• 以消极想法来看别人如何对待

    Think negatively about how people treat you.


  • 以消极态度接受不公平待遇

    He can't stand for the unfair treatment.


  • 例如一个患有临床抑郁症世界经常消极看法

    People with clinical depression, for instance, often get Mired in a negative view of the world.


  • 正是接纳含义不再当下消极情绪。

    And that's what acceptance implies: no negativity about what is.


  • 积极挑战人生扩大你的思想境界不要对生活抱消极退缩的态度。

    Positive challenges in your life will expand your mind, not send it backwards.


  • 课堂上对于叙事回归——消极被动的接受替代积极深入参与——像是无聊厌倦的催化剂。

    A return to narrative in the classroom - to passive consumption instead of active critical engagement - is more likely to be a recipe for boredom and disaffection.


  • 明白为什么这样情况会发生,但开始明白为什么坐在旁边女孩消极态度对待工作

    I don't understand why this happens and begin to understand why the girl sitting next to me treats her job in a negative attitude.


  • 它们使消极方式去看待别人或者通过脑海里无声声音持续地向你推进一些可怕无用想法

    They can make you view people in a negative way or keep suggesting fearful and useless thoughts through the silent voice in your head.


  • 惩罚性父母消极感受吹毛求疵的针对患者时,争议重点应该放在指出家长自身的缺点死板

    When the punitive parent is critical in a negative sense towards the patient, the accent of the disputation should lie in pointing out the parent ' s own failings and rigidity.


  • 评估风险决定一个风险是否值得承担必须审视后果,无论是现在还是将来,无论是积极还是消极的,无论是他人还是对自己。

    Evaluating risks to decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself.


  • 因为观察到没有讨论商量余地,于是选择极不情愿地接受任务然后这种消极方式表示反抗

    Because his perception is that there is no room for discussion or negotiation, he reluctantly agrees to the task but then ACTS out in passive aggressive ways.


  • 我们常常趋于相信消极积极对立面一种抽象方式彼此分离,是彼此敌对的存在。

    We often tend to believe that negative and positive are opposites, separate from another and, in an abstract way, enemies of one another.


  • 有时候会倾向一些事情负面方式做出反应这会引起压力抑郁或者其他的一些消极情绪

    Sometimes you tend to react to something in a negative way which causes stress, depression or other negative emotions.


  • 其中两个关键步骤了解消极想法的来源训练自己尽量减少影响

    There are two key steps to understanding where your own negative thoughts come from and training yourself to minimize their impact.


  • 酒精象征狭隘消极罪恶

    He USES alcohol as a signifier of the petty, the negative and the evil.


  • 如果面对挑战时总是倾向消极对待,那么不妨尝试着模仿那些能够积极心态面对挑战的人。

    If you tend to react negatively to challenges, try imitating somebody who always reacts positively.


  • 消极反对公司平均12.4%份额成功地打入市场然而那些前有良好表现媒体宠儿们却只有4.2%。

    The most negatively portrayed companies managed to beat the market by an average of 12.4%, whereas the outperformance of the media darlings fell to just 4.2%.


  • 但是研究结果的确证明了拥有消极特质不一定不好还需要做更多研究充分了解这些隐性特质工作场所中发挥的作用

    But the findings do prove that it isn't necessarily bad to be "bad," and that more research is needed to fully understand the role of subclinical traits in the workplace.


  • 这种消极反应其实一种警示,暗示了投资者可能怀疑收购能否实现公司间的协同创造溢价

    This negative response is an indication of investors’ skepticism about the likelihood that the acquirer will be able to achieve the synergies required to justify the premium.


  • 这个程序中,这种方式执行缓冲区处理并不显著影响执行时间对于某些数据可能消极影响

    In this particular program, doing buffer handling in this way does not affect the execution time significantly, and in some data sets, affects it negatively.


  • 关于自己消极思想这个世界信号别人接收这个信号作出回应。

    Your negative thoughts about yourself send a signal throughout the world that others pick up on and respond accordingly.


  • 从头设计语言时,我们机会分组评估语言功能调整它们实现协同交互避免消极交互

    When designing a language from scratch, we have the opportunity to evaluate language features as a group, adjusting them to interact synergistically or avoid negative interactions.


  • 冲突升级已经严重威胁到地区和平稳定而且地区国家之间关系产生消极影响

    The escalation of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts has seriously threatened regional peace and stability and had a negative impact on relations between countries in the region.


  • 这些模型作为基础,系统验证事件它们分类比如软件区分那些消极观众兴高采烈的球迷

    On the basis of these models the system then identifies events and classifies them: for instance the software can distinguish between passive spectators and fans jumping up and down.


  • 消极供暖房屋不同的积极供暖房屋使用机械设备比如风箱外部能量保证太阳能不足房屋供暖。

    Unlike a passive solar home, an active solar home uses mechanical equipment, such as pumps and blowers, and an outside source df energy to help heat the house when solar energy is not enough.


  • 我们知道男孩们所接受的这种通过消极躲避维持脸面的主题思想是否影响他们学校里表现

    We wonder if the messages boys get about saving face through glorified slacking could be affecting their performance in school.


  • 所言,大部分非洲背景美国电影往往喜欢着眼于消极

    Most American films set in Africa, he says, accentuate the negative.


  • 很重要的,减少任何潜在消极方面帮助雇主取消份工作

    This is important to reduce any potential negative aspects that help employers disqualify you for a job.


  • 这样我们开始偏离方向时,他并不会消极方式而是设法解决每个人的问题确保我们知道每场比赛多少重要

    He's one of the guys that when we start getting out of line, he really, not in a negative way, but kind of settles everyone down and makes sure that we know how important each and every game is.


  • 这样我们开始偏离方向时,他并不会消极方式而是设法解决每个人的问题确保我们知道每场比赛多少重要

    He's one of the guys that when we start getting out of line, he really, not in a negative way, but kind of settles everyone down and makes sure that we know how important each and every game is.


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