• 适用于44价目表广告预定计划U价格保障的客户。

    For Advertisers who have Upfront Bookings under Rate Card No. 44.


  • 当今一个国家石油战略安全核心问题在于这个国家能否生产石油或者能生产多少石油,而是在于这个国家能否合理价格保障石油的供应。

    The core issue of national oil strategic security has less to do with the oil productivity of a country than it does with the guarantee of oil supply at a reasonable price.


  • EPIC 花费资金购买价值250万美元野牛,这些幼野牛按照协议饲养,购买价格保障

    EPIC fronted the money for the purchase of $2.5 million worth of young bison that will be raised according to its grass-fed protocols, with a guaranteed purchase price.


  • 短期组成部分全球食品应对方案“食品价格危机对策中的社会保障部分平行运行

    The short-term component will work in parallel with the social protection component of the Food Price Crisis Response under the Global Food Response Program.


  • 随着购买防范冰岛银行违约保障需求增加CDS市场保险价格就会上涨,于是冰岛银行的利差就上涨。

    As the demand to buy protection on Icelandic Banks increased, the price of the insurance increased in CDS markets and spreads on the Banks rose.


  • 因此应该谋求以最低价格获得最好保障

    Therefore, you should seek the best coverage you can get at the lowest price possible.


  • 对此多家医院表示,医院中药材供应商已经签订了协议,保障中药材价格的相对稳定。

    To relax worrying citizens, hospitals said they had signed contracts with suppliers to fix prices and will make herbs cheaper for patients.


  • 而金融界已经使用各式各样方法提供多重保障,尽量降低资产价格波动带来影响。

    Derivatives of various stripes have traditionally been used in the financial world to provide some level of insurance against the fluctuation in an asset's price.


  • 由于原料价格稳定保障铁矿石资产对于钢铁公司来说至关重要,”EloraSahoo位来自Dhannlaxmi银行孟买分行的分析师如是说道

    "Securing iron ore assets has become very important for the steel companies as prices have been very volatile, " says Elora Sahoo, an analyst at Dhanlaxmi Bank in Mumbai.


  • 那些能最低价格最大限度地满足客户要求企业就能为工人提供可靠前途保障

    The enterprise that best meets the needs of its customer, at the best price. Offers the most secure future for its workers.


  • 食品燃料价格不断上涨以及就业保障等一些因素促使经济衰退期间平等现象日益增多。

    Rising food and fuel prices along with employment insecurity are among the factors leading to increasing inequities during an economic downturn.


  • 顾客通常支付产品价格10-50%用来给产品买保险,以求制造商担保期限[原译:条款]之外,有更多的保障

    Shoppers typically pay 10-50% of the cost of a product to insure it beyond the term covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee.


  • 流动性提供安全保障可能会影响那些受到影响私有资产价格通过降低贱卖资产的可能性阻止私有救市者限制流动性。

    The offer of liquidity insurance may influence the price of the affected private-sector assets; it would also discourage private rescuers from holding liquidity by making fire-sales less likely.


  • 无论运输蔬菜取用自来水电力供应,非洲几乎所有东西所需更慢一点没有保障或者价格高的离谱。

    WHETHER it is taking vegetables to market, getting water from a tap or turning on the lights, almost everything is slower, less reliable or more expensive in Africa than it needs to be.


  • 还有非常重要一点就是正规公司他们不会随意的增加费用相应价格就非常的正规我们更加的保障

    And very important point is that a regular company they would not increase the cost, the corresponding price also is very normal, is that much more European security for us.


  • 在这所需要质量价格交货期服务都能得到充分保障

    Here you need the quality, price, delivery time, service will be fully guaranteed.


  • 蓝霸提供标准化价格、标准化的服务、标准化的质量体系保障加盟商享有规范的市场运作环境

    Lamba would ensure the NAPA stores have a normation market operation environment by provides the standardized price, standardized service and standardized quality system.


  • 蓝霸先进采购模式全球采购规模保障加盟店具备产品价格竞争优势。

    Both advanced purchase pattern and global purchase scale ensure NAPA stores have the competitive price.


  • 由于这家公司带来价格方面拥有保障拥有需要的时候,绝对可以把握好这家公司。

    Because the company has a guarantee of price, when you have the need, it is absolutely possible to grasp the company.


  • 切实保障重要商品供给搞活流通降低物流成本加强市场价格监管保持物价总水平基本稳定

    We should effectively ensure the supply of major commodities, boost distribution of goods, reduce logistics costs, tighten oversight over market prices, and keep overall prices basically stable.


  • 人力资本市场运行必须具备价格主体信息网络存在形式中介组织、运行规则保障体系等因素

    Its essential for a talent market to have such factors as price, subject, information network, existing forms, intermediary organization, functioning rules, insurance system, etc.


  • 具备资源丰富保障供应价格低廉人体无害特点

    Should have the fruitful in resources, the safeguard supply, the low in price, to human body harmless and so on characteristics.


  • 生命无价从不打折地球知道任何产品都是有成本的,价格打折了,质量就随之没有保障

    Life is priceless, never discount: the earth person all know, any products are cost, the price discount, the quality is no guarantee.


  • 并且,我们产品质量保障价格优惠,在众多消费者深受好评。

    And we have to protect the product quality and price concessions, many consumers have been well received.


  • 提出今后管材采购过程采取国内外钢厂建立战略合作伙伴关系的方式,保障管材资源取得合理价格

    It is suggested that steel pipe purchase should be based on strategic alliance partnering with domestic and overseas steel mills in order to guarantee steel pipe resource and reasonable price.


  • 公司专业透光生产厂家我们产品颜色丰富质量保障价格优惠

    My company is a professional manufacturer of pervious to light stone. Our product quality guarantee, color is rich, the favorable price.


  • 公司专业透光生产厂家我们产品颜色丰富质量保障价格优惠

    My company is a professional manufacturer of pervious to light stone. Our product quality guarantee, color is rich, the favorable price.


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