• 家人关爱以及信仰带来勇气,让每天勇敢地癌症斗争

    Surrounded by a loving family, and armed with the courage of his faith, he faces his daily battle against cancer with bravery.


  • 之后,讲述了自己癌症艰苦斗争以及信仰体系彻底崩塌

    It takes us through his harrowing battle with cancer and the comprehensive collapse of his belief system.


  • 因为任何事都是全心全意的,愤世嫉俗态度和我的立场以及信仰违背的。

    Because I fully engage in anything I do, a cynical attitude goes against what I stand for and believe in.


  • 蒙古神话佛教神话以及信仰佛教一些国家民族神话比较研究蒙古神话研究重要课题

    The comparative study over the Mongolian myth, the Buddhism myth and the myth of some Buddhist countries and people is a significant task of Mongolian myth research.


  • 信仰内涵功能分类以及信仰信仰教育进行辨识,根据教育部高校信仰状况调查分析了当前大学生信仰教育的现状。

    It also explains the the belief's definition, function and classification. The paper studies the college students' belief condition based on the survey done by the education department.


  • 须要大声说出一个文化想要保护的任何东西,如信仰、历史以及传统。

    Anything a culture wanted to protect一its beliefs, its history, and its traditions had to be told out loud.


  • 年轻人探索他们生命意义时,他们的心灵往往一切可能的选择敞开,像是关于信仰什么如何生活以及——如果一定要这样说的话——为了什么而献身

    As young people search for meaning in their lives, their minds are often open to all possible choices about what to believe, how to live, and what-if anything-to dedicate themselves to.


  • 享受这种延伸信仰挑战以及承认宇宙创造性为了去发现前方有什么

    I enjoy the challenge of extending my faith and allowing the creativity of the universe to reveal what lies ahead.


  • 候选人经常问及信仰他们生活中的作用以及如何影响他们当政

    Candidates are often asked about the role of faith in their lives and how it might shape their presidencies.


  • 想说限制梦想生活大多数因素在于深度信仰,你的习惯,你的知识以及你的技能态度

    What I mean is that most of the constraints that prevent you from living the life you dream lie in the depths of yourself, your beliefs, your habits, your knowledge, and your skills and attitudes.


  • 采访稿描述了查尔斯·达尔文如何成为大自然学生什么情况下开始思考进化论以及信仰危机

    An "interview" with Charles Darwin in which he describes how he became a student of nature, his initiation into the theory of evolution, and his religious scruples.


  • 实现一参与必须尊重关于病因以及传统哀悼死者仪式地方信仰制度

    To achieve this engagement, local belief systems about the causes of disease and traditional rituals for mourning the dead must be respected.


  • 尝试了解普通人相信以及他们感受的,变得至关重要民众信仰处于当前学术努力核心也变得顺理成章。

    Attempts to understand what the ordinary people believed and felt are considered far more important, and popular religion is understandably at the heart of this current scholarly endeavor.


  • 谈谈跨信仰青年核心组织,一些目标,以及它要实现这些目标所采用的方法吧。

    So, tell me again a little bit about Interfaith Youth Core and some of its goals and some of the ways it carries out those goals.


  • 如果仅仅相信上帝救赎足够了,这并不能即将到来的神中获得解救但是这种救赎作为信仰,我的避难所以及我的全部我会救赎。

    I shall not be delivered from the wrath to come, by believing that his atonement is sufficient; but I shall be saved by making that atonement my trust, my refuge, and my all.


  • 一个强大的灵性信仰可以帮真实的,此时此刻的,以及早已给予你的事物相连接

    A strong spiritual faith helps you to connect to what is real, to what is here now and to what has already been given to you.


  • 只有尝试自我反省才能确定自己以及自己的信仰是什么

    When those people are tried and tested, they're going to have to decide who they are and what they believe in.


  • 社会节奏我们很容易忘记我们信仰以及我们做事初衷。

    In a fast-paced society it's easy to forget things like what you believe in and what you're doing this (whatever this may be) for.


  • 犀利而简洁的语言,积极地揭露和否定各种五花八门的伪科学,顺势治疗﹑信仰疗法﹑创世论﹑人说﹑弯勺术﹑占星以及飞碟说。

    Any beliefs he thought pseudoscientific, such as homeopathy, Scientology, creationism, anthroposophy, spoon-bending, astrology and flying saucers, he would dismiss with cool efficiency.


  • 几个室友Norton谈到信仰以及个人认识上帝的见证。

    Several months later, my roommate spoke with Norton about faith and knowing God personally.


  • 面对科学进步他们如何继续相信信仰疗法(faith-healing)以及其它神迹奇事?

    And how can they continue to believe in faith-healing and other miracles in the face of the advance of science?


  • 作为回报,自由按照你的意愿实践自己的信仰——以及观念市场上其他信仰信徒(或者信仰者)自由的竞争。

    In return, you will be free to practice your own faith as you see fit - and free, as well, to compete with other believers (and nonbelievers) in the marketplace of ideas.


  • 他的话使感到或许我们每个人应该这样- - - - - -独立思考自己应该信仰什么以及如何在生活中坚守自己的的信仰

    And that gave me a feeling that perhaps that's what we all must do-think out for ourselves what we could believe and how we could live by it.


  • 他的话使感到或许我们每个人应该这样- - - - - -独立思考自己应该信仰什么以及如何在生活中坚守自己的的信仰

    And that gave me a feeling that perhaps that's what we all must do-think out for ourselves what we could believe and how we could live by it.


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