• 第1部分第2部分中,JennetteBanks概述搜索营销以及关键词规划和优化基础知识。

    In Part 1 and Part 2, author Jennette Banks provided an overview of search marketing and the basics of keyword planning and optimization.


  • 通过文献类型、活跃作者、权威机构统计计量分析以及关键词词频分析、引文分析,来反映国外图书馆馆际互借文献传递领域近十年的研究现状

    With the statistic analysis, key words analysis and quotation analysis, the paper reflected the international research actuality on interlibrary loan and document delivery.


  • 关键词效率灵活性股东价值、商业友好、创造财富销售影响力以及报纸发行量

    The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility, shareholder value, business-friendly, wealth generation, sales, impact and, in newspapers, circulation.


  • 描述事实中的每个分析条目实际日期关键词类别以及相应文档标题内容

    The dimension tables describe each analysis entry in the fact table: the actual date, the keyword values and categories as well as corresponding document title and content.


  • 接下来页面上输入提要标题描述以及其他属性例如公共私有访问搜索关键词标签缓存时间

    On the next page, enter the feed title and description along with other properties, like public or private access, any search keyword tags, or cache times.


  • 关键词搜索是否忽略一个音符取决于语言本身以及字符是否为字母

    Whether a diacritic is ignored in a keyword search depends on the language and whether a character is a new letter or not.


  • 对于这些搜索表单,由一个数据库视图列出查询发起者、查询提交日期时间以及查询所包括的关键词

    A database view of these search forms is provided that lists the author of the query, the date and time the query was submitted and the keywords used in the query.


  • 进行排名检查记录已经搜索关键词列出了哪些页面以及SERP中的排名

    When you do rank checking, keep a record of what keywords you have searched for, which pages are listed, and what the ranking is in the SERPs.


  • 如果网络上搜索RFID这个关键词,就可以找到相当一本书厚专利技术以及相关的研讨会产品文章

    A search for the keyword 'RFID' alone turns up tomes' worth of patents, conferences, products and articles.


  • 不能搜索引擎优化方法——购买关键词以及影响排名,来提高你的酒店在TripAdvisor上的排名。

    You can't approach improving TripAdvisor ranking as you might search engine optimization, where you can purchase keywords and impact your listings.


  • 其他例如时间轴和地图显示搜索结果关键词建议以及键盘快捷方式等试验项目都可以通过登陆Google实验室中进行体验。

    Other interfaceexperiments you can sign up to use at Google Experimental Labs include timelineand map views of results, keyword suggestions and keyboard shortcuts.


  • TwitterSearchConnector需要密钥(consumerkey、consumersecret访问以及访问令牌secret)第一UI表单输入搜索关键词(1)。

    Your TwitterSearchConnector needs the two pairs of keys (consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret) and the search keyword that's entered in the first UI form (Figure 1).


  • 一个之前面对1.5万美元的学费以及各种过期账单泰勒室友Google搜索栏中输入了“学费”、“债务”和“上学开销”这三个关键词

    A month prior, faced with about $15,000 in unpaid tuition and overdue bills, Taylor and her roommate typed "tuition," "debt," and "money for school" into Google.


  • 理解用户意图搜索技术的出现以及将结果和关键词进行关联的过程,也都已经改变了这个领域使更加可分析

    The emergence of Search which surfaces user intent, and the process of attaching bids to keywords have also changed the landscape making it much more analytical.


  • Google学术搜索允许用户输入某些关键词,然后可以得到科研文章专利以及法律建议期刊

    Google Scholar allows interested users to make a search on, say "oil spills, " and receive research articles and patents or legal opinions and journals.


  • 目前常用包括黑名单名单技术基于关键词搜索以及设定过滤规则等方法。

    Nowadays, anti-spam measurements often include black or white list technique, manual rules and keyword based content filtering.


  • 如果了解德国留学相关的奖学金,你可以根据关键词、你的学习等级原籍以及专业等分类条件来进行搜索

    To find relevant scholarships to study in Germany, you can search based on keywords, study level, country of origin and subject.


  • 恰当地使用过渡词语以及重复关键词常常取得连接效果

    In addition, appropriate use of transitional expressions and repetition of key words can also produce the effect of coherence.


  • 第一章介绍论文背景原理必要性同时列出关键词解释以及论文结构

    Chapter One focuses on the background, rationale and necessity of the study, and gives the term definitions and overall structure as well.


  • 模式较为系统城市乡村公益(主题)以及旅游关键词有机的衔接一起

    This mode systematically connects the key points of urban and rural areas, public welfare and tourism together.


  • 分析农事天象与时间的有机关联以及民族对时间的某些具体认知方式关键词时间观,汉语,语言分析“文化”在最宽泛的意义上。

    He also analyses the relationships between farming, astronomical phenomena and time as well as some specific ways with which Chinese people cognize time.


  • 陈利军,史洪中,陈月华,尹健【关键词植物病原真菌;,,中药;,,资源摘要:综述具有药用价值20植物病原真菌的种类、引起病害症状功效以及主要化学成分药理作用

    This paper reviews on recent researches the categories, plant disease symptom, efficacy, chemical composition and pharmacological action of 20 plant pathogenic fungi with medical value.


  • 陈利军,史洪中,陈月华,尹健【关键词植物病原真菌;,,中药;,,资源摘要:综述具有药用价值20植物病原真菌的种类、引起病害症状功效以及主要化学成分药理作用

    This paper reviews on recent researches the categories, plant disease symptom, efficacy, chemical composition and pharmacological action of 20 plant pathogenic fungi with medical value.


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