• 其中起作用当然还有其他因素,包括技术进步全球化运动、以及移民现象。而移民这个现象,则成了一个横跨疆界问题

    There were certainly other factors at work, including technological change, globalization and immigration, an issue that cuts across party lines.


  • 我们希望看到移民人士与他们的技能有良好效果移民人士的结果失业从事需要技能工作技术移民就完全没效果澳洲以及移民人士一样糟糕

    We want to see migrants put their skills to good effect. Skilled migration counts for nought if migrants end up unemployed or not in a skilled job. It is as bad for Australia as it is for the migrant.


  • 大多数英国移民怀念政府住房国家健康计划以及他们亲戚以前邻居

    Most British migrants miss council housing, the National Health scheme, and their relatives and former neighbors.


  • 德国发出了一个信号这个信号印度其他国家以及德国移民社区,都得到了明确的响应。

    Germany was sending a signal, one that was clearly received in India and other countries, and also by Germany's own immigrant community.


  • 移民家庭的父母可以谈论他们原籍国以及他们移民美国原因

    Immigrant parents could talk about their country of origin and why they emigrated to the United States.


  • 移民城市——该市如今38%人口外来人口——移民以及他们子代美国经历了显著的向社会上层流动。

    This is a city of immigrants 38 percent of the city's population today is foreign-born and immigrants and their children have historically experienced significant upward mobility in America.


  • 条约付之一炬那样欧盟就能专心于一些迫在眉睫的问题比如能源气候变化移民俄罗斯的关系以及欧盟自身的扩张问题。

    The treaty should be buried so that the EU can focus on more urgent matters, such as energy, climate change, immigration, dealing with Russia and the EU's own expansion.


  • 由于持续低出生率以及国际知名的审慎接收移民政策,日本希望新的机器人大军能够部分解决随之而来劳动力减少的状况。

    Japan hopes this new robotic army could be part of the answer to an ever-declining birthrate and shrinking workforce in a country famously wary of opening its shores to immigrants.


  • 根据民调公司伊普索调查显示,影响选民们投票取向的经济医疗教育移民以及法律与秩序问题。该公司一直跟踪这些问题

    The issues most on voters' minds as they head to the polls are the economy, health and education, immigration, and law and order, according to Ipsos MORI, a polling firm that tracks these things.


  • 大量无序移民融合问题以及人才流失”问题遮盖了移民经济增长全球化文化多样化作出的贡献。

    High levels of irregular migration, problems of integration, and the issue of "brain drain" mask migrants' contributions to economic growth, globalization, and cultural diversity.


  • 这种上升可能导致冰层的快速融化、海平面上升干旱疾病穷国农业崩溃以及大规模移民

    Such a rise would probably lead to fast-melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, drought, disease and collapsing agriculture in poor countries, and mass migration.


  • 东德西德移民推动西德gdp增长以及有助于付清统一帐单;而且东德劳动弹性有助于西德商业提升竞争力。

    Migrants from eastern to western Germany boost western GDP and help foot the bill for unification; the east's Labour flexibility helped make western business more competitive.


  • 因此企业已经开始越来越多地利用全球市场以获得服务人才以及纯粹人力聘用移民工作岗位转移到全世界

    As a result, firms are increasingly tapping into the global market for services, talent, and sheer manpower, recruiting migrants and moving jobs around the world.


  • 家庭房产救济债务雇佣纠纷移民以及医疗事故索赔方面的法律援助大部分取消

    Legal aid would be largely withdrawn from family law, housing, welfare, debt and employment disputes, as well as from immigration work and clinical-negligence claims.


  • 移民死亡率说明快速同化作用顽固的原籍国效应以及调整艰难性

    Mortality rates in these diaspora migrants show a mixed picture of rapid assimilation together with persistent country of origin effects, as well as the effects of adjustment hardships.


  • 一个提供一张早餐的地方,被不恰当地称为池”(译注:一家豪华酒店)。 这里获释犯人、无家可归者移民以及一些瘾君子的

    Abed and breakfast establishment inaptly named The Ritz is home toprison releases, homeless and immigration cases as well as a number ofaddicts.


  • 目前尽管移民已经成为国际政策议程中的一个重要问题,但重点主要集中在高技能移民、融合政策以及安全关切上

    Today, although migration has a prominent place on the international policy agenda, the focus remains mainly on high-skilled migration, integration policies, and security concerns.


  • 穆尔·吉亚说:“在座几乎所有人,都或或少地受到我们国家可以说是非常不健全的移民系统以及记录遣返人数的影响。”

    "Virtually everyone in this room has been affected by our nation's broken immigration system and the record number of deportations," said Murguia.


  • 由于欧洲整体经济稳定性欧盟大量补助不动产升值以及大量移民工人的流入,西班牙的经济大约每年[font=Arial]4%[font=Arial][font=宋体]的速度增长着

    Thanks to the macroeconomic stability afforded by the euro, lavish EU subsidies, a property boom and a huge influx of immigrant workers, the economy has grown by some 4% a year.


  • PeaceNow使用卫星照片追踪移民扩张以及建筑物越界的地方指出法庭蔑视应该予以停止

    Peace Now is using satellite photos to track the growth of settlements and to show where building is going on without permits or in defiance of court orders to stop.


  • 欧洲军舰飞机已经部署就位但不是帮助利比亚而是阻止难民移民登陆欧洲海岸以及撤离欧盟公民

    European warships and planes have been deployed, not to help Libyans but to stop refugees and migrants from landing on European shores, or to bring home EU nationals.


  • 就意味着将削减非欧洲移民数量。非欧洲移民方式进入英国:工作学习以及家庭团聚

    So that means cracking down on non-European migrants, for whom there are three legal ways in: work, study and family reunion.


  • 另外一个移民问题,由于那唬人一船到来的难民澳大利亚关于经济人才的需求以及承载澳大利亚”的能力这一争辩现在也得不出结果。

    Another is immigration, where a debate about the economy's need for skills and its capacity for a "big Australia" is obscured by scaremongering about refugees on boats.


  • 这种意愿全球化多元文化、以及美国国家认同缺乏深厚感情移民击垮了。

    But that willingness was being battered by globalization and multiculturalism and by new waves of immigrants with no deep attachments to America's national identity.


  • 这种意愿全球化多元文化、以及美国国家认同缺乏深厚感情移民击垮了。

    But that willingness was being battered by globalization and multiculturalism and by new waves of immigrants with no deep attachments to America's national identity.


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