• 研究成果涵盖语言学习策略描述学习策略学习成绩关系以及学习策略培训等方面

    Their studies involved the description of language learning strategies, the relationship between learning strategies and learning achievements, and strategy training, etc.


  • 改善现状就要研究外语教学本质特征、教学目的环境实施手段以及学习策略问题。

    To improve such conditions should be based on the studies on the innate character, objective, surroundings and measures of ELT and learners strategy.


  • 我们需要学习更多包括我们社区民众需要什么他们怎样搜寻信息以及什么样策略工具过程能够帮助他们找到所需或是对此形成阻碍

    We are called to learn more about what our communities need, how they search for information, and what strategies, tools and processes help or impede their ability to find what they need.


  • 学习以及练习压力管理策略,增强免疫力以及保持充足睡眠锻炼也会很大帮助。

    Learn and practice stress management strategies that work for you. Keep your immune system healthy by getting plenty of sleep and daily exercise.


  • 现在已经学习WS - Policy基本原理以及如何wsdl协作时候使用这些原理尝试一些策略示例了。

    Now that you've learned the principles of WS-Policy and how it works with WSDL, it's time to try some policy examples making use of these principles.


  • 语文教学主体参与策略概念建立建构主义学习理论以及主体教育理论基础之上。

    The concept of Chinese teaching subjective participation strategy is based on study theory structure and subjective education theory.


  • 但是每个学习者所具备策略知识以及使用策略能力存在很大差异

    But learners vary greatly in their strategy knowledge and capability of using such knowledge.


  • 本文讨论了数学学习理论课程设置重要意义以及研究策略

    The paper discusses meaning of setting up curriculum about theories of mathematics learning and strategy of studying.


  • 早期研究主要侧重于归纳描述学习策略以及对其进行分类

    The early study on language learning strategies was mainly concerned with identifying and describing language learning strategies and their classification.


  • 其中包括学习需要分析,教学目标教学内容分析,教学策略,教学媒体选择以及反馈帮助

    That includes analysis of learning need, analysis of teaching targets and contents, teaching strategies, the choice of teaching media, feedback and helping.


  • 同时运用内容分析法指出目前北京大学流媒体课件特征以及运用自主学习策略方面的不足。

    At the same time, with the method of content analysis, pointed out the deficiencies of streaming-media courseware of Peking University in using independent learning strategies.


  • 本文从教学角度重点探讨了掌握共性灵活运用PLC能力培养充分利用网络资源以及PLC实践学习三个问题并就相应的策略予以了分析

    In this paper, three problems including the cultivation of handling PLC freely, making full use of Internet resources and the learning method based on practice are discussed.


  • 本文词汇学习概念入手介绍了大学英语词汇教学的内容以及词汇学习方法策略

    Starting with the concept of vocabulary learning, the article presents the content of vocabulary teaching and methods and strategies of vocabulary learning.


  • 因此选择性集成成为集成学习重要研究方向,其更好选择策略以及算法运算速度提高有待更多研究人员的深入研究。

    So it has become an important research topic of ensemble learning. A better selection strategy and improvement of the speed of algorithm need more researches.


  • 本文尝试探索发挥网络优势,又能促进学习者有效认知网络课程教学设计模式以及具体的设计策略方法

    The study tries to explore a model, strategies and methods for web-based course designing which can take advantage of Internet and promote cognition process.


  • 学习策略训练模式分为教学指导模式、学科教学模式、书本模式或手册模式以及多媒体模式。

    The training mode of studying the tactics can divide into four kinds: Teaching guides the mode, teaching mode of discipli…


  • 文章介绍STAD合作学习目标、几种模式实施步骤评价策略以及教师在实施教学时应该注意的一些问题。

    The article introduces the object, some modes, implement steps and evaluation strategy of STAD Cooperative Learning.


  • 对外汉语我国英语专业课堂教学模式以及两者的自主性学习策略存在许多同异之处。

    There are many similarities and differences between the class-teaching mode and autonomous learning strategies in TCSL (Teach Chinese as Second Language)and TESL(Teach English as Second Lnguage).


  • 电子学学习动机策略研究提供了真实性依据,记录了学习动机变化过程以及影响因素,使得学习学习过程有真实性反思性关注

    The eprotfolio has offered the authenticity basis for research of learner's motivation strategy, and has paid the authenticity and reviewing concern to the learner's learning process.


  • 学习策略训练模式分为教学指导模式、学科教学模式、书本模式手册模式以及多媒体模式。

    The training mode of studying the tactics can divide into four kinds: teaching guides the mode, teaching mode of discipline, mode of the books or the mode of...


  • 国内对于汉语学习词汇学习情况考察比较少,集中学习策略以及影响因素调查方面出现非常多的成果

    Inland the research about productive vocabulary of Chinese learners 'learning strategies and influencing factors, and so on. And there are many achievement on this aspect.


  • 本文探讨的是第二语言阅读中对学习者进行阅读策略训练有效性以及阅读策略教学的可接受性。

    This thesis intends to test and discuss the effectiveness of strategy training in an on-going reading course.


  • 通过用中学生学习策略量表测查545名中学生,考察他们学习策略使用特点以及对学业成绩影响

    This research explores the influence of learning strategies on the academic achievements of 545 middle school students.


  • 三十年来学习风格学习策略研究受到了众多心理学研究者以及语言教育者的大量关注

    In recent thirty years, the attention of researchers and language teachers has been attracted by the research of language learners' learning styles and learning strategies.


  • 归纳学习策略定义影响语言学习策略使用因素以及语言学习策略分类

    Next it carried on the summary to the domestic and foreign researcher's research results, including the learning strategy definition, the influencing factor and the classification.


  • 学习策略学习活动中,学习者为达到一定学习目的所采用有效学习程序规则方法技巧以及相应调控方式

    Study strategies refers to effective learning procedures, regulations, methods, skills, and some proper way to master it or mediate oneself during their process of study.


  • 学习策略学习活动中,学习者为达到一定学习目的所采用有效学习程序规则方法技巧以及相应调控方式

    Study strategies refers to effective learning procedures, regulations, methods, skills, and some proper way to master it or mediate oneself during their process of study.


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