• 美国欧盟加拿大以及以色列激烈争论这个行动

    America, the European Union, Canada and Israel are hotly contesting the move.


  • 会是是否当真以及以色列诚意一次重要检验

    That will be a vital test of his own seriousness as well as Israel's good faith.


  • TaKaDu探测引擎现在正监测澳洲欧洲拉美以及以色列很多地方供水管线。

    TaKaDu's detection engine is now looking after the water supply in a dozen places in Australia, Europe and Latin America, as well as in Israel itself.


  • 土耳其以前美国北约组织成员以及以色列都举行安纳托·利亚之鹰演习

    Turkey had previously carried out Anatolian Eagle maneuvers with the us and other NATO members as well as Israel.


  • 位于大堂出口提供了一个长长的名单精细奶酪以及以色列葡萄酒啤酒

    Situated in the lobby, the outlet offers a lengthy list of fine cheeses as well as Israeli wines and beers.


  • 英国以及以色列科学家经研究发现半夜,灯光会拿获癌症形成涉及细胞“过度表现”。

    Researchers in the UK and Israel found that when a light is turned on at night, it triggers an "over-expression" of cells linked to the formation of cancer.


  • 那么这些要求就可能包括“去军事化”的巴勒斯坦以色列对于恐怖袭击反击权利以及以色列约旦河军事部署。

    Those demands will include a demilitarized Palestine, Israel's right to respond to terror attacks, and an Israeli military presence along the Jordan River.


  • 虽然没有出现大规模群众运动,但是阿布玛利亚已经动员了没有武装妇女国际以及以色列同情者予以支持,其中就包括妻子犹太裔美国人。

    Though not yet a mass movement, Mr Abu Mariya has mobilised unarmed female, international and Israeli sympathisers, including his wife, a Jewish-American.


  • 我们追求以色列巴勒斯坦和平的过程中,我们推进以色列黎巴嫩以色列叙利亚的和平,以及以色列和其邻居之间广泛的和平。

    As we pursue peace between Israelisand Palestinians, we will also pursue peace between Israeland Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and a broader peace between Israeland its neighbors.


  • 以色列表示愿意犹太人定居点建设暂停912个月,不包括东耶路撒冷以及以色列声称开工建设的2400所房屋中的大部分

    Israel is offering a nine - to 12-month moratorium on settlement building that would exclude East Jerusalem and most of the 2, 400 homes that Israel says work has already begun on.


  • 这个项目草拟阶段,正在以色列进行有关安全后勤供应以及成本方面讨论

    The project is still in the planning stages with discussions over security, logistics and cost under way with Israel.


  • 核心问题包括未来巴勒斯坦国边界问题,耶路撒冷地位问题,难民权利以及约旦河西岸以色列定居点的未来等问题。

    The core issues include the borders of a prospective Palestinian state, the status of Jerusalem, the right of refugees and future of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.


  • 过去数十年地下水以及以色列约旦巴勒斯坦供水加利水位已经彻底地耗尽了。

    Water levels in underground aquifers and the Sea of Galilee, which provide water for Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinians, have been drastically depleted over the last decade.


  • 面对这些困惑全球的犹太人正在寻找身份的自我认同以及以色列新的关系途径

    Faced with these puzzles, Jews all over the world are finding new ways to assert their identity and a new relationship with Israel.


  • 相比之下,来自瑞典丹麦日本以色列挪威以及加拿大外交官根本没有未支付罚款

    By contrast, diplomats from Sweden, Denmark, Japan, Israel, Norway and Canada had no unpaid fines at all.


  • 任何切实可行和平协议下这些地区以及其他关键重要国家战略地区,都纳入以色列最终边界

    Under any realistic peace agreement, these areas, as well as other places of critical strategic and national importance, will be incorporated into the final borders of Israel.


  • 即便以色列巴勒斯坦黎巴嫩以及叙利亚准备认真讨价还价,存在着更难处理伊拉克伊朗问题

    Even if Israel, the Palestinians, Lebanon and Syria were to start horse-trading in earnest, that would still leave the more intractable problems of Iraq and Iran.


  • 英国以色列以及新西兰,猪流感感染也已浮出水面

    Other suspected cases have surfaced in Britain, Israel and New Zealand.


  • 有七个国家——墨西哥美国加拿大英国西班牙以色列以及新西兰——迄今已经证实有感染情况发生11名病患疑似猪流感

    Seven countries -- Mexico, the United States, Canada, Britain, Spain, Israel, and New Zealand -- have so far confirmed infections, with cases suspected in 11 others.


  • 似乎阿巴斯不得不承认掌控权以及如果和谈他以色列协商中斡旋能力形同虚设了

    Mr Abbas, it seems, has been forced to acknowledge that his authorityand his ability to grapple with the Israelis in negotiations if they had resumed—has been eviscerated.


  • 观看有来自澳大利亚美国德国以色列-以及所有那些地方,对其来说奥斯维辛这个仍然暗喻一件恐怖无法理解的事。

    People saw it in countries like Australia, the United States, Germany and Israelall places where the word "Auschwitz" is still a metaphor for something so monstrous that it defies comprehension.


  • 美国以色列以及世界上做事谨慎警察据说使用一种叫做“远程声学装置”的音波武器。

    And both American and Israeli armies and some less scrupulous police forces around the world are said to have used a sonic tool, the "long range acoustic device".


  • 该项目的目标培养一代优秀工业设计师以及加强以色列工业竞争力

    The program's goal is to foster the next-generation of outstanding industrial designers and to strengthen the competitive edge of the Israeli industry.


  • 该项目的目标培养一代优秀工业设计师以及加强以色列工业竞争力

    The program's goal is to foster the next-generation of outstanding industrial designers and to strengthen the competitive edge of the Israeli industry.


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