• 其中关键的一点贷款价值比率或者简称ltv

    The critical thing is the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV.


  • 见解无疑带有偏见不过德州法律确实抵押的贷款价值比率控制80%以内。

    He is biased, no doubt; but Texas law does cap the loan-to-value ratio of mortgages at 80%.


  • 抵押贷款的贷方借给你的钱不会超过财产本身价值因此贷款价值比率会大于1

    A mortgage lender doesn't want to lend more than the property is worth because that would mean a loan-to-value ratio over one.


  • 确定合适质押存货贷款价值比率能够使银行有效地缓释存货质押融资业务信用风险

    Determining appropriate loan-to-value ratios of commodity collateral can make Banks mitigate credit risk of inventory financing effectively.


  • 并非贷款价值比率问题,一定程度上,抵押率问题,即负债个人消费支出比率

    Part ofthis is the — it's not loan-to-value ratio — this is the ratio of mortgage debt to personal consumption expenditure.


  • 一大笔开销,因此设定足够,贷款价值比率,使得抵押物价值能够为贷款提供保障

    There are lots of costs, so you want to have a loan-to-value ratio, which is sufficiently low, that the collateral will cover the value of the loan.


  • 繁荣时期看到一个逐渐上升趋势,上世纪20年代贷款价值比率只有60%,现在飞升至90%100%。

    Over the boom period, we've been seeing a gradual uptrend; just as loan to value ratios were only 60% in the 1920s, now they're up to 90% or 100%.


  • 银行可以繁荣时期建立额外储备金高风险借款人增加风险筹码抵押贷款市场规定贷款价值比率

    These included the right to force Banks to build up extra reserves during boom times, increase risk-weights on high-risk lenders and impose loan-to-value ratios in the mortgage market.


  • 考虑政策包括,银行太平时期增加资本持有或是实行最高贷款价值比率防止出现房地产泡沫

    I'm thinking here of policies like having Banks hold more capital when times are good or implementing maximum loan-to-value ratios to guard against housing price bubbles.


  • 贷款价值变得不安全,因为你的房子已经贬值30%,如果我们借给5000美金,你的贷款价值比率90%左右

    Anyway, your loan-to-value ratio is getting pretty precarious because your house is now down 30% in value; your loan-to-value ratio, if we were to give you $5,000, would be something like 90%.


  • 房地产价值过热时,他们改变规定限制贷款价值比率提高房屋销售税率,他们近期昂贵的房地产采取了这些措施。

    When property prices heat up, they change the rules: restricting loan-to-value ratios or raising the tax on home sales as they recently did with more expensive properties.


  • 但是正如以色列央行行长斯坦利·菲舍尔在此次会议上所指出过去使用的方法保证金制度贷款价值比率限制仍然可以继续使用。

    But, as Stanley Fischer, governor of the Bank of Israel, pointed out to the Jackson Hole attendees, older tools such as margin requirements or maximum loan-to-value ratios could also be used.


  • 西班牙官员声称抵押贷款损失之所以如此是因为贷款大多发放信誉良好借款人,他们贷款价值比率较低,没有逃离债务动机

    Spanish officials argue that mortgage losses are so low because the loans were mostly issued to creditworthy borrowers with low loan-to-value ratios and no incentive to walk away from their debts.


  • 笔者进行的研究以及贷款公司老板的访谈显示,这些公司的贷款都有抵押需求旺,而且只要他们坚持严格贷款价值比率规则,就很少违约的情况。

    From my research and discussions with loan-company owners, their loans are collateralized and demand is strong, and as long as they adhere to strict loan to value ratio rules, defaults are rare.


  • 确保比率足够保持偿付能力,同时提供合理价值

    Make sure your rates are high enough to keep you afloat yet reasonable enough for the value you provide.


  • 信贷价值包括许多可变因素其中包括还款习惯当前拥有无条件贷款信用额度,贷款收入比率以及信用历史

    Credit worthiness includes many variables, including repayment habits; the number of open credit facilities a person currently has, debt to income ratio and credit history.


  • 过去我们如果一家企业出现问题负债比率可能会上升现在如果它们表现不好债务价值出现下降。

    In the past, we would think that if a firm was having problems they would show a higher debt ratio, but now if they are performing poorly, the debt is going to be going down in value.


  • 银行业热心因为重组可能要求他们平衡表上记录债务价值,而他们正在辛苦提高资本比率

    The banks are not keen either, since restructuring would require them to write down the value of the debt on their balance-sheet just as they are struggling to improve their capital ratios.


  • 惠特尼周二称,银行类股股价与有形账面价值比率至少达到了1.8,高于第二季度初的1.4倍。

    On Tuesday, Ms. Whitney suggested the sector was 'at least fairly valued' at roughly 1.8 times tangible book value, up from 1.4 times book when the second quarter began.


  • 净资产收益率,又称ROE,指公司十二个月净收入股东权益(帐面价值)的比率最多盈利性指标。

    Return on equity, or ROE, the ratio of a company's 12-month net income to its shareholder equity (book value), is the most widely used profitability gauge.


  • 就是说英镑美元比率已经接近于体现根本价值,同时兑欧元的比率显示其长期价值被低估了15%。

    This suggests that the pound is now close to its underlying value against the dollar and about 15% below its long-term value against the euro.


  • 之间变化水准幅图像或者他们最大之间比率估价领域以及最小价值

    The level of variation between light and dark values areas in an image, or the ratio between their maximum and minimum values.


  • 最大价值贷款比(LTV)债务收入比率形式限制个人贷款上限另一种选择

    Caps on how much individuals can borrow, in the form of maximum loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-to-income ratios, are another option.


  • 外汇交易涉及贵方认为货币价值相对于另一种货币价值未来比率,并据此建立头寸

    Transactions in FX involve you taking a position with regard to what you consider the price of one currency will be against the price of another currency in the future.


  • 中国银行股票下跌今年交易价格与帐面价值比率假设这些机构蒙受贷款组合的重大损失

    The stocks of Chinese Banks fell this year and were trading at price-to-book ratios that assumed these institutions would suffer substantial losses on their loan portfolios.


  • 课堂教学效率是指向教学目标有效教学时间实际教学时间比率实现教学目标的价值量度

    Classroom teaching efficiency means the ratio between the effective teaching time of teaching objectives and actual teaching time, and it is the measure of value of attaining the teaching objectives.


  • 它们根本追求短线利润投资者的眼睛,但是对于重视价值的,寻找价格收益比率低的有利价格股票的投资者来说就不同了。

    They are often overlooked by investors seeking fast profits, but not by value investors looking for bargain-priced stocks with a low price-to-earnings ratio.


  • 它们根本追求短线利润投资者的眼睛,但是对于重视价值的,寻找价格收益比率低的有利价格股票的投资者来说就不同了。

    They are often overlooked by investors seeking fast profits, but not by value investors looking for bargain-priced stocks with a low price-to-earnings ratio.


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