• 相对于封闭场地比赛充满挑战性难度更是参赛选手的体能技能以及心理挑战。

    Comparing with the competition in closed area, SOT is full of challenge and difficulties for entrants on energy, skills and psychology.


  • 一天中,项目组随机抽取时间大约2200个参与者询问他们什么、在什么、以及心理的感受

    At random times throughout the day, the program asked some 2,200 participants what they were doing, what they were thinking about and how they felt.


  • 这种观点认为绘画作品以及伴随它们所举办的各种仪式一种狩猎者进行心理激励古老方法

    This opinion holds that the pictures and whatever ceremony they accompanied were an ancient method of psychologically motivating hunters.


  • 30之后他们能够改进自己财务状况以及生理心理健康状况。

    They could have improved their financial situation and their physical and mental health situation thirty years later.


  • 二十世纪60年代还是耶鲁大学心理学系研究生时,我首次开始研究人类动机基础以及人们遭遇挫折后如何坚持下去

    I first began to investigate the basis of human motivationand how people persevere after setbacksas a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s.


  • 项研究表明受教育程度低中年人当中死亡心理健康问题以及染上毒瘾的比例不断上升,要归因于缺乏薪水工作

    Some research suggests that the explanation for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction among poorly-educated, middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs.


  • 研究人员从不吸烟青少年时间追踪他们是否开始吸烟以及他们心理健康如何变化

    Researchers took a group of teenagers who had never smoked and for one year tracked whether they took up smoking and how their mental health changed.


  • 我们,“认知这个的是类似于了解相信这样心理状态以及我们用来达到这些状态心理过程。

    We've said that the term "Cognition" refers to mental states like knowing and believing, and to mental processes that we use to arrive at those states.


  • 一般来说入门课上不会研究乔伊斯年级学生粗识风格以及文学阐释中采用的心理路径

    Normally, you wouldn't tackle Joyce in an Intro class, but I'd like to give my first year students a taste of his style, his psychological approach to literature.


  • 在许多人对情商有误解,以为情商就是人的性格中无法通过智商测试来衡量的一切可取的东西,例如性格、动机、自信、心理稳定性、乐观以及“人际交往技巧”。

    Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and "people skills."


  • 个人部分查看冲突解决、个人激励以及总体心理稳定性

    The personal section looks at conflict resolution, personal motivation, and general mental stability.


  • 这项课题调研他们在孩童时期搬家的次数、搬家对他们心理健康性格类型以及社会关系的影响。

    The subjects were asked how many times they had moved as children, as well as about their psychological well-being, personality type and social relationships.


  • 他们最终的考验来自年度拳击慈善比赛,艰苦的体能训练以及心理准备左右他们比赛的成绩。

    Their final test will be an annualcharity boxing tournament. Their hardphysical training and intense mental preparation all will lead up to thismoment.


  • 这样,有助于的继续治疗以及心理上的辅导,当然,和以前的治疗师进行沟通,以方便现在的校医了解你的情况。

    Your counseling center may have mental health professionals who treat ADHD.


  • 那些高度发育的区域高级心理功能相关,比如语言推理以及·埃森所言的“使我们成为唯一人类能力”。

    The high-growth regions are areas linked to advanced mental functions such as language, reasoning, and what Van Essen calls "the abilities that make us uniquely human.


  • 我们思想并不现代,事实上,生活中的许多不幸我们旧石器时代的心理特征以及当下生活世界之间的不相匹配有关。

    Our minds are not modern, and many of our woes have to do with this mismatch between our Stone-age psychologies and the world in which we now live.


  • 对于焦虑抑郁以及更加严重的疾病,心理疗法疗效至少不比药物的差。

    For anxiety and depression, he says, and perhaps for more complex complaints, psychotherapy is at least as effective as medication.


  • 两部小说细微研究权利心理以及权利正直人性腐蚀

    They are subtle studies of the psychology of power and its corruption of human integrity.


  • 医生已经一差距提出了多种解释,包括不同程度外界压力以及疼痛心理反应性别上的差异

    Doctors have proposed several explanations for the disparity, including different levels of external stress and gender-related differences in the psychological response to pain.


  • 美国心理协会以及其他组织呼吁清除市场所有孩子们售出的食品,罗宾逊提出的这个观点合理的。

    The American Psychological Association and other organizations have likewise called for the elimination of all marketing of food products to children, a stance that Robinson says is reasonable.


  • 这个报告反映了陆军文化改变以及制定有效精细集体心理健康方案需求

    The report lays out a culture change for the Army and the need to create effective and sophisticated community mental health plans.


  • 重要球员们如何球场做出反应以及他们心理状态

    The important thing is how the players react when they take to the pitch and their state of mind.


  • 更加客观态度,探究了人们看见鬼魂心理背景以及鬼魂其实是自身受困产生的内心映射现代观念

    Using a more objective voice, Mr McCorristine explores the psychological context of seeing ghosts and the notion that ghosts are internal-a reflection of the haunted self in modern times.


  • 我们发现与研究人类得出的发现惊人的相似社会关系我们的心理健康生理健康以及寿命都有重要影响

    Our findings are strikingly similar to evidence from humans showing that social ties have important effects on our mental and physical health and our longevity.


  • 此外VANCL非常重视客户良性互动以及上网人群深刻心理洞察力

    Addition, VANCL also attaches great importance to positive interaction with clients, deep psychological insight into the Internet population.


  • 此外VANCL非常重视客户良性互动以及上网人群深刻心理洞察力

    Addition, VANCL also attaches great importance to positive interaction with clients, deep psychological insight into the Internet population.


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