• 潜在储量——不同价格可用潜在资源储量总数

    Potential reserves----The amount of resource reserves potentially available at different price levels.


  • 价格会随着收成自然灾害政治不稳定波动价格上涨时,需要时间才能找到新的供应来源

    Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available.


  • 最差项,这项计划引爆了为时18个月银行存款即时冻结, 受影响的数字相当于80%国家财政资财.本意降低流动资金以达到压低价格的目的.

    The worst of the lot, this one involved an immediate freeze for 18 months on bank deposits making up 80% of the country’s financial assets. The idea was to force prices down by reducing liquidity.


  • 同理繁荣前提下大宗商品消费者将会竭尽全力地追逐这些原材料以至他们价格推高非常荒唐水准至少非常时间这样。

    Similarly, in boom conditions commodity consumers will be so desperate to get their hands on raw materials that they will drive prices up to absurd levels, at least for a short time.


  • 石油天然气产业过去时间出现了价格大幅波动这些能源公司应该相应政策机制应对这种情况

    The oil and gas industry has often been through the ups and downs of commodity prices in the past, and they do have strategies and mechanisms for dealing with this kind of scenario.


  • 暗示时间后食品价格上涨一个难题

    Darden hinted that rising food costs could be a problem down the road.


  • 粮食价格可能很长时间内不会回落

    Food prices may not come down for a long time.


  • 我们预期食品价格波动仍持续时间,因此重启方案说明,我们已准备好在有需要的情况下提供帮助。

    We do expect high food price volatility to continue for some time, so reactivating the food crisis facility means we're ready to help if asked.


  • 不管怎样棉花价格都有可能维持时间走

    In any case, cotton prices are likely to stay high for some time.


  • 预测价格时间内仍旧不稳定

    King predicted prices would remain unstable for some time.


  • 食品价格保持高位运行一时间。

    Food prices are likely to remain high for some time.


  • 价格仅仅通过文本展示公司信息的每月8美元,一直包括5分钟视频更高搜索排名的每月5000美元不等

    The price ranges from $8 month, which gets a company listed in bold typeface, to $5, 000 a month, which might include five 10-minute videos and a higher search ranking.


  • 理智决定作出特别是他们预期价格继续上升时间。

    It was a rational decision to make, particularly when they expected prices to continue to rise over time.


  • 国际货币基金组织(IMF)正在出售拥有黄金如果事实确实如此,必将促使黄金价格下跌,那么也许现在将是很长时间内购买黄金最后机会

    Sell its gold and if it does it will drive the price of gold down and that may well be the last opportunity to buy gold for a long time.


  • 每天下午,人们对于能源需求都会比上午大大增加,对于多数消费者而言,在一天中的不同时间使用能源的价格不同。

    Demand for power soars in the afternoon, but the price for most consumers stays the same.


  • 安德森,在这些改进影响市场价格需要时间

    But Anderson says it will take time before those improvements impact market prices.


  • 部分地区这些住宅还被空置时间房产价格形成向下压力

    In some places these dwellings may sit idle for a while, keeping downward pressure on property prices.


  • 结果就是相当长的时间内其他许多商品(例如稻米)的价格都会出现上涨

    The result was a rise in prices over a much longer time and in many other commodities such as rice too.


  • 比如说看涨期权,可以让持有者有权特定的时间以一个特定的价格买入一个资产

    A call option, for example, gives the holder the right to buy an asset at a specified price within a specified period.


  • 然而委员会已经了,发放许可更加吝啬,因而推动第二价格一路上扬。

    But the commission has learnt its lesson and got meaner with allowances, thus pushing up the price in phase two.


  • 实际政策利率时间内助长了房地产价格泡沫人为刺激了消费

    Negative real policy interest rates have helped inflate asset price bubbles, which artificially stimulate spending - for a while.


  • 犹豫相当一时间后,美方谈判者提供最少订单保证愿意提高价格

    With considerable hesitation, the U.S. negotiators sweetened the deal, offering guaranteed minimum orders and a higher price.


  • 由于OFHEO指数追踪所房子重新抵押价格指数按时间调查得到的指数更加精确

    The OFHEO index gives a more accurate picture than more timely series, because it tracks the value of the same houses when they are resold or remortgaged.


  • 一些随着房地产市场下行价格很馋过一时间之后反弹,将使现在的市场非常低迷。

    But others argue that with the real estate market in a tailspin, it might be a very long time before prices rebound — making it a poor market at this time.


  • 是相当时间内太阳能面板制造商目标因为随着太阳能发电价格下降甚至燃烧化石燃料发电的价格更便宜

    That's been the goal of solar panel makers for a long time, because as those prices decline electricity from the sun costs the same as, or is even cheaper than electricity from burning fossil fuels.


  • 美联储表示通胀可能在“一时期内”保持低位表明政策制定者并不预期自己会面临加息遏制价格上涨压力

    Inflation was likely to remain subdued "for some time", the Fed said, indicating that policymakers were not expecting to face pressure to raise rates to combat spiking prices for now.


  • 时间之后,银行往往指出很多质量贷款支持证券价格大降即使证券预期分红

    Banks routinely pointed out that many higher-quality loan - backed securities had fallen sharply in value, even when the loans backing the security continued to pay as expected.


  • 时间以后(大约超过),一种名为“价值效应”的反方向异常现象就会发生价格长期位于低水平的股票发生反弹

    Over long periods (more than three years or so) an opposite anomaly known as the value effect occurs: shares that are depressed in price tend to rebound.


  • 经过了一时间迅速扩张,光伏模块制造商们如今卷入了大量的产能过剩的困局,以及为之伴随而来的价格下跌产品滞销

    After a period of rapid expansion, panel manufacturers today are reeling from a pronounced supply surplus, falling prices and stagnating sales.


  • 经过了一时间迅速扩张,光伏模块制造商们如今卷入了大量的产能过剩的困局,以及为之伴随而来的价格下跌产品滞销

    After a period of rapid expansion, panel manufacturers today are reeling from a pronounced supply surplus, falling prices and stagnating sales.


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