• 之后的半年中,苹果新增了大专卖店以及上海两家专卖店

    In the past six months, Apple added the Joy City Mall store and two in Shanghai.


  • 北京舞蹈学院、北京歌剧舞剧院以及上海世博会教学讲演。

    She has also worked for Beijing Dance Academy, Shanghai Expo and Beijing Song and Dance Company.


  • 会议主要讨论当前国际地区形势以及上海合作组织自身建设各方关切问题

    The meeting revolved around such issues of common concern as the current international and regional situations and the construction of the SCO.


  • 光复会在上海成立,清末浙沪交往密切以及上海特殊社会环境直接联系着的。

    The foundation of the Restoration Society was directly related with close contacts between Zhejiang and Shanghai during the late Qing dynasty as well as Shanghais particular social environment.


  • 国际航运形势良好以及上海逐步建成国际航运中心趋势修船行业带来了利好消息。

    The good trend of international shipping industry and Shanghais becoming International Shipping Centre, will be good news to ship repairing industry.


  • 调查问卷以及上海往年年鉴数据基础上,对门票旅游收入数量进行初步的分析与预测

    Based on the questionaries and Shanghai annuals in form years the a-mounts of the two incomes are primarily analyzed and predicted in this paper.


  • 景德镇市集邮公司总经理刘敬波景德镇希望通过这套邮票的发行向公众宣传中国传统陶瓷艺术以及上海世博会

    By releasing the stamp sets, Jingdezhen hoped to spread interest in traditional Chinese ceramic art and the Shanghai Expo, said Liu Jingbo, director of the Jingdezhen Municipal Philatelic Corporation.


  • 各地多次举办个展及当地艺术家合作的群展,包括在画廊,东艺术,香格纳画廊以及上海美术馆现代美术馆展出

    Since then he has exhibited widely in China, with galleries such as Red Gate Gallery, Eastlink and Shanghart, and has exhibited at Shanghai Art Museum and Duolun Art Museum.


  • 苏北女性转移过程中多数是通过朋友介绍等自组织的方式,主要流向苏南地区以及上海北京广州等大城市产业,但就业层次较低。

    Most female labors in Subei rural find job by friends' introduction and mainly float into the second and third industry in Sunan, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.


  • 歌之“吴”应当指“吴语地域”,大致现在江苏的苏州、无锡、常州地区,浙江的湖州地区嘉兴地区一部分以及上海地区,即原江苏的松江地区。

    The art of Tanci of Wu Dialect which is popular in Province Jiangsu and Zhejiang, is an important part of folk art in the Area Jiangnan.


  • 晚些时候姚明发言人张弛上海证实了消息,这也引发了网络对于宝宝名字的激烈讨论,随之而来的是人们关于宝宝身高性别以及国籍的种种猜测。

    The news, which was later confirmed by Zhang Chi, Yao's spokesman in Shanghai, triggered a barrage of baby names on the Internet, as well as predictions about its height, gender and nationality.


  • 上海世博会排队问题解决方案医疗教育以及其他领域内的排队问题的解决方案完全是两码事,”复旦大学教授丁纯

    "The solution to the queues at the Shanghai World Expo and the solution to queues for healthcare, education and so on are two entirely different things," said Fudan University professor Ding Chun.


  • 安妮德国上海领事馆工作担任顾问医生旅居海外者以及当地医院打交道时,几乎每周机会跨越文化障碍

    Anne works as the Consulting Doctor for the German Consulate in Shanghai and has opportunities nearly every week to cross cultural barriers with expatriates and local hospitals.


  • 举办世博会豪华的场馆以及对未来展示上海很难掩饰住自己满腔的自豪

    Hosting the World Expo with grand pavilions and futuristic displays, Shanghai can barely contain its brimming pride.


  • 此次调查主要通过电话电子邮件、传真以及面对面的形式进行,调查地点包括北京上海广州武汉四个城市

    Interviews were carried out over the telephone, via E-mail or fax or face to face in four cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan.


  • 事故将变得很平常比如说上海上周火灾以及过去几个月内一系列工作场所悲剧

    Accidents have become common, like the Shanghai fire last week or a series of workplace tragedies in recent months.


  • 经常打斗以及正常将会伤害上海市民形象以及宜家形象。

    Frequent fights and arguments do serious harm to the image both of Shanghai residents and IKEA.


  • 语言标准汉语普通话以及粤语上海

    Languages: Standard Chinese or Mandarin, and many more, including Cantonese and Shanghaiese.


  • 上海世博会中国船舶向人们展示了中国造船业主要成就,以及未来概念漂移农场

    China Shipping Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo is showcasing some major improvements in the country's shipbuilding industry along with a new concept for the future - a floating farm ship.


  • 上海房子街道市场以及河滩 ...

    Old Shanghai, the houses, the streets, the markets, the river front ...


  • 德比软件(上海)有限公司,上海旅游业酒店以及酒店分销行业提供互联网营销技术

    Derbysoft (Shanghai) Co., Shanghai - Provides Internet marketing technology for the tourism, hotels, and the hospitality distribution industry.


  • 随着今年股市回升以及中国6月份决定重启暂停达9个月之久的上海市场首次公开发行(IPO),一趋势开始加速。

    The trend has accelerated as markets recovered this year and following China's decision in June to resume initial public offerings in Shanghai after a nine-month suspension.


  • 监测部门昨日(3月28日),目前在上海以及周边一些东南沿海地区空气检测出放射性物质

    Radioactive material has been detected in the air above Shanghai and other southeastern coastal areas, monitoring authorities said yesterday.


  • 我们上海同事之前做Xruby项目ruby内部以及语言编译器虚拟很深理解

    Our Shanghai colleagues formerly worked on the Xruby project and have a very deep understanding of the ruby internals and of languages, compilers, virtual machines and so forth in general.


  • 我们新图片中看到大部分画面上海极度现代的一面梦幻上海世博会大帐篷大型购物中心,以及7月10开张苹果专卖店

    The view we see most often in news photos is the ultra-modern side of Shanghai, with fancy Shanghai Expo pavilions, giant shopping malls, and the vast new Apple store that opened on July 10.


  • 我们新图片中看到大部分画面上海极度现代的一面梦幻上海世博会大帐篷大型购物中心,以及7月10开张苹果专卖店

    The view we see most often in news photos is the ultra-modern side of Shanghai, with fancy Shanghai Expo pavilions, giant shopping malls, and the vast new Apple store that opened on July 10.


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