• 最终执行一项任务时间小时

    As a result, time required for performing a task can range from a few hours to many days.


  • 再一次加倍完成简单任务时间

    Again, this duplicates the time you need to accomplish what seemed to be a simple task.


  • 当然设定一个具有挑战性并能完成任务时间

    Of course, set a time that is challenging yet achievable.


  • 这种情况下,为了控制成本需要追踪单个任务时间吗?

    Isn't time-tracking of individual tasks required to control costs in that situation? Ron's advice is to avoid multiple simultaneous projects entirely.


  • 管理人员需要确保小组完成重构其他必需的任务时间

    Management needs to make sure the team gets the time it needs for refactoring and other necessary tasks.


  • 委托给别人级别任务越多,可以从事价值任务的时间越多

    The more lower level tasks you can persuade others to do, the more time you will have to do tasks that pay you more.


  • 还是句话,具体告诉他们完成任务时间按时完成任务的后果

    Again, be specific about the deadline for completing the task and what the consequence will be if they don't get the job done.


  • 这会一种宽松计划留出空间以防完成任务的时间计划的要

    That gives you a more relaxed schedule, and leaves space in case one task takes longer than you planned.


  • 欧阳自远北京国际天文馆学会大会开幕式上介绍了此次探测任务时间计划

    Ouyang was speaking at the International Planetarium Society Conference in Beijing, during which he gave time schedules for the mission.


  • 请参考RationalSOMA进一步了解说明这些任务时间顺序详细工作流

    See Rational SOMA for further detailed workflows that illustrate the time ordering of those tasks.


  • 处理时间缩短了,因为工作流用户提供了他们执行作业所需所有信息缩短任务时间

    The processing time is smaller because the workflow presents the user with all of the information they need to perform their jobs, reducing the time for the task.


  • 最终后果往往Web发布者往往要垃圾信息方面浪费大量资源并会占用处理其他任务时间

    And the final injury is that Web publishers end up wasting resources on spam-fighting, taking time way from other tasks.


  • 开始任务项目使用最常用日程软件你的日程表中做好完成这项任务的时间计划。

    After starting your task or project, take out your favorite calendar app and start "blocking" out time in your schedule to complete the task.


  • 几乎一个职位衡量成功标准——客户满意度完成任务时间完成的工作量,错误率甚至内部绩效排名

    Almost every role has a measurement of success - customer satisfaction, time to complete a task, volume of activity completed, error rate or even internal performance measurement rankings.


  • 使我们能够通过单击History视图导航至修订相对应任务节省了跟踪更改修订原始任务的时间

    This lets us navigate from the History view to the task corresponding to a revision with a single click, which saves time in tracking changes and revisions to their originating task.


  • 尽管WISE望远镜体积不大——甚至可以将它当作挎包拎手上,执行任务的时间也不长,但已经将全天星空扫描1.5

    Despite its small sizeyou could fit the telescope under your arm like a large purse — and short mission, WISE has already scanned the whole sky one and a half times.


  • 如果两个窗口重叠在线任务可能离线窗口期间(重叠一部分)执行,会占用离线任务的时间离线任务已经在较小的离线窗口中运行。

    If the Windows overlap, online tasks may be performed during the offline window (in the part that overlaps), and this takes time away from offline tasks, which are already running in a smaller window.


  • 分给某个任务时间失去平衡(意味着一个多个任务相对其他任务而言给予相当数量时间),应给失去平衡任务分配时间,让其执行。

    When the time for tasks is out of balance (meaning that one or more tasks are not given a fair amount of time relative to others), then those out-of-balance tasks should be given time to execute.


  • 奋进号已经着陆之时亚特兰蒂斯太空飞船则已经出准备完成宇宙飞船家族最后任务,目前这次任务的时间7 月8 日

    Even as Endeavour was landing, the space shuttle Atlantis was being rolled out in preparation for the last mission of any Space Shuttle, a mission currently scheduled to being on July 8.


  • 我们相信完成这项任务所需要投入时间付出的努力值得的

    We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.


  • 没有更好地工人组织起来,否则他们一半时间完成任务

    The workers were not better organized, otherwise they would have accomplished the task in half the time.


  • 驾驶一项复杂任务人类需要时间才能完全掌握

    Driving is a complex task that takes humans a long time to perfect.


  • 为了时间完成任务他们不同地方

    They went to different places to finish tasks in a short time.


  • 完成这项任务可能需要一些时间没有想象那么

    It might need sometime to finish the task, but it is not nearly as difficult as you think.


  • 任务新手那些没有时间自己做饭的人打气。

    My mission is to encourage green hands and those lacking time or money to feed themselves.


  • 还有其它任务在身,所以制作时间时间了。

    I've been given extra responsibilities and so I have even less time to do the timetabling.


  • 需要一算多少时间才能完成分配的任务

    You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take.


  • 一方面,满足第一个客户遇到大的困难额外几个时间真正完成任务

    Sue, on the other hand, had a more difficult time satisfying her first client and she took several additional months to actually complete the assignment.


  • 尽管约翰花了更长时间完成项目而且完成任务都很成功,但职位空缺时,苏得到了第一次升职

    Although Sue took longer to complete her projects than John and both were equally successful on the assignments they completed, Sue was given the first promotion when there came a vacancy.


  • 即使任务占用时间较长,但消除瓶颈并且令牌不用排队

    Even though the task takes longer, the bottleneck is removed and tokens no longer queue up.


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