• 匿名通信系统仿真评估平台实现基础课题进行了匿名通信系统的仿真评估实验

    Based on the realization of anonymous communication simulation and evaluation platform, an evaluation experiment for anonymous communication systems is represented in the paper.


  • 为了仿真评估电弧引起变严重度,对闪变仿真及其电弧炉供电系统中的应用进行了研究。

    In order to assess the flicker caused by electric arc furnace, the simulation method to assess flicker and its application in electric arc furnace power system was studied.


  • 基于M进制正交调制比特输出特性,对不同编码条件下的M进制正交调制性能进行仿真评估

    The performances of different coded M-ary orthogonal modulation are simulated and evaluated on the basis of the soft bits output of M-ary orthogonal modulation.


  • 给出设计可靠性建模方法数字仿真评估设计可靠性模型方法仿真过程并给出了典型电路仿真实例

    The model and method for estimating circuit design reliability by using digital simulation are established. A simulation example of the typical fuze circuit is given in this paper.


  • 结合上述过程,本文重点讨论了面向复杂系统仿真的多方法建模框架仿真实验设计原则方法仿真评估分析优化方法。

    Hence, the paper principally discusses multi-modeling framework for complex system simulation, principles and methods for simulation experiment design and simulation assessment methods.


  • 为了准确评估iPhone无线网络中的灵敏度等参数,苹果工程师至少花费了数百万美金购买了几十种测定参数的设备和仿真系统。

    To predict the iPhone's performance on a network, Apple engineers bought nearly a dozen server-sized radio-frequency simulators for millions of dollars apiece.


  • 本文以桥梁仿真分析技术主线,以整治效果为目标,以荷载试验长期观测为检验手段,建立既有桥裂纹安全检测评估系统

    Based upon finite element simulation analysis, load tests and long-term observation, a detection and evaluation system for old steel bridge safety was developed in this thesis.


  • 本文提出模型仿真算法仿真可信度评估理论作为系统仿真学科的基础理论的观点

    In this paper, the author presented the viewpoint that System simulation is based on model theory, simulation algorithms and simulation credibility evaluation theory.


  • 首先分析了仿真评估系统整体构成然后讨论了数据录取要求以及数据预处理关键环节。

    The whole structure of the simulation and evaluation system is analyzed firstly, and then the request of recording data and key pre-processing are discussed.


  • 提出用于风能能量储存设备小型孤立电力系统(SIPS)发电容量充裕度评估仿真方法

    A simulation method is proposed for the generating capacity adequacy evaluation of small isolated power systems (SIPS) including wind energy and energy storage facilities.


  • 根据数学仿真试验外场试验特点提出了舰艇红外隐身效果的数学仿真试验评估方法和外场试验评估方法。

    According to the features of mathematical emulation and field test, the mathematical emulation evaluation and field test evaluation methods are proposed.


  • 本文建立了脉冲多普勒雷达导引仿真系统利用仿真系统评估了分别压制式干扰和欺骗式干扰条件下导引头抗干扰能力。

    A pulse Doppler radar seeker simulation system is established, by using the simulation system the performance of pulse Doppler radar seeker is evaluated when jammed.


  • 研究结果表明仿真链路模型总体方案能够较好地实现透明转发器抗干扰技术研究和抗干扰系统性能评估

    Study results show that the simulation link model and the overall project can well perform the research of anti-jamming technologies and the performance evaluation of the anti-jamming system.


  • 模型建立对于雷达装备综合保障评估系统仿真开发的规范化标准化具有一定指导意义。

    To a certainty, the constitution of model is instructive to realizing standardization and normalization of development of simulation conceptual model on radar ILS evaluation system.


  • 当前丰富多样通信实体的选择建模仿真对于精确评估和优化片上网络的整体性能非常重要。

    The choice, modeling and simulation of current rich types of communicators are essential for an accurate evaluation and optimization of the global performance of a NoC.


  • 仿真结果表明模型能够有效地解决目标威胁评估问题能够有助于指挥员进行目标分配提高防空武器系统性能。

    The simulation result indicates this model can efficiently solve the problem of target threat evaluation, and help commanders to allocate targets and improve the efficiency of air defense combat.


  • 计算机仿真现代设计试验领域不可或缺先进技术,同时也是动态复杂系统设计与评估重要手段

    Computer Simulation is an advanced technique in the fields of design and test, and also an important way to test and evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic and intricate system.


  • 评估市场特性基本方法博弈论面对复杂的电力市场,现实的评估工具智能代理的博弈仿真

    The basic method for evaluating the market's characteristics is the game theory, and for the complicated power markets the practical evaluation tool is game simulation with intelligence agent model.


  • 方法按数学模型对子系统进行结构水平分解,运用层次分析法处理数据获得对子系统仿真可信性评估

    This approach analyzes sub-system on the level of construction due to it's digital model , and it gets the system's general credibility with AHP to process data.


  • 介绍了用于红外侦察告警系统性能评估实物仿真系统的硬件结构软件模块组成

    For the components to the design a construction, a HWIL Simulation evaluation system for infrared warning & reconnaissance systems and its fundamental theory is introduced.


  • 针对体系效能评估仿真结果数据转化聚合问题提出采用效用函数方法加以解决。

    To solve the problem of transforming and aggregating of simulation result data in effectiveness evaluation of armor weapon system-of-systems, the utility functions method is put forward.


  • 平台主要对比环境操作运行集、物理系统仿真定性定量评估模块部分构成

    The major parts of the platform include the comparison surrounding, the operation set, the running set, the physical simulation system, the qualitative and quantitative assessment module etc.


  • 另外通过仿真计算评估钢丝绳弹性联轴器特性参数响应稳定性影响

    Otherwise, the effects of the characteristic parameters of wire rope coupling on the response and stability of the shafting are also evaluated by means of simulative calculating.


  • 仿真系统作为演示验证评估AUV导航系统正确性有效性实用性先进手段科学方法,并已得到实际应用。

    This simulation system can be used as an advanced and scientific tool to display, verify and evaluate the correctness, validity and practicability for the navigation system of AUV.


  • CES能够弥补传统层次分析(ahp)在复杂系统中的不足,适合解决仿真可信度评估问题

    The ces net method can supply a gap of the traditional analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and it is more suitable to solve the simulation credibility evaluation problem.


  • 通过国外几种军事装备效能评估框架介绍比较,结合COBP方法提出了基于仿真复杂军事装备效能评估评估框架。

    Based on the introduce of several oversea evaluation frameworks, and combine with the COBP methods, effectiveness evaluation frameworks of complex system based on simulation is constructed.


  • 通过国外几种军事装备效能评估框架介绍比较,结合COBP方法提出了基于仿真复杂军事装备效能评估评估框架。

    Based on the introduce of several oversea evaluation frameworks, and combine with the COBP methods, effectiveness evaluation frameworks of complex system based on simulation is constructed.


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