• 他们来自韩国英国以及德国

    They're heading in from South Korea, Britain, Germany.


  • 英国FTSE 100以及德国DAX下滑2.1%。

    The U.K.’s FTSE 100 and Germany’s DAX both slid 2.1 percent.


  • 这个工厂正是保时捷——以及德国——全球化获益的例证

    The factory shows how Porsche has gained from globalisation-and how Germany has, too.


  • Lagardere股份法国以及德国投资人共同控股系统中的关键

    Its stake is a key part of the system by which France and Germany share control of the firm.


  • 作品澳门加拿大澳大利亚韩国美国以及德国展出。

    His work has been exhibited in Macau, Canada, Australia, Korea, the United States and Germany.


  • 意味意大利西班牙债券和收益减记以及德国和英国受益的增加。

    That would mean writedowns of Italian and Spanish bonds and gains on German and British ones.


  • 莳萝广泛用于酸洗以及德国俄罗斯斯堪的纳维亚等国菜肴中

    Dill Seeds are widely used in pickling as well as in German, Russian, and Scandinavian dishes.


  • 希腊极度耐心以及德国弹性牺牲,最大程度上抑制了偿还过程再次成为巨大灾难

    A considerable amount of Greek patience and German flexibility and sacrifice are minimum prerequisites for turning back a major disaster in the making.


  • 迈克尔非洲裔美国人牙买加以及德国那些孩子们不用一样的。

    Michael is African American, Jamaican, and German and those kids dont look like him.


  • 还有一些用户主要来自西班牙英国以及德国还有12%来自于‘世界其他地方’。

    A decent number of users comes from Spain, UK and Germany, and more than 12% of its users are located in the 'rest of the world'.


  • 参加星期三上海举行会议包括联合国安理会5个常任理事国以及德国欧盟的代表。

    The meeting Wednesday in Shanghai brings together the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany and the European Union.


  • 我们报告是据瑞典的斯德哥尔摩普撒拉以及德国的浮雷堡实施经验得出。

    We report here on the joint experience of the implementation in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden and Freiburg, Germany.


  • 阿尔卑斯山横亘了奥地利瑞士大部分以及德国法国和意大利相当大地区

    The Alps covers most of Austria and Switzerland as well as significant areas of Germany, France, and Italy.


  • 一浮岛群规模上立志超越其他上浮岛,比如上文穆尔以及德国罗斯托克漂浮花园

    The islands are meant to rival and outsize those in the rivers of other cities, such as the Murinsel, featured here, and the Floating Garden in Rostock, Germany.


  • 危机处于顶峰以及德国人民首要渴望稳定的时刻,默克尔表现出的模棱两可态度似乎是聪明之举。

    Ms Merkel's vagueness seemed clever when the crisis was at its peak and Germans appeared to crave stability above all.


  • 商标淡化理论起源于美国学术探讨以及德国判例理论,一些国家得到了立法认可。

    The theory of trademark dilution originated from the scholarly exploration in America and the judicial precedent in Germany. It's been legislated in some countries.


  • 大不列颠(英国)、荷兰以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛部分岛屿法国以及德国北部消失了

    Great Britain, the Netherlands, and parts of Scandinavia, France and Northern Germany are gone!


  • 保罗至今正确地预测德国加纳澳大利亚以及德国对塞尔维亚一轮失败胜利

    "Paul" has so far rightly predicted Germany's first round victories over Ghana and Australia as well as Germany's defeat against Serbia.


  • 盟国代表严肃地质德国代表,他们是否理解德国应遵从投降条款以及德国是否履行这些条款。

    They were asked sternly if they understood the surrender terms imposed upon Germany and if they would be carried out by Germany.


  • 下周召开老虎论坛上佐利克13个老虎分布国以及德国日本韩国国家首脑部长们聚会。

    At next week's tiger Forum, Zoellick will join heads of state and ministers from the 13 tiger-range countries, in addition to Germany, Japan and Korea.


  • 欧洲车市严重产能过剩,究其原因主要法国大厂,雷诺标致以及德国大众公司并未减产而是打价格战。

    The market is plagued by overcapacity, mainly because the big French producers, Renault and Peugeot, and VW have not cut capacity, and discounting is rife.


  • 2001年6月18岁生日时候,继承了房地产艺术科技公司以及德国境内的30000公顷林地

    On his 18 birthday, in June 2001, he inherited real estate, art and a tech company and 30, 000 hectares of woodland in Germany.


  • 亚洲发展银行机构针对苹果iPhone3 G所作研究显示销售方使得手机部件来自美国韩国日本以及德国

    An analysis of Apple's iPhone 3g by the Asian Development Bank Institute said vendors making the phone's parts come from the United States, South Korea, Japan, and Germany.


  • 因为上星期通过美国美联储公告购买$600十亿美元债券牵扯抱怨来自主要出口国家包括中国以及德国

    S. That's because last week's announcement by the U. S. Federal Reserve to buy $600 billion of bonds has drawn complaints from major exporting nations including China and Germany.


  • 在前之前,有关希腊暂时不会重组债务的言论以及德国在反对进一步金援希腊方面态度软化提振欧元

    The Euro has been trading favorably as talks of Greek debt restructuring have been dismissed for the time being and Germany has toned down its contempt of further aid to the nation.


  • 由于市场仍然担心欧洲某些国家债务问题以及德国出台旨在限制金融投机规则欧洲美国股市下跌

    Stock markets in Europe and America have fallen amid continuing worries about the debts of some European countries and new rules in Germany intended to limit financial speculating.


  • 德国柏林航空认为艰难经历欧洲今年危机以及德国推行的航空税后,2012年航空公司重新盈利

    German Berlin aviation thinks, Europe was experienced in hardship the crisis this year and Germany are new after the aviation duty that carry out, this airline will be new 2012 gain.


  • 此外需要发回我们《卫报》以及德国杂志《镜报》(也是经阿桑提议作为第三家来“一锅端媒体)的合作计划

    He would also report back on the proposed mechanics of our collaboration with the Guardian and the German magazine Der Spiegel which Assange invited as a third guest to his secret smorgasbord.


  • 今年达沃斯峰会各国各个商业机构领导对于新兴经济体巴西亚洲美国以及德国繁荣能够长久担心最终结束

    The World Economic Forum has ended with business and political leaders worrying whether the economic boom in Asia, Brazil, the US and Germany can last.


  • 今年达沃斯峰会各国各个商业机构领导对于新兴经济体巴西亚洲美国以及德国繁荣能够长久担心最终结束

    The World Economic Forum has ended with business and political leaders worrying whether the economic boom in Asia, Brazil, the US and Germany can last.


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