• 如果财政部收购提供资金保证巴克莱以及美国银行将考虑收购谈判

    Barclays and Bank of America had been in talks to rescue the Bank, but negotiations falters when it became clear that the us Treasury was oppose to using government money to help seal a deal.


  • 使用ICEfaces的网站有波音美国航空航天局联合太平洋公司T - Mobile以及美国银行

    Sites using ICEfaces include Boeing, NASA, Union Pacific, T-Mobile, and Bank of America.


  • 卢达克里斯美国银行首席执行官·刘易斯以及VICE第一主编埃利斯·琼斯都是大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college, as well as VICE's first female editor-in-chief, Ellis Jones.


  • 汇丰银行正在考虑卖出美国信用卡业务以及网点,并重新聚焦该地区的公司银行业务。

    The bank is exploring a sell-off of its branches and credit-card business in America, to refocus on corporate banking there.


  • 最大ETF黄金持有量超过美国法国德国以及意大利以外的所有国家中央银行的黄金储量。

    The largest gold ETF holds more bullion than all the world's central Banks except those of America, France, Germany and Italy.


  • 不稳定因素笼罩着先进经济体的主权债务、欧洲银行以及美国住户

    Uncertainty hovers over sovereigns across the advanced economies, Banks in Europe, and households in the United States.


  • 大西洋彼岸美国银行里所持有股份在对希腊违约担忧以及政策突破性进展的传闻里震荡。

    Across the Atlantic shares in American Banks whipsawed on worries about a Greek default and rumours of policy breakthroughs.


  • 2008年回忆全是可怕而惨不忍睹的,当时倾尽全力拯救以及振兴美国人和其他银行换回了短暂生机

    It was all eerily reminiscent of 2008, when desperate efforts to rescue and revive American and other Banks produced only ephemeral rallies.


  • 例如可能美国感恩节圣诞节以及英国银行节假日停止销售应用程序

    For example, you might close a sales application on Thanksgiving and Christmas in the USA and close it for bank holidays in Great Britain.


  • 然而观察家们赞同如果房价依旧下跌的话美国经济——以及所有受到表现不按揭贷款所困扰银行——复苏付出艰巨的努力

    Nevertheless, observers agree that America’s economyand all those banks still saddled with underperforming mortgageswill struggle to recover while house prices are still falling.


  • 比如美国银行借记卡澳大利亚新西兰西太银行以及波兰弗罗茨瓦夫的德意志银行收取提现费用

    For example, with my bank of America ATM card I get fee free ATM withdrawals from any Westpac bank in Australia or New Zealand or Deutsche bank here in Wroclaw, Poland.


  • 至少有两主要信用卡公司以及美国排名银行购买了手机加密软件

    At least two major credit card companies and four of the top ten U.S. banks have bought phone-encryption software, a security firm representative told Fortune.


  • 美国家幸存投资银行——高盛摩根·士丹利,仍然依赖短期借贷以及紧紧靠着抵押担保(本期图表)。

    America's two surviving investment Banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, still depend on shorter-term borrowing, usually secured with collateral (see chart).


  • 由于英国人对房屋产权的盲目追捧以及狡猾美国贷款,英国的银行系统已经受到了一次伤害

    The banking system, inflated by British homeowning fetishism and dodgy American loans, has experienced a trauma.


  • 首先房地产泡沫波及范围很大只是美国,还包括爱尔兰西班牙以及其他许多国家银行不负责任的发放贷款使得泡沫越来越膨胀。

    First, there was a widely spread housing bubble, not just in the United States, but in Ireland, Spain, and other countries as well.


  • 中央银行正在保持利率(以及采取量化宽松政策),因为美国经济不振

    Central Banks are holding interest rates low (and using QE) because the economy is weak.


  • 亚洲发展银行机构针对苹果iPhone3 G所作研究显示销售方使得手机部件来自美国韩国日本以及德国

    An analysis of Apple's iPhone 3g by the Asian Development Bank Institute said vendors making the phone's parts come from the United States, South Korea, Japan, and Germany.


  • Kjelleren美国金融机构过分强调用巨额奖金(留住人才)以及银行救援资金的依赖一定程度上也目前这场经济危机负责

    The emphasis on big bonuses at American financial institutions and expectations for bank bailouts were partly responsible for the current crisis, Kjelleren said.


  • 美国秘密策划追查银行转帐印度交易以及中情局欧洲飞行小队(什么意思,不知道,大家帮帮忙,我觉得我的flight翻错了,可惜只有金山词霸被视为美国单边主义的明证。

    The secret American programme to track bank transfers, its nuclear deal with India, and CIA flights in Europe are all seen as evidence of America's unilateralist instincts.


  • 对于句话,我个人的理解是:亚洲各中央银行通过购买数量惊人美国国库券维持美国经常项目赤字以及强势美元方面起到推波助澜的作用,他们当然也不希望看到美元走走弱他们手头所持的资产就会大幅缩水)。 后一句的extra revenue 我觉得翻成:“过多的收入”可能会好一点

    Asian central banks, which have helped sustain both the current-account deficit and the dollar by buying Treasury bonds in startlingly large quantities, have little interest in a weaker greenback.


  • 教育目的不是为了平常美国变成巴菲特而是帮助他们避免灾难以及日常那些足以慢慢吞噬他们银行账户选择

    The point isn't to turn the average American into Warren Buffett but to help people avoid disasters and day-to-day choices that eat away at their bank accounts.


  • 周二伯南克提问虽则是杰米·戴蒙说,花旗银行美国银行富国银行以及其他许多机构同僚也同样期待这个问题的答案。

    Jamie Dimon was the one who questioned Bernanke Tuesday, but it's a safe bet that his peers at Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and plenty of others are looking for answers too.


  • 由于美国银行富国银行摩根大通糟糕财务数据以及对于欧洲主权债务危机银行新监管办法担忧美国股市

    Stocks fell, led by financials such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase, amid worries over potential regulation and the impact of European debt issues.


  • 还需要银行存款证明美国国税局的缴税回执,固定资产抵押出租协议以及孩子出生证明。

    Documents such as bank statements, certified IRS tax returns, lease or mortgage agreements, and birth certificates for your children.


  • 据悉,对中国成为美国银行恐惧,以及北京方面有可能大举抛售所持的美国国债一些美国国会议员夜不能寐

    The spectre of China as banker for the US and the prospect of Beijing dumping its vast holdings of US government debt is thought to keep some US congressmen awake at night.


  • 据悉,对中国成为美国银行恐惧,以及北京方面有可能大举抛售所持的美国国债一些美国国会议员夜不能寐

    The spectre of China as banker for the US and the prospect of Beijing dumping its vast holdings of US government debt is thought to keep some US congressmen awake at night.


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