• 声学以及蒙古民间多声部音乐持续技法区别

    Mongolian folk and acoustic as well as with multi-voice music continued to sound techniques are different.


  • 作者灵感源于持有美国赛车俱乐部的许可证以及蒙古传统可以转世为人的说法。

    Inspiration for the author both came from his SCCA license, and a Mongolian tradition that the dog can reincarnate into a human.


  • 他们可以享用北京烤鸭蒙古牛肉奶制品以及韩国

    They can enjoy Beijing roast duck, beef and dairy from Inner Mongolia, and Korean dishes.


  • 游客可以广袤草原上找到一些具有纯正蒙古风情娱乐项目观看赛马摔跤表演射箭以及打猎

    Tourists can also some pure Mongolian entertainment on the vast grassland, such as watching horse racing, wrestling performances, archery and hunting.


  • 尽管经济增长速度接近10%,蒙古还要设法解决通货膨胀(去年通胀率超过15%),以及持续贫穷问题失业问题

    The growth rate is near 10%, but Mongolia is grappling with inflation that last year passed 15%, as well as persistent poverty and unemployment.


  • 除了滑雪之外游客可以广袤草原上找到一些具有纯正蒙古风情娱乐项目,观看赛马摔跤表演、射箭以及打猎等。

    In addition to skiing, travelers can also explore other fun activities with authentic Mongolian flavor on the vast grasslands, such as watching horse racing, wrestling, archery and hunting.


  • 俄国蒙古进贡国之一,1230年代,蒙古洗劫了基辅,蒙古铁骑涌入俄国以及现在乌克兰

    Muscovy had been one of the tributaries of the Mongols, who sacked Kiev in the 1230s, after pouring into Russia and what now is Ukraine.


  • 剩下少数荒野地区包括阿拉斯加加拿大俄罗斯北部森林中国蒙古高原以及亚马逊流域大部分地区。

    The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia; the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; and much of the Amazon River Basin.


  • 我们试图当地地理地貌蒙古文化以及当地图腾来挖掘灵感以融合形成设计理念

    We tried to find something from local geography, Mongolia culture and the totem to be merged into the design concept.


  • 接近原始的录制方式带来纯正蒙古歌谣以及利亚教堂中的即兴哼唱。

    The almost classical recording presents Mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little Bavarian church.


  • 俄罗斯斡旋确立中亚边境以及剿灭蒙古人。

    Negotiations with Russia fix the Central Asian frontier, and doom the Mongols.


  • 剩下少数荒野地区包括阿拉斯加加拿大俄罗斯北部森林中国蒙古高原以及亚马孙河流域大部分地区。

    The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia; the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; and much of the Amazon River Basin.


  • 音乐流露出内心的静谧深邃的情愫。接近原始的录制方式带来纯正蒙古歌谣以及利亚教堂中的即兴哼唱

    Music of intimate tranquillity and deep moving expression. The almost classical recording presents Mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little Bavarian church.


  • 未来日子小雨阵雨降雪将成为新疆维吾尔自治区蒙古自治区以及中国北方的主要天气。

    Light rain, showers or snowfall has been forecast over the next few days for the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the central Inner Mongolia autonomous region and most parts of Northeast China.


  • 雷暴袭击中国北方带来暴雨造成交通混乱倾盆大雨袭击了北京市郑州市以及蒙古自治区

    Thunderstorms have struck northern China, bringing heavy rain and causing traffic chaos. Downpours battered the cities of Beijing and Zhengzhou, along with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.


  • 刚子音乐借用喉音歌唱方式“呼麦”,以及濒将为人们遗忘蒙古民间调。

    The music of GangZi carries on the legacy of throat singing and Mongolian folk music which is being gradually forgotten by people.


  • 我们针对蒙古文人词语不同构成特点采取直接标注词典匹配以及基于上下文算法等方式进行自动识别

    According to the different structures of Mongolian names, we implement the automatic recognition using directly tagging, dictionary matching and the algorithm based on context.


  • 2011年,外国人来华人数居前十位国家韩国日本俄罗斯美国马来西亚新加坡越南蒙古菲律宾以及加拿大

    The 10 countries that sent the most visitors to China in 2011 were: the Republic of Korea, Japan, Russia, the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Mongolia, the Philippines and Canada.


  • 蒙古无核区建立东北亚地区稳定安全以及扩散制的巩固具有重大意义

    The accomplishment of Mongolia non-nuclear district has great significance lo the stability and security of Northeast Asia and the strengthening of the rule of no expansion of nuclear weapon.


  • 系统实现一个基本问题如何实现蒙古显示编辑以及网络上的存储传输

    In the realization of the system, a basic problem is how to achieve showing, editing and storing and transmitting of the Mongolian on network.


  • 蒙古人强占了房子夺取了你的家禽家畜以及你的土地,他们看起来无所不在充满勇猛兴旺男人们都笑女人懦夫

    The Mongols have displaced you from your own houses, have taken your flocks and your land, seem to stand everywhere full of valour and success. Men call you women and cowards.


  • 导论部分介绍蒙古语义研究概况选题依据论文结构以及材料选择等内容

    The structure of the thesis is: preface tells the previous study in this area, the reason the thesis selects this subject pattern of the article and the selection of materials.


  • 俄国蒙古进贡国之一,1230年代蒙古洗劫了基辅蒙古铁骑涌入俄国以及现在乌克兰

    Muscovy had been one of the tributaries of the Mongols, who sacked Kiev in the 1230s, after pouring into Russia and what now is Ukraine.


  • 第五论述了“蒙古语法信息词典动词语义属性字段及其取值规范的确定,以及与此有关的具体技术问题

    In the fifth chapter, discusses the theory and method used in the problem regulating verbs semantic attribute fields and its value in Mongolian grammar information dictionary.


  • 华北山区位于华北平原陕甘黄土高原以及蒙古高原之间,我国经济欠发达地区之一。

    The mountainous area of North China is surrounded by the North China Plain, Shanxi Gansu Loess Plateau and Inner Mongolia Plateau.


  • 蒙古神话佛教神话以及信仰佛教一些国家民族神话比较研究蒙古神话研究重要课题

    The comparative study over the Mongolian myth, the Buddhism myth and the myth of some Buddhist countries and people is a significant task of Mongolian myth research.


  • 东亚季风气候具有决定性影响系统副热带高压蒙古高压、印度低压以及西风急流等模拟得比较好。

    The large scale systems such as Subtropical High, Mongolia High, Indian Low which have important influence on the East Asia Monsoon are also simulated pretty well.


  • 利用蒙古锡林郭勒盟30(1971—2000年)气候整编资料分析了沙尘暴发生日数时空分布特征以及气候因子对沙尘暴发生日数的影响。

    The spatial and temporal characteristics of sand storm occurrence arestatistically analyzed based on the meteorological records in Xilingol league of InnerMongolia for 30 years (1971~2000).


  • 利用蒙古锡林郭勒盟30(1971—2000年)气候整编资料分析了沙尘暴发生日数时空分布特征以及气候因子对沙尘暴发生日数的影响。

    The spatial and temporal characteristics of sand storm occurrence arestatistically analyzed based on the meteorological records in Xilingol league of InnerMongolia for 30 years (1971~2000).


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