• 篇评论文章的两位作者还在2014年发表了一项研究,研究表明,每天跑步仅仅5到10分钟,就可以降低患心脏病的风险,以及因各种原因早逝的风险。

    Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to ten minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.


  • 自然》上发表的另一论文以及姊妹杂志《自然遗传专刊》上发表的第三论文得到了大相径庭结论

    For another paper in Nature, and a third in its sister journal Nature Genetics, report similar studies that have drawn rather different conclusions.


  • 这个指标衡量各种期刊以及期刊上发表论文科研作者的引用可见度

    The scores measure the citation visibility of established journals and of researchers who publish in them.


  • 沈阳认为这种交易之所以产生,在很大程度上是因为中国大学研究机构发表论文作为衡量表现晋升以及毕业的指标。

    This trade is a product of the way Chinese universities and research institutions use rates of publication as a measure of performance and eligibility for promotion or graduation, wrote Shen.


  • 研究人员发表论文数量以及申请的专利数量迅猛增涨

    The numbers of papers its faculty members publish and patents its researchers file are increasing dramatically.


  • 政策制定者以及科研基金授予不能眼光钉科研人员拿了现在发表多少论文而是应该寻找提高高质量研究成果控制质量论文数量方法

    We need policy makers and grant makers to focus not on money for current levels of publication, but rather on finding ways to increase high-quality work and curtail publication of low-quality work.


  • 通常忙于撰写论文批准我们建议以及到世界各地发表演讲。

    He was busy writing articles and grant proposals and traveling around giving speeches.


  • Monnier教授来自丹佛大学以及乔治亚州立大学研究者们共同参与了这项研究,他们的研究论文将于明天发表自然》杂志

    Prof Monnier worked alongside researchers from the University of Denver and Georgia State University to produce a paper published in tomorrow's edition of the journal Nature.


  • 论文五月四日发表引起迅速回复一个美国疾病控制防护中心官员接受纽约时代杂志采访时猛烈抨击:“这个样本的规模太小,参加研究的人员太年轻,以及心脏病条件的证据太不完整。”

    The paper, published on May 4th, has provoked a swift response. An official from America’s Centres for Disease Control and Prevention bashed it in an interview to the New York Times.


  • 也没有明确喂食实验动物剂量以及为什么没有喂食实验报告作为美国环保局含糊不清论文延伸内容发表互联网上?

    What were the dosages given to the experimental animals and why were the feeding experiments not published on the Internet as an extension of this vague EPA paper?


  • 谷歌输入“奥利弗··洛瑞这个名字只能得到张面容模糊肖像照寥寥无几新闻报道以及发表于1951年的学术论文

    In Google input "Oliver Howe, Lori" this name, can only get a few face blurred portraits, scanty news coverage, as well as the one published in 1951 of the academic papers.


  • 发表于《英国皇家学会学报b论文中,小组向我们介绍了他们使用包裹材料以及该材料用各种昆虫效果

    In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society b, the team describes the coating they used and how effective it was when used on a variety of insects.


  • 本文对2000 ~ 2004年我国期刊发表关于IRM研究论文进行一定的统计分析从而探讨IRM研究现状以及发展趋势

    The article analyses the data of the research thesis about IRM which publish on our country's periodical from 2000 to 2004, then probes into IRM research current situation and developmental trend.


  • 随后多人发表论文格式理论文学翻译以及英语学习教学中的应用进行进一步探讨。

    Since then, lots of papers have been published on the application of Gestalt theories to English learning and teaching and literary translation.


  • 论文将就注册会计师企业会计舞弊行为态度以及注册会计师针对会计舞弊行为发表审计意见时候,受什么因素影响展开实证研究

    This paper will research CPA's manner to accounting fraud, as well as which factors influence audit opinion when accountants issue audit opinion in the condition of accounting fraud.


  • 还是一个著名作家发表100多篇论文以及控制适应控制、多元控制、控制软件语言领域的十二项专利

    He is a well-known author, who has well over 100 papers, and a dozen patents to his name in control, adaptive control, multivariable control, control software and languages.


  • 同一年,发表举世瞩目论文光电效应布朗运动狭义相对论,以及物质能量的等效。 还有一说是发表了五篇文章,这应该包括他博士论文了。 由此,他开始了他的学术之路

    In the same year, he publishedfour famous papers, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of matter and energy, which put him on the road toacademic fame.


  • 通过数据库时将发表的科技论文入库

    Using the database, scientific and technological easily on the database, and obtain valid data.


  • 通过数据库时将发表的科技论文入库

    Using the database, scientific and technological easily on the database, and obtain valid data.


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