• 并将其实时溶入数控车削加工仿真过程实现切屑生成与工件材料去除过程无缝连接

    The chip simulation is embedded into the environment of NC turning simulation in real-time, which realizes the seamless connection between the generation of chip and the removal of material.


  • 而在一个系统仿真过程需要用到不同软件完成整个仿真任务,要求各个软件之间能够实现数据通信

    In a system simulation process, it is necessary to use different software to complete the simulation task. This requires that all software can be achieved between data communications.


  • 优化技术嵌入到仿真过程中仿真环境下使输出响应不断地得到改进从而实现道路交通系统性能的优化。

    It integrates the optimization technology into simulation process, improves the output continually in the simulation environment and achieves the optimization of system performance finally.


  • 仿真过程,假设了接收机卫星轨道轨道面外两种情况分别TE波和TM路径增益进行了讨论。

    For two cases of the receiver in and out of the orbit plane, the path gain of TE and TM wave is discussed in the procedure of simulation, respectively.


  • 本文仿真过程采用是星型拓扑结构协调可以工作信标信标模式下数据采用直接间接方式进行传输

    In this paper we used star topology structure in the process of our simulation, it can work in coordination with the beacon mode, Data transmission using direct or indirect manner.


  • 流场仿真所需模型采用GAMBIT来建立,通过FLUNT软件进行仿真仿真过程利用受力平衡控制计算精度

    The model of simulation is created by GAMBIT, simulated with FLUNT, and the calculate precision is controlled through balance on forces in the process of simulation.


  • MATLAB仿真环境下设计m文件,实现了友好用户界面,使得在系统仿真过程中能够方便准确相关参数进行设置显示跟踪

    The friendly graphical user interface was designed using M-file of MATLAB, which is more convenient and exact to setting, displaying and tracking related parameters.


  • 通过对著名网络仿真软件OPNET的IC I接口进行数据安全信息传送过程仿真实现分析和研究,寻找一种可以运用信息安全模型仿真的新方法,从而简化信息安全模型仿真过程中的复杂编程。

    It makes use of the interface ICI of OPNET which is a noted network simulation software to simulate the reality to transmit process of security information of data in the paper.


  • 新的开发过程整个仿真设备指令操作(IOS)设计经过了改善,满足人类环境改造要求

    In the course of these new developments the design of the entire simulator equipment and the Instructor Operating Station (IOS) have been improved and adapted to ergonomic requirements.


  • 业务过程变化会导致不同仿真运行结果,可以它们容易比较出某项改变是否会达到我们想要达到效果

    Different simulation runs resulting from changes in the business process can easily be compared to determine whether the change has the desired effect.


  • 完成过程充分考虑铺设轮的机械设计要求采用计算机辅助仿真设计、有限元分析试验校验的方法。

    In the process of completing, the mechanism design requests are considered fully, some methods such as the computer assistant simulation design, finite element analysis and test verify are adopted.


  • 地面实物仿真系统一种重要专用设备用来模拟飞行器舵机飞行过程中所承受空气动力力矩载荷

    It is an important half hardware-in-loop simulation equipment, which is often used to simulate the aerodynamic torque load on the missile rudder or elevon actuators in the flight.


  • 基于建模仿真飞行器设计过程,由于客观存在不确定性导致模型预测结果真实情况不一致

    In aircraft designing process based on modeling and simulation, there exists a vast amount of uncertainty, which causes modeling predictions to differ from reality.


  • 设计过程中我们选用精确器件模型充分地发挥了微波分析仿真软件强大功能大大提高开发效率

    In the design process, we choose the precise component model, so the function of the simulation software is fully exerted and the research efficiency is increased.


  • 有限元分析方法通过应用微观结构演变编码实现预测仿真锻造过程晶粒的演变过程

    The microstructure evolution models were implemented into the finite-element code, which allowed the prediction of distributions of grain size in the volume of the forging.


  • 交通运输仿真系统模型则考虑施工过程各种施工边界条件动态变化特性并具有方便建模优点

    Transportation simulation system model considers various kinds of construction border, which has dynamic characteristic in the construction course, has a advantage of facilitating modeling.


  • 分析了微机电动机保护装置此次事故动作情况使用emtp仿真工具仿真电动机在自起动过程电流波形

    The operation condition of motor microcomputer-based protection was analyzed in this fault, and the current waveform in the course of starting was simulated using EMTP simulation tool.


  • 仿真实现过程中发现最大方法存在溢出问题通过变量变化成功解决了此问题。

    In the simulation process, the author found that the maximum entropy method exists overflow problem, and the problem was successfully resolved by variable change method.


  • 通过对磨削过程中丝杠受热变形规律进行分析,运用仿真软件进行仿真计算预测丝杠磨削过程中的变形量。

    The screw deformation during grinding is calculated, predicted and simulated by a simulation software, based on analyzing the regularity of thermal deformation.


  • 微带线电场仿真及其相关参数计算微带线的设计制造过程中有着极为重要意义价值。

    The simulation of the electric field in striplines and the calculation of corresponding electric parameters are very important to the design and fabrication of the striplines.


  • 三维动态切削施加机床响应模型上,仿真出实际加工过程中存在于刀具工件之间的动态位移参量

    The dynamic increments in three-dimensions between the cutting tool and workpiece have been simulated by putting the cutting forces to the machining system response model.


  • 基于具有自消化引擎刀具库存理论考虑刀具使用过程中的自修复刀具的生命递减,建立一个离散系统仿真模型

    A discrete system simulation model based on tool inventory theory with self-digestive engine was established in this paper, and recovering ability and life-span characteristics were given.


  • 测试转台作为航空航天领域进行模拟仿真、测试关键设备飞行器研制过程中起到重要作用

    In the aviation and aerospace research field, inertia test and motion simulation table plays important roles in the research and development of inertial devices and aviation arrangements.


  • 转动关节机器人为例,阐述了系统开发过程关键技术给出了部分程序代码介绍仿真软件系统结构

    Exampled with the six turning joint robot, expatiating the key techniques in the system development process, giving parts of program code, and introducing the simulation software system's framework.


  • 计算结果表明优仁设计仿真软件燃油供给系统设计主要结构参数匹配过程具有良好的辅助作用

    The computation results show that the simulation software will be good aid in the process of FIS design and the matching of the main structural parameters.


  • 仿真试验结果表明改进方案显著提高约束系统性能增强了碰撞过程对乘员保护效果

    The results of simulation and test show that the modification scheme markedly improve the performance of restraint system and its occupant protection effects during impact process is enhanced.


  • 基于塑性有限元方法建立了切削加工过程仿真模型通过模拟获得了切削加工过程中刀具应力分布变化情况。

    The model of cutting process is established based on the rigid-plastic FEM, and the transient stress distribution of cutting tool in cutting process is obtained through the simulation.


  • 由于是典型的力伺服系统,而且仿真实验过程中需要模拟各种载荷的变化情况,电伺服加载系统一个相当复杂的机——液复合系统。

    As a typical servo system for simulating various loads in the experiment, the electro-hydraulic loading system is quite a complex machine-electricity-hydraulic multiple system.


  • 由于是典型的力伺服系统,而且仿真实验过程中需要模拟各种载荷的变化情况,电伺服加载系统一个相当复杂的机——液复合系统。

    As a typical servo system for simulating various loads in the experiment, the electro-hydraulic loading system is quite a complex machine-electricity-hydraulic multiple system.


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