• 支持变更影响分析确认出影响的需求设计实现工件以及相关测试

    Support impact analysis of changes by identifying affected requirements, design, and implementation artifacts as well as their related tests.


  • 我们将讨论一些用于分析评估企业架构是否遵守业务应用程序集成技术以及它们相关关键参数不同维度方法

    We discuss the methods for analyzing and evaluating an enterprise architecture alignment to different dimensions of business, application, integration and technology and their related key parameters.


  • 许多相关模式请参考 模式)应用OTMPS 的分析测试电子业务以及发布等等。 这些模式是如何结合在一起的?

    There are many relevant patterns (see Patterns) that can be used for analysis, testing, e-business, deployment, and so forth of an OTMPS.


  • 这次采访谈到演化设计架构重构以及如何对架构模型进行分析测试验证相关的话题。

    The discussion also includes topics like evolutionary design, architecture refactoring and how to analyze, test and validate the architecture models.


  • 所有内容(报告分析文件夹等等)以及许多函数系统功能可以相关权限(例如Studios访问权)。

    All content (reports, analysis, folders, packages, and so on) and a wide range of functions and capabilities of systems can have permissions attached to them (for example, access to Studios).


  • 例如博客feed评论以及feed相关分析

    As an example, a blog feed and the comments and analytics associated with the feed.


  • 要想弄清楚哪里出了问题需要分析许多案例包括死亡受伤以及那些“险些发生”的和安全相关的案例。

    Understanding what to fix requires analyzing many cases, including deaths, injuries and "near misses."


  • 需求分析系统设计过程中的一个重要部分,系统中所有利益相关通过这项工作来确定客户以及软件应用程序自身的要求需求。

    Requirements analysis is a crucial part of the system design process whereby all the stakeholders of the system identify the needs and requirements of the client and the software application itself.


  • 正如上一节所讨论一样,分析获取工具以及数据模型都需要大量与反向工程相关工作

    As discussed in the previous section, deriving parsing and acquisition tools and data models requires significant reverse-engineering effort.


  • 一般团队成员一个经理若干客户程序员业务分析用户测试员以及其它利益相关的人。

    Typically, a manager, customers, developers, business analysts, users, testers and other stakeholders should be members of the team.


  • 一部分我们不仅分析具体语言现象以及制约语言运用中的相关因素而且动态过程考察语言使用规律特点

    In the part, we do not merely analyze relevant factors in the concrete language phenomenon and restriction elements, and still investigate laws and characteristic that used from the dynamic course.


  • 描述对如上相关行业分析最新行业进展有哪些主要行家有哪几个,以及你的公司行业中的前景展望又是如何。

    Describe your analysis of the industry related: the recent trends, who the main players are, and what part your business is looking to take up in the industry.


  • 主要研究分析违法所得内涵及其特征以及相关概念之间联系区别

    Main research analysis illegal obtained concept and characteristic, as well as with related concept between contacting and difference.


  • 希望通过研究可以反映工科院校大学生学习倦怠情况以及他们心理健康状况作出相关分析

    We hope that this study can reflect the fatigue of Engineering College Students 'learning burnout as well as their mental health status and can make correlation analysis.


  • 他们对于引起压力因素以及这些因素是否评估职业密切相关进行了数值分析

    They assigned a numerical value to factors that invoked stress, and whether or not that factor was central to the job being evaluated.


  • 运营学会商业模型分析竞争对手,商业环境以及相关产品服务

    To do well in operation, we should know how to analyze our competitors with business models, the business environment as well as the related products and services.


  • 本文首先分析少数服从多数原则以及相关一系列概念明确我们所讨论问题范围

    This thesis paper firstly analyzes the concepts of the obedience of minority to majority and related, so as to clear the scope of the issues to be discussed.


  • 高级分析需要员工具备数据科学全球范围隐私法等方方面面的最先进技能,还需要了解商业以及相关价值来源

    Advanced analytics requires staff with state-of-the-art skills in everything from data science to worldwide privacy laws, along with an understanding of the business and the relevant sources of value.


  • 最后运用数据包络分析方法,结合世界上国家虚拟使用效率,进行了比较分析同时给出了相关对策以及建议

    At last, according to the virtual water efficiency within eight countries and DEA (Data Envelop analysis) method, the paper makes compare and analysis and also supplies related measure and suggestion.


  • 文章运用最新人口预测结果以及分省相关数据分析并预测了城镇劳动供求趋势

    Using data from the latest population projection and the corresponding provincial data, this paper analyzes the trend of urban labor supply and demand.


  • 文章最后进一步分析公允价值计量实际运用存在的问题以及完善公允价值计量应采取的相关对策

    The last part in paper focuses on some problems which exist in the practical operations, and discusses the countermeasures for improving fair value measurement.


  • 分析比较种语义细分法在评价者个体重复性、团组一致性以及成对比较法计算结果相关

    The two procedures are compared at individual′s repetitivity, juror′s consistency, and correlation to results acquired by pair comparison method and by calculation with mathematical model.


  • 因此,文章着重讨论阅读过程篇章分析一些相关理论以及篇章分析阅读教学中的作用

    As a result, the author mainly explores the theories of reading and text analysis, and functions of text analysis in reading-teaching.


  • 本文提出了价格营销存在困难价格营销进行了系统分析以及提出相关应对措施

    In this paper I explain the difficulty that price marketing exists, and analysis the price marketing systematically, and put forward the relevant counter-measure.


  • 培训课程包括:野外测绘实验室分析化验分析设备检测校准环境安全监管以及其他相关学科

    Training includes field mapping, laboratory analysis, assay analysis, test equipment operation and calibration, environmental and safety monitoring, and related subjects.


  • 专业培训包括能源管理课程可选择的能源技术课程、关于住宅小型商业区的能源分析以及相关课程

    Training in this field includes courses in energy management, alternative energy technology, energy analysis of residential and light commercial buildings, and related subjects.


  • LEED评估能耗分析绿色概念应用,绿色建筑认证协调以及招标文件准备相关技术审批

    LEED Assessment and Energy Study, the application of green concept into projects, green building certification coordination, tendering documentation and technical review.


  • 第二部分主要介绍我国民事审前程序现状以及相关问题分析

    The second part focuses on China's pre-trial proceedings in civil status and the related problem analysis.


  • 工程师必需具备较强的分析能力,能妥善的解决问题,并且愿意使用电脑诊断工具以及相关电脑程序来代替传统的工具。

    Mechanics need to be analytical, good problem solvers, and willing to work with computerized diagnostic tools and programs as well as traditional tools.


  • 工程师必需具备较强的分析能力,能妥善的解决问题,并且愿意使用电脑诊断工具以及相关电脑程序来代替传统的工具。

    Mechanics need to be analytical, good problem solvers, and willing to work with computerized diagnostic tools and programs as well as traditional tools.


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