• 看到学生们学习功夫的坚定决心教授给他们不是功夫招式,而是武术中最重要的精神品质自信坚毅勇气以及更多更多

    Seeing the students bent on learning how to fight, Po instead teaches them about the character traits that are so important in kungfu - confidence, patience, courage, and more.


  • 然而不可否认的事实今天战争年代更多学校更多医院更多的饮用水、以及更多的经济活动

    However, the undeniable fact is that today there are more schools, hospitals, more potable water, and more economic activity than during the war period.


  • 营养不良人数以及腹泻死亡人数增加更多风暴水灾造成死伤霍乱疫情的暴发频率将越来越

    Malnutrition will increase, as will the number of deaths from diarrhoeal disease. More storms and floods will cause more deaths and injuries, and cholera outbreaks will occur with greater frequency.


  • 当然更多实施特性意味着更多缺陷潜在来源以及发布之后需要维护更多软件

    Of course, more features implemented also means potential sources of more defects and more software to maintain after it is released.


  • 除了呼吁需要儿童患者进行更多研究以及进行更多的测试保证催产素安全和有效的,那些有自闭症儿童的家庭都十分欢迎这项研究。

    While cautioning that more research is needed on children and additional patients to make sure oxytocin is safe and effective, advocates for families with children with autism welcomed the findings.


  • 更多协作劝告或许有用但是巴佐罗先生容克先生以及他们更多欧洲治理承诺终究还是缺乏债券市场说服力

    Greater co-ordination and exhortation may help. But Mr Barroso and Mr Juncker and their promise of more European governance ultimately lack the persuasive power of the bond markets.


  • 如果企业愿意可以通过两种做法保护自己保留更多库存以及更多分散地区增加供应商

    If they wish, companies can do two things to protect themselves: hold more stock, and source parts from a larger number of suppliers in dispersed locations.


  • 总是更多过程更多文档更多详细的预先计划视为更好的,包括坚持及早估值以及那些估值的遵守。

    Always regard more process, more documentation, and more detailed up-front planning as better, including insistence on early estimates and adherence to those estimates.


  • 更多信息,请伯拉罕博士更多回复内容下,以及时报健康指南溃疡

    For more information, see Dr. Abraham's additional responses, below, and The Times Health Guide: Ulcers.


  • 其他各类一点保险赔偿更多类型损失以及更多类型的事故

    Other kinds of insurance, which are more expensive, pay for greater types of damage and more types of accidents.


  • 我们曾经预计有更多参赛条目更多的“类推”,以及我们参赛者之间更多互动

    We had hoped for more entries, more re-tweets, and more interaction with our contestants.


  • Dhanji希望看到更多模块化扩展以及早期错误检测更多关注

    Dhanji: I would like to see more modular extensions and a greater focus on early error detection.


  • 更多关于溃疡的文章,请见时代健康指南:溃疡,以及亚伯拉罕博士更多回复

    For more on ulcers, see The Times Health Guide: ulcers and additional responses from Dr. Abraham.


  • 参考资料 部分提供NyquistLISP链接提供更多自定义过滤器示例以及所使用功能更多信息

    The link to Nyquist LISP provided in Resources provides more examples of custom filters and greater information on the functions used.


  • 本周末更多葬礼以及更多的聚会。

    There will be more funerals and more crowds this weekend.


  • 源于脑袋一定更好这种讨论只是因为脑袋大可以更多记忆存储量以及更快处理因为更多神经元连接

    It starts with the argument that a bigger brain must be better since it allows more memory storage and faster processing simply because it would have more neurons and connections.


  • 特别值得一提的是,过去一年里我们看到设计元素中使用了更多的留白,更多的填充以及大的空间

    In particular, we've seen much more white space over the last year, much more padding and much more space for various design elements.


  • 自己中的英雄,他的眼里只有规模速度以及更多资金更多项目无休止需求

    He's the hero of his books, and he believes in scale, speed, and the constant need for more money and more construction.


  • 日本市民医院频率美国拥有超过倍的磁共振成像扫描仪花费更多药品以及更多医院的治疗时间。

    The Japanese go to the doctor three times as often as Americans, have more than twice as many MRI scans, use more drugs, and spend more days in the hospital.


  • 正是宣传口号承诺更多工作机会更低税收以及更多的个人财富”。萨塔和他的竞争对手班达74

    This is what the 74-year-old Mr Sata, who is the same age as Mr Banda, is promising, under the slogan of "more jobs, less taxes and more money in your pockets".


  • 意味着影迷杂志中占据更多版面、能得到更多耀眼角色以及制片商影迷蜂拥而至关注

    That meant more pages in fan magazines, more glamorous roles sent her way and more attention lavished on her by studios and admirers.


  • 他们给出了倍的有效地办法比如更多锻炼更好的节制饮食以及他们产生了更多共鸣

    They also gave twice as many helpful tips, like more exercise, a better diet, and delivered them with more empathy.


  • 随着我们认识更多人,交更多朋友我们正在建立以及用于分享社交网络正在一天天大。

    The social networks that each of us are building and sharing our causes with are becoming larger each day as we friend and follow a growing number of people.


  • EWG研究表明,国家采取新的饮用水水质政策包括更多污染物作出限定标准以及更多资金用于污染物防止措施上。

    The EWG study says the nation should adopt new policies for drinking water that include regulating more contaminants and spending more money on measures that prevent pollution.


  • 只有当更多分娩能够得到熟练接生人员的协助,以及更多妇女能够获得紧急产科医护时,才能降低持不下的孕产妇死亡率

    The stubbornly high figures for maternal mortality will not go down until more deliveries are attended by skilled birth attendants, and more women have access to emergency obstetric care.


  • 得到更多真正重要东西——更多成长机会更多更多欢乐以及内心宁静

    You'll get more of what really matters - more growth opportunities, more love, more joy, more inner peace.


  • 如果事实那么有了更多的钱以及更多社会流动能力时这些影响健康因素就会消失吗?

    If that's the case, then, shouldn't it be that as you achieve more affluence, more social mobility, that some of these health conditions disappear?


  • 如果事实那么有了更多的钱以及更多社会流动能力时这些影响健康因素就会消失吗?

    If that's the case, then, shouldn't it be that as you achieve more affluence, more social mobility, that some of these health conditions disappear?


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