• 地图、写菜单、做采访……昨天俞源任务海外名校学子一早便走出家门,为完成任务忙碌

    Drawing maps, designing menus, conducting interviews...... Yesterday is a task day. Overseas participants got up early and kept busy with their tasks.


  • 宫一号,中国首个太空实验室,在今年4月2完成任务后返回地球。

    Tiangong Ⅰ, China's first space lab, returned to the earth after finishing its job on April 2 this year.


  • 2020年4月24是中国第五个“航天”,中国将其首次火星探测任务命名为“天问一号”。

    China named its first Mars exploration mission Tianwen 1 on April 24, 2020, China's fifth Space Day.


  • 12月17凌晨,嫦娥五号月球探测器在内蒙古草原上安全着陆,这意味着嫦娥五号任务成功结束。

    On the early morning of December 17, the Chang'e-5 lunar probe landed safely on the grasslands in Inner Mongolia, meaning the Chang'e-5 mission ended successfully.


  • 3月23号起,(航天器上的)设备启动检查,并于4月4开始本次任务主要科研阶段

    Starting on March 23, the instruments will be turned on and checked out, and on April 4 the mission's primary science phase will begin.


  • 大约在八月之前,我会接到其他表面上看来重要任务

    I will accept some other, apparently more important, task sometime between now and, say, August 1st.


  • GRAIL号根据类似名叫Grace地球重力绘制任务制造的,Grace号也是利用了拉格

    GRAIL is closely based on a similar Earth-gravity mapping mission called Grace, which also made use of a Lagrange Point.


  • 事实上这个轨道飞行器已经完成了全部任务按照设计,它寿命6月,到今年41为止。

    The orbiter had actually finished all its tasks within its designed life span of six months by April 1 this year.


  • 7月24星期四,巴拉克·奥巴马柏林特别出场设立了一项困难任务

    BARACK OBAMA set himself a difficult task for his extraordinary appearance in Berlin on Thursday July 24th.


  • [据DARPA网站2011年3月25报道]现今许多冲突发生城市当中,使指挥人员任务规划人员的城市区域可视化能力重要

    GMT, March 25, 2011 Many of today's conflicts occur in urban Settings, making the ability to visualize conditions in urban areas increasingly important to commanders and mission planners.


  • 机器人公司开发的灵巧机器,2008年56英国伦敦科学馆执行一个任务任务

    The Shadow Robot company's dextrous hand robot, performs a task at the Streetwise Robots event held at the Science Museum's Dana Center on May 6, 2008 in London, England.


  • 简少你工作任务我们工作总是被无穷无尽的任务所填满。

    Simplify work tasks . Our work day is made up of an endless list of work tasks.


  • 对于大多数设计师来说复一项目靠着相同任务寻找灵感很困难的。

    For most designers, it can be difficult to find inspiration by doing quite the same tasks within daily ongoing projects.


  • 但是,你可以一下公司文化尤其是正常工作通常需要承担哪些工作任务

    But it is okay to ask about the company culture and especially about what a typical work day entails.


  • 星相学来讲,起始任务重要的——因为起始就是这项任务生辰”,可是会由始至终影响这项任务未来走向哦。

    In astrology it matters a great deal the date that you choose to initiate a venture - it is the "birth" of that venture, forever affecting it in the future.


  • 在完成16任务之后奋进6月1昏暗清晨最后一次降落肯尼迪太空中心

    Completing a 16 day mission, Endeavour made a it's final landing at Kennedy Space Center in the dark, early morning hours of June 1.


  • 任务40年前的1970年4月13星期二,发生氧气罐破裂事故

    That mission suffered an oxygen tank rupture on April 13, 1970, 40 years ago Tuesday.


  • 1943年113波多黎各山姆大叔哨兵阿德里安第一次执行海外任务,有点迫不及待离开便携式狗窝

    Uncle Sam's war dog sentries have seen their first overseas duty in Puerto Rico Jan. 13, 1943. 'Adrian' the police dog sentry can't wait to leave his portable Kennel.


  • 2008年3月11奋进航天飞机从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角肯尼迪航天中心起飞,执行sts- 123航天任务

    The space shuttle Endeavour lifts off to begin mission STS-123 at the Kennedy space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida March 11, 2008.


  • 最后,赫德召集起来足够的、由有资历组成的团体承担任务。 1817年17成立了“测绘军团”。

    In time Hurd assembled a large enough group of qualified men to take on the task and on 7 January 1817 he established the "Corps of Surveying Officers."


  • 3月14工人们告知这项任务危险的,他们可以选择不

    On March 14, workers were told that the assignment was dangerous and that they could opt out.


  • 这项“可怕任务”——公司如此称呼——报名截止47任务开始于五月中旬

    Hopefuls have until April 7 to apply for the "horrendous assignment" -- as the company teasingly calls it -- which starts mid-May.


  • 意味着构成一个开发者工作所有任务例如我们修复bug或者我们增加特征,都无缝的集成IDE界面中了。

    This means that the tasks that make up a developer's workday, such as the bugs we fix or features we add, are seamlessly integrated with the IDE's rich UI.


  • 本文前半部分中,解释了Mylyn任务管理功能如何轻松聚焦给定工作工作周相关任务

    In the first half of this article, I explained how Mylyn's task management facilities make it easy to focus on tasks relevant to a given day or week.


  • 同时清楚的表明,到2010年8月31为止美国伊拉克战斗任务终结

    And I made clear that by Aug. 31, 2010, America's combat mission in Iraq would end.


  • 7月21亚特兰蒂斯号结束最后一任务安全返航,结束了国家航空航天局30航天飞机之旅,结束了美国载人航天飞行。

    Atlantis returned safely from its final mission on July 21st, bringing an end to 30 years of NASA's space-shuttle voyages, and thus to American manned flights in space.


  • 惠兰说:“我们相信非洲司令部101之前开始运作,能够执行非洲现有战斗指挥任务

    We are confident that by 1 October AFRICOM will be enabled, and will be able to carry out the existing missions of the current combatant commands that are responsible for Africa.


  • 奋进号已经着陆之时亚特兰蒂斯太空飞船则已经出准备完成宇宙飞船家族最后任务,目前这次任务时间7 月8

    Even as Endeavour was landing, the space shuttle Atlantis was being rolled out in preparation for the last mission of any Space Shuttle, a mission currently scheduled to being on July 8.


  • Schedule标签页上我们指定任务只能在2003年5月2923:00运行次,然后点击add任务添加计划任务列表

    On the schedule TAB we indicated this task was to run only once at 23:00 on May 29th, 2003, and then we clicked on add to add the task to the list of scheduled tasks.


  • Schedule标签页上我们指定任务只能在2003年5月2923:00运行次,然后点击add任务添加计划任务列表

    On the schedule TAB we indicated this task was to run only once at 23:00 on May 29th, 2003, and then we clicked on add to add the task to the list of scheduled tasks.


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