• 这里全都是玩具书籍以及诸如此类的东西

    It's full of old toys, books and what not.


  • 怎么样啊?知道—说的就是爱情生活以及诸如此类的事情嘛。

    How's it going? You knowlove, life and all that jazz.


  • 认为文章可能你们所有人都有意义作为年轻人,你们可能知道真相这样的事情你们的生活将走向何方以及诸如此类各种深刻的问题

    I think this essay has the potential to be quite meaningful for all of you as young people who probably wonder about things like truth and where your lives are goingall sorts of profound questions.


  • 看到项目视图、项目启动一些流程以及诸如项目成熟度信息

    You will see the project view with any processes you have started in the project, along with information such as project maturity.


  • 除了飞机之外,该公司轮船以及诸如油田之类的远程地点提供监测系统。

    Besides aircraft, it also supplies them for ships and for use at remote locations like oil Wells.


  • 水平的教育营养不良以及诸如酗酒儿童虐待的问题比比皆是

    Education is bad, nutrition is poor and problems like alcoholism and child abuse abound.


  • 其中包括鹪鹩五子雀八哥以及诸如、杓红脚的水鸟。

    The species included the wren, nuthatch, starling and also waterbirds such as the oystercatcher, curlew and redshank.


  • 眼球外伤眼部疾病某些药物以及诸如糖尿病一类的健康问题导致白内障

    Cataracts can also happen after an eye injury, as a result of eye disease, after you use certain medicines, or as a result of health problems such as diabetes.


  • 捐赠本身而言布莱尔先生现在相当富裕各种演讲咨询以及诸如此类,他获得巨额资金。

    As for the donation itself, Mr Blair is now a very rich man, able to command huge fees for speeches, consultancies and the like.


  • 此外世行记录IP地址计算机网络地址以及诸如浏览器类型操作系统信息。

    In addition, the World Bank also records your IP address, which is the Internet address of your computer, and information such as your browser type and operating system.


  • 大部分收入来自直销市场垃圾邮件以及诸如红酒维生素片书籍等五花八门的商品销售

    Most of its money comes from direct marketing (that is, junk mail) and sales of things as varied as wine, vitamins and books.


  • 个理性具备智慧聪明审慎理智品德,以及诸如胸襟开阔节制等个性品德。

    The rational man will have the intellectual virtues of wisdom, intelligence and prudence and the character virtues of, for example, liberality and temperance.


  • 讲到退却防线撤出的战区,以及诸如此类的事情,好像正在条战壕里司令部报告

    He talks about the line falling back, the sector evacuated, and so on and so forth, as though he were dug into a trench and writing a report to headquarters.


  • 同时也强调最近投票支持提高失业津贴各州提供补助金避免老师警察以及诸如此类的人失业

    He also highlighted his recent votes in favour of extending unemployment benefits and providing grants to states to avoid lay-offs of teachers, policemen and the like.


  • 感染手术某些药物酗酒以及诸如口炎性腹泻罗恩病此类的消化功能紊乱可能引起消化不良

    Malabsorption can be caused by infection, surgery, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and digestive disorders such as celiac sprue and Crohn's disease.


  • 已经癫痫发作REM睡眠紊乱以及诸如帕金森症阿尔兹罕默氏病等大脑器质性病变联系起来

    Sleepwalking has been linked to seizures, REM sleep disorders and organic brain disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.


  • 传统的心肺复苏(CPR)通常由外按压帮助机体血液循环以及诸如对口吹气的方式进行呼吸支持

    CPR traditionally involves providing chest compressions to help circulate blood around the body and breathing support, such as mouth-to-mouth ventilation.


  • 亚洲饮食中豆腐谷类以及诸如绿花椰菜甘蓝之类蔬菜等非牛奶类食物给人体提供主要摄入

    In an Asian diet, non-dairy foods like tofu, grains and vegetables such as broccoli, kale and bok choy are the major contributors of calcium intake.


  • 引擎动力传动系统刹车系统、底盘外型内部以及诸如挡风玻璃雨刷紧急刹车装置都是关键组件子组件

    Engines and drivetrains, braking systems, chassis, exterior, interior, and safety features like lights, windshield wipers, and emergency brakes were key components and subcomponents.


  • 镶嵌细工:把木板金属以及诸如贝壳珍珠母等有机材料制成复杂图样,家具表面上装饰技术。

    Marquetry: Decorative work in which thin pieces of wood, metal, or organic material, such as shell or mother-of-pearl, are affixed in intricate patterns to the flat surfaces of furniture.


  • 随着越来越多的记者成为自由撰稿人以及诸如在线杂志报纸博客之类出版物制作更加容易,现在变革的最好时机

    With more and more journalists becoming freelance, and with it being easier to create publications like online magazines, newspapers and blogs, there has never been a better time for a change.


  • 人们主要担忧包括放射性垃圾封存,(Pu)元素管制以及诸如英里切尔诺贝利核电站事故等灾难重演

    Major concerns include storing its radioactive waste, about keeping plutonium out of the wrong hands, and repeats of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl-type disasters.


  • 然而随着WebGL 1.0发布以及诸如手机芯片商高通也为背书撑腰,WebGL在稳定性支持方面得到了极大保证

    With WebGL version 1.0 released, though, and companies like mobile-phone chipmaker Qualcomm endorsing it, WebGL comes with a greater assurance of stability and support.


  • 然而随着WebGL 1.0发布以及诸如手机芯片商高通也为背书撑腰,WebGL在稳定性支持方面得到了极大保证

    With WebGL version 1.0 released, though, and companies like mobile-phone chipmaker Qualcomm endorsing it, WebGL comes with a greater assurance of stability and support.


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