• 最后实际案例进行VF M评价,并对VFM评价结果进行分析

    Finally, conducts the VFM evaluation on actual cases and analyzes the VFM evaluation results.


  • 最后以实际案例量化后的指标日照采光通风进行分析说明。

    Finally, this paper presents a case study on quantified indicators of sunshine, lighting and ventilation.


  • 以实际案例分析了TRIZ方法工具解决柴油机具体技术方面的应用

    The application of TRIZ and its tools in solving diesel engines'technical problems are analyzed through cases.


  • 归纳集成电路设计项目管理主要内容管理过程之后,本文实际案例集成电路项目管理过程进行了应用研究

    After concluding the main matter and the management procedure of the IC design projects, the thesis applies and studies the management procedure of IC design project during the practical project.


  • 本文采用理论研究实际案例分析相结合研究方法A公司研究对象,研究了激励机制的问题。

    This paper takes company a as an example, and studies its incentive mechanism using the research method combined of theoretical studies and actual case analysis.


  • 第三部分通过对“燃料充分利用白色污染两个具体案例描述分析这一基本理念放到实际情境接受检验

    The third part, through describing and analyzing the two concrete cases: "Abundant use of the fuel" and "The white polluting", put the basic theory in the practical situation to accepting examination.


  • 最后中国动漫产业产业链分析整合作为实证案例验证研究的基本结论结合实际提出建议。

    At last, this dissertation takes cosplay industry of China as the case, analyzing its industry chain and integration, trying to validate the conclusion and give some advices.


  • 最后利用建立模糊综合市场定位模型一个实际开发案例进行分析检验评级体系合理性准确性

    Finally, analysis a practical model with the fuzzy comprehensive market positioning evaluating system, test the reasonableness and accuracy of the system.


  • 同时本文结合实际案例进行分析增强本文实际应用价值

    At the same time, the paper also combines the analysis of actual cases, so as to enhance the practical application of this value.


  • 最后通过案例讨论加强学生知识理解提高实际运用能力

    Finally, students' understanding of the knowledge is enhanced through discussing cases so that their practical operating ability is improved.


  • 研究为了使相关学习者贴近实务,因此运用个案研究法分析专案投标评估准则,两个实际案例说明专案投标评估程序阶段的评估准则

    To let related learners to be closer to practices, this study ADAPTS case approach to explain and to analyze tender evaluative criteria in each stage mentioned before with two real cases.


  • 探讨湿地城市公园形式开发应用,阐述湿地公园城市中的价值意义国内实际案例说明。

    To explore the wetlands park in the city to the development and application forms on the wetland park in the city the value and significance, and the actual case to illustrate this.


  • 最后一个实际工程案例本文提出一些观点方法进行了验证。

    Finally, the paper verifies the proposed views and methods through a practical project case.


  • 通过实际应用案例介绍TPC - C基准测试体系模型结构原理数据库技术进行测试的方法。

    Through actual test cases, this paper introduces the model structure and principle of TPC-C, also describes how to test with database tuning technology.


  • 最后一个详细流程图实际工程案例说明设计安装运行方法

    A real project case with particular flow chart was enumerated here. And the method of its design, installation, and operation were explained in the end.


  • 斯蒂芬·诺维奇断言问题在于缺乏灵感自己20多年实际案例研究支持一结论。

    He asserts that the problem is lack of inspiration, and he supports this with twenty years of real case studies from his own experience.


  • 最后作者湖南益鑫泰服饰有限公司为案例进行了具体分析说明,做到理论实际相结合,从而使研究具有针对性可操作性。

    Finally, the author cites the case of Hunan ISUNTE Garment co., Lid to concretely analyze and explain combined with theories and practices so as to make this research more targeted and practical.


  • 本文案例分析形式,探讨《数字电路基础》的课程教学实际应用结合问题

    This paper discusses, in the mode of case study, ways to combine teaching with practice with the "Digital Circuit Basics" course as a case in point.


  • 一条途径研究者探索性法律规范收集实地案例调查基础通过实际经验理论加工进行建构。

    The other is constructing through processing the practical experience theory that is at the foundation of exploring collection of legal norm and case study on the spot.


  • 教学中注重理论联系实际国内外丰富企业文化案例著名企业使命愿景作为重要学习素材

    The abundant corporate culture cases, domestic and abroad, the missions and visions of the famous enterprises will be taken as important learning materials.


  • 第四章长虹TCL案例“点—线—面”顺序,历史逻辑角度出发,理论联系实际的精神,具体说明低成本领先战略实施方式

    Then, in the third chapter, from the historical and logical perspective, it illustrates the ways of implementing the strategy concretely by the cases of Changhong, TCL successively.


  • 培训项目提及实际企业的社会责任应用案例研究互动讨论增添内容

    The training program will be supplemented through practical CSR applications, case studies and discussions.


  • 最后湘西锦帛钰纺织公司企业形象设计河漂流浴巾设计为实际案例得出相关结论启示

    Finally, relevant conclusions and inspiration are arrived from the example of design the bath towel in Meng Dong River, a traveling resort in the west of Hunan.


  • 最后汽车发动机所建制造逆向物流网络稳健优化模型进行实际案例应用研究

    Finally, taking ELV engine as example, an application research about the optimized remanufacturing reverse logistics network model is carried out.


  • 指出教师平时多参与实际课题将其内容引入课程丰富案例教学重要性

    It is important that teachers should participate in fact tasks and enrich content of lesson with it.


  • 指出教师平时多参与实际课题将其内容引入课程丰富案例教学重要性

    It is important that teachers should participate in fact tasks and enrich content of lesson with it.


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