• 玩家自己为主没有同伴配合。

    You have no partners but on your own.


  • 劳拉·霍夫施塔特可谓一位名画背后艺术家自己再造了那些著名画作。

    Laura Hofstadter is the artist behind paintings, in which she recreates famous artworks featuring herself as the subject.


  • 奈特似乎瞧不起女主角布雷特•阿什利(Brett Ashley),这位“蛇蝎美人”“一切自己为主”,除了漂亮没有什么人喜欢的地方。”

    Mr. Knight also seems to disdain Brett Ashley, the book's femme fatale who is 'central to everything, ' but 'had nothing endearing about her except her beauty.'


  • 的是自己身为一个黑人姑娘白人为主城市里的经历。

    She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city.


  • 调查显示,只有23.8%女性41%的男性周末一顿炸食品为主早餐来犒劳自己,而大多数人则依然选择谷物和烤面包片。

    Only 23.8 per cent of women and 41 per cent of men treated themselves over the weekend to a fry-up as the majority stuck with cereal and toast.


  • 大众社交地方当然46个各有主题超大型购物中心为主有些购物中心发行自己杂志

    The social scene, not surprisingly, centers on the 46 themed megamalls, some of which even have their own magazines.


  • 最后醋作为主打结束调味通过不断尝试,找到自己喜欢口味比如说芥末味的,还能作为特别口味。

    Top it all off with a vinegar-based dressing; experiment to find a tasty one you like, such as mustard vinaigrette for extra flavor.


  • 主要因为美国欧洲乙醇视为农业物料要保护自己本国的制造商玉米乙醇为主)。

    That is mainly because the United States and Europe see ethanol as an agricultural commodity and protect their own producers (mainly of corn ethanol).


  • 首次面向几百名观众公映中,他们的舞台剧发生上次色列战争中的恐怖故事要情节,在短片播放的同时,孩子们在台上讲述自己战争中的遭遇。

    Their first performance in front of several hundred people involved a recounting of the horrors of the last war with Israel, with children speaking about their own fears as video of the war played.


  • 今年早些时候黑人为主的校董事会解雇了地区黑人主管罗伊·布鲁克据说偏向富有白人,而那些白人希望自己社区能有更多学校

    Earlier this year, the black-majority school board fired Roy Brooks, the district's black superintendent, because it said he favoured wealthy whites who wanted more schools in their neighbourhoods.


  • 伦敦,赫斯特先生负责两个大型工业单位生产蝴蝶翅膀绘画自己的照片真实感绘画为主

    In London Mr Hirst presides over two large industrial units producing the butterfly-wing pictures and his photo-realist paintings.


  • 当年,若开通博客必须自己网站为主

    In those days, to start a blog you would have had to host it on your own Web site.


  • 比安卡贾格安迪沃霍尔纽约参加一个纪念乔治库克(电影《星海浮沉录和《窈窕淑女导演为主题的聚会时,自己入时的穿着来定义了何谓优雅。

    Bianca Jagger defines elegance as she and Andy Warhol attend a New York gala in 1978 in honor of George Cukor, director of A Star Is Born and My Fair Lady.


  • 最后TobiasMayer主持了一教练游戏为主题的议题,每个人都带来自己喜爱的游戏。

    Finally Tobias Mayer, convened a session on Coaching games where everyone brought their own favorite games.


  • 现在自己奋斗目标为主。我5年内成为地区经理。我海滩公寓

    I am focusing on my goals. I want to be regional manager in 5 years. I also want to buy an apartment on the beach.


  • 现在自己的奋斗目标为主。我5年内成为地区经理。我海滩公寓

    Helli: I am focusing on my goals. I want to be regional manager in 5 years. I also want to buy an apartment on the beach.


  • 表现音乐领域中国音乐重灵感、重内视,自我心理单线条抒情表意为主,诠释自己情绪深邃律动

    It is shown in music field that Chinese music, focusing on the inspiration and insight, is mainly for lyrical expression of self psychological world, and reflects the deep rhythm of self emotion.


  • 美国一个移民为主联邦制国家教育行政管理典型的地方分权制,各州自己来确定教育事务。

    The United States is a federal country which is made up of many foreign immigrants, the educational administration is the typical right division, each state manages its own education.


  • 菜品海鲜为主结合本地传统菜肴特色点心形成自己风格

    Dishes and seafood dishes in the main bowl, combine the traditional local dishes and snacks, such as characteristics, and form its own special style of conflict.


  • EMBA招生院校自己制定考试录取办法,自行组织考试,录取标准考生职业成就能力测验面试成绩为主

    Thee admission method and enrolling exam of EMBA set up and held by relevant trial colleges. The admission criteria are mainly by career accomplishment, ability test and interviews.


  • 精心创造自己产品特色同时本厂产品理念上始终坚持自主研发为主博采众长为辅

    Innovated our own characters carefully, meanwhile we always stick to research products relying on us, assisted by absorbing widely.


  • 如果不是因为平常饮食蛋白质食物为主一定不会这样放纵自己的。

    I'm sure that I couldn't allow myself this indulgence were it not that my normal diet is composed almost totally of protein foods.


  • 改变服装印花企业加工为主生产模式建议服装印花企业成立自己的图案艺术设计体系

    This article suggests to set art design system in order to change the mode of production mainly based on processes in garment printing enterprises.


  • 其中自由为主指出不足之处提出自己改进实现方法

    Taking the free-axis method as an example, the author intensively studied it and discovered some shortcomings, then, an improving method and its realization are developed.


  • 其中自由为主指出不足之处提出自己改进实现方法

    Taking the free-axis method as an example, the author intensively studied it and discovered some shortcomings, then, an improving method and its realization are developed.


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