所有汽车制造企业总裁被人谈论最多的。

    But right now Sergio Marchionne is without question the most talked-about car executive in the world.


  • 一个家族企业现任总裁是该世家的第4代。

    This is a family-owned company – the current president is the fourth in this dynasty.


  • 企业之所以存在总裁COO头衔考虑到了高管层的运营能力

    The reason why the company has the titles of "President" and "COO" is to consider the operational capabilities of the senior management.


  • 比如公司总裁薪酬股票价格挂钩时,股票市场就会做出积极反应,这表明这些做法所创造企业价值不仅仅为了公司总裁

    The stock market reacts positively when companies tie CEO pay to, say, stock prices, a sign that those practices build up a corporate value not just for the CEO.


  • 企业寻求遵守巴塞尔委员会设定国际资本标准银行业标准时总裁布莱恩·莫伊尼汉已经出售了信用社业务资产

    Chief executive Brian Moynihan has been selling businesses and assets as the firm seeks to comply with international capital standards set by the Basel committee on banking standards.


  • 四川省成都一家餐饮企业厨师总裁李万铭(音)说:“告诉我们花生,只是自然的就加进去了。

    "We were not even taught to add peanuts, as it's so natural to do so, " said Li Wanming, a Sichuan chef who is vice president of a food company in Chengdu, the provincial capital.


  • 一个不断自己玩笑企业所有者总裁损害能力中的自信

    A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities.


  • 也有少数企业外面聘请总裁比如索尼日产它们都是面对激烈的海外竞争时被迫这么做的。

    A few big firms, such as Sony and Nissan, have hired outside bosses, though usually under duress: both faced severe competition from abroad.


  • 阿斯利康公司总裁伦南曾经做过药品推销员承认制药企业可能在这方面做过头了。

    AstraZeneca's boss, Mr Brennan, is a former drugs salesman and he acknowledges that companies may have gone too far.


  • 2002年,金德勒离开麦当劳公司,加盟辉瑞,担当顾问企业关系执行总裁

    Kindler joined Pfizer in 2002 from McDonald's corp., where he was general counsel and executive vice President for corporate relations.


  • “家里孩子学生时代家族企业工作比例差不多100%,”FamilyBusinessInstitute总裁韦恩•瑞表示,“有些事情的。”

    "The rate of children working for the family business while students is virtually 100%, " said Wayne Rivers, president of the Family Business Institute. "There's always something to do."


  • 这些互联网企业往往一个周期,”曾经试图维亚康姆公司买下Facebookmtv总裁沃尔夫先生

    "These Internet businesses tend to have a cycle," said Mr. Wolf, the former MTV President who once sought to buy Facebook for Viacom.


  • 微软服务器工具部门总裁穆格里亚(BobMuglia)企业支出较上年同期大幅提升

    Spending by businesses' has improved dramatically 'from a year ago, said Bob Muglia, President of Microsoft's server and tools business.


  • leoApotheker——SAP公司的行政总裁周日全球最大企业软件制造商管理团队重组中离职

    Leo Apotheker, SAP 's chief executive, resigned on Sunday night in a management reshuffle at the world's largest business software maker.


  • 微软企业总裁茱丽•拉尔森·格林(JulieLarson - Green)Office部门斯诺·菲斯基共事。她说,就是冲突的起源。

    'That's where the conflicts started,' says Julie Larson-Green, a corporate vice President who worked in the Office group with Mr. Sinofsky.


  • 巴黎猎头企业CTPartners公司总裁戴安·色伽兰说:“我们一直寻找女性董事填补男性离职空缺的席位。”

    We are looking for women to fill every seat vacated by a man, ” says Diane Segalen, vice-chairman of CTPartners, a headhunting firm in Paris.


  • 伯克(Kevin Burke)本月早些时候刚刚裁员了,此前他一家大型化工企业担任了个月财务总裁

    Kevin Burke was laid off earlier this month as a vice President of finance at a large chemical manufacturer after just seven months at the job.


  • GBC总裁John Tedstrom这种形式企业参与不仅对于接受者有用,而且比简单开支更有价值。

    John Tedstrom, the chief executive of the GBC, says that contributions in kind are not only more valuable to the recipient, they are often worth more than companies would want to write a cheque for.


  • 1973年,依靠实力做到了总裁职位。此时,所在的公司是领域内第二能盈利制造企业

    In 1973, his strengths propelled him into the position of vice President of manufacturing for the second largest and most profitable company in its industry.


  • 监视工人代表协助下,股东们裁撤德国巨型企业总裁,这种情况一周内发生了两次

    TWICE in one week bosses at giant German corporations have been ousted by their shareholders, with help from workers' representatives on the supervisory board.


  • 小吴企业总裁,好多网站这家企业实际上是吴家家庭成员管理的。

    Wu, the chief executive of the enterprise, which is said on several Web sites to be managed by members of the Wu family.


  • 不幸的是,不是所有的人那么出色,即使那些CEO总裁或者企业都不一定足够智慧做好他们工作

    Unfortunately, that's not really saying much, since just about any CEO, executive, or entrepreneur you're likely to come across has the smarts to do the job.


  • VC中有很多搞技术出身的比如做过工程企业技术总监、副总裁什么的即使这些不会有效分配研发资金作为最终目的

    Even VCs who come from technical backgrounds, perhaps as CTOs or VPs of Engineering, don't really set about trying to efficiently allocate dollars towards research as an end to itself.


  • 即使史蒂夫·乔布斯去担当一个企业执行总裁这个市场仅有100个人,那么可能块钱

    Even if you put Steve Jobs in the role of CEO for a new venture with a maximum market size of 100 people he wouldn't make more than a few cents.


  • 其中总裁企业高级经理人数为36

    Of those, 36 were chief executives, business owners and top managers, it said.


  • 其中总裁企业高级经理人数为36

    Of those, 36 were chief executives, business owners and top managers, it said.


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