• 全面风险管理体系现代商业银行有效运行基础,是提升银行价值创造力打造核心竞争力的保障。

    Overall risk management system is the basis of efficient running for bank, and is also guarantee of upgrading value creativity and building core competition ability for bank.


  • 因为如果我们不是(最具有创造力的生物),我们将无法未来生态系统提供多少价值可能会使我们存在基础受到质疑

    Because if we aren't, we won't be providing much value in future ecosystems, and that may put in question the foundation for our existence.


  • 造力对我们来说是巨大的财富,因为它在我们的工作和生活中具有价值

    Creativity is great wealth for us because of its value in our work and life.


  • 可以辨别什么真正成功,什么是真正的价值,你如何才能创造力以及如何让自己快乐着手。

    Start with identifying what real success is, what your real value is, how you can be more creative and how you can enjoy yourself more.


  • 开始是很难,但是一旦你进入自由写作圈这会一个空闲时间花费小时,就能够通过自己创造力写出一些价值的东西的好方法

    While the threshold for entry can be difficult, once you’re in, it’s a great way to use a few spare hours and your own creativity to produce something of value.


  • 这样就可以编码时间工作放在需要创造力更高层次价值领域

    That way, you can focus your coding time and efforts on the areas that require creativity and higher-level value.


  • 充满创造力时候,当你做任何事情的时候,你就是实现人生的价值因为你正在发现表达生命你的意义。

    When you're being creative, when you're making things, you're really making meaning because you're engaged in the process of discovering and expressing what it means to you to be alive.


  • 创造力能够给予人们力量,他们能够告诉世界他们是稀有的、有价值的,有能力的。而如果社会向他们投入足够创造力才真正让变成残疾

    It's society that disables an individual by not investing in enough creativity to allow for someone to show us the quality that makes them rare and valuable and capable.


  • 这个社会里,创造力知识应用相关工作单纯体力劳动价值

    In this new society, the work associated with the creation and use of knowledge is more valuable than the physical labor.


  • 研究员我们表现出创造力,当我们帮助他人,当我们提供改进建议或者额外工作时候,我们的工作就变的更有价值能为我们所掌握

    Researcher Amy Wrzesniewski says that when we express creativity, help others, suggest improvements, or do additional tasks on the job, we make our work more rewarding and feel more in control.


  • 这样做,就可以提升自己信心勇气创造力自我价值以及进取天性

    And by doing so you will increase your confidence, your courage, your creativity, your self-worth and your enterprising nature.


  • 很多富于创造力员工工作使用OpenSpace组织有效创造出大的价值么?

    Will the most progressive and innovative employees be drawn to work in organizations that use Open Space, in effect creating a stronger workforce in these organizations?


  • 科学视角观之我们看到资源人类创造力才是手头上最有价值东西。

    From a scientific perspective, we see that resources and human ingenuity are the most valuable issues at hand.


  • 古希腊民族是一个重视个体价值崇尚个体意义,显张个人对自然社会征服力和创造力的民族。

    The ancient Greek nation attached individual values, believed in individualism and glorified that man could conquer and create nature and society.


  • 创造力一种独特魔力能够产生大于自身消耗的价值

    Creativity is a special kind of magic. It produces more value than it consumes.


  • 即使经济不景气的时期,孩子们还是需要有趣的价值的、能激发他们想象力创造力玩具

    Even in an economic downturn children still need exciting good value toys to entertain and inspire their creativity.


  • 即使经济不景气的时期,孩子们还是需要有趣的价值的、能激发他们想象力创造力玩具

    Even in an economic downturn, children still need exciting, good value toys to entertain and inspire their creativity.


  • 通过积极心理价值探究,可以发现积极心理有利于个体人格塑造创造力的激发,以及个人的自我价值的实现。

    The value study on positive psychology shows that positive psychology helps shaping individual personality, inspiring creativity and realizing personal self-worth.


  • 学习过程企业可能会遵循一种战略模仿市场领导者创造力改造并形成独创性市场价值

    In the course of learning, a company may decide to follow a strategy of copying the creativity of industry leaders, modifying each copy enough to give it some originality and market value.


  • 我们价值在于持续不断的创造力,我们要善于在一一次的沮丧中找到自我重振自己

    We value the continued creativity, we should be good at the time and again find themselves and revive their frustration.


  • 科幻小说作为文学样式广泛传播具有十分重要科学思想价值,它繁荣程度体现一个国家的民族想象力创造力的发达程度。

    As one kind of literary style, the science fiction plays an important role in spreading science and valuable ideas. The level of its prosperity shows the level of national imagination and creativity.


  • 我们长期满足世界各地客户需求团队价值体现于:创造力团队合作,高质量解决方案完整性享受以及笑容

    Because we long to satisfy the demand of our customers around the world, the values conveyed in our team are: creativity, teamwork, quality of solutions, integrity, enjoyment and smile.


  • 对于广告公司来说更为重要品牌力、创造力服务力等重要价值没有得到关注与有效统计分析。

    The values of branding, creativity and service, which are considered more important to advertising companies, don't catch much attention and analyzed.


  • 我们承认个人才是价值最终源泉努力建立一个使他们能够体现价值环境以此来释放创造力创新力

    We unleash creativity and innovation by recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value, and creating an environment where they can make a difference.


  • 作品展示智慧所包含的无限能力以及创造力价值传统。

    Thispiece of artwork presents the unlimited power of wisdom, the value and traditionof creativity.


  • 可以解决问题,激发创造力甚至治愈我们自己,只有在夜晚,我们才可以得到这么价值的帮助,而如果不能学习加以利用大为可惜。

    Dreams can solve our problems, make us more creative and even heal us. Our nights offer us valuable tools. It would be a shame if we do not learn to use them.


  • 创造力人们根据一定目的运用已知信息产生出某种新颖独特社会价值产品能力

    Creativity is the ability of people to generate some new, unique and social valuable products with the use of known information based on some intention.


  • Adobe进行一项研究,96%员工认为无论是他们收入还是他们带给这个世界价值来讲,创造力他们的成功很重要

    In a study conducted at Adobe, 96% of employees identified creativity as essential to their success, both in terms of their income and the value they bring to the world.


  • 这里创造力价值高于与设计相关分析技能后者前者容易些。

    Creativity is here contrasted with, and valued more highly than, the analytical skills also associated with designing, with an implication that the latter are acquired more easily than the former.


  • 我们创造力追求商业价值

    We use creativity to pursue business value!


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