• 前所述,典型流程分析结果(MIML)构建索引以便用户可以使用交互式界面交互式地专研内容

    As mentioned above, the typical flow is for the analysis results (MIML) to be indexed so that users can interactively explore the content using the interactive user interface.


  • 设置一个合理警告门限重要的(通常限额75%- 90%),以便达到限额之前用户足够时间减少他们邮件数据库大小

    It is important to set a reasonable warning threshold (typically 75-90 percent of the quota) so that users have sufficient time to reduce the size of their mail database before hitting the quota.


  • 目前需要帐篷以便数百万失去住宅提供临时庇护。

    He says the biggest need now is for tents to shelter the millions of Chinese who lost their homes.


  • 的确欧元区决策者现在正在仓促计划自己的而辩护,以便他们能够必要经济协调监管制定条件

    Indeed euro-zone policymakers are now scrambling to claim the plan as their own so that they can set the terms for the economic co-ordination and surveillance that it entails.


  • 实现RDR一步标注预先编写规则以便标记它们我们也可以计算特定数据集触发规则频率

    The first step for implementing RDR is to annotate the pre-written rules so they can be marked and we can calculate the frequency of each rule fired for the particular dataset.


  • 这里定义部分实现一个新的自定义登录模块以便断言的标识收集凭据,为标识执行验证。

    The custom part here is to implement a new custom login module to collect the credentials for the asserted identity and to perform the validation for the identity.


  • 其他所有查询搜索结果控件默认用户自动指定的,以便用户使用起来尽可能的简单

    All other query and search result controls are automatically assigned default values for the user in order to make the user experience as simple as possible.


  • 如上DITA体系结构强调主题书籍编写信息需要重新设计,以便适应基于主题的体系结构。

    As stated above, the DITA architecture is focused on topics; information that is written for books needs to be redesigned in order to fit into a topic-based architecture.


  • 这些扩展元素WSDL 1.1服务描述特定位置以便特定类型的服务提供必要的额外信息

    These extension elements are intended to slot into particular locations in WSDL 1.1 service descriptions in order to provide additional information required for a particular type of service.


  • 如果索引表空间使用较大缓冲并且尽可能不同 insert排序以便排好序的,而不是随机的,可以帮助加快索引维护

    You can help speed up index maintenance by using a large buffer pool for the index tablespace, and, if possible, ordering the inserts so that the key values are ordered, not random.


  • 使用8中的Add/Edit对话框构建消息元素目标时,Type字段保留String以便Value 字段希望的字符串常量

    When you constructed the message element target using the Add/Edit dialog in Figure 8, you left the Type field as String so that the Value field could be the desired string constant.


  • 急需解决的问题克星敦市的合作关系以便地区的产品出口制定新的战略措施,两座城市曾长期保持敌对关系

    His other priority is a partnership with Lexington, long a rival, to devise a new strategy for regional exports.


  • 如果一个新的用例,我们常常新的发行版中使用最后实际测试结果以便以后比较设置基准

    If the case is a new case, we often use the final actual test result in the new release to set up our baseline for future comparison.


  • 令人意外的是,苹果被揭发正是其自己酒吧盗走原型产品,然后泄漏出去,以便产品造势

    In a surprise twist, Apple is revealed to have swiped the prototype from the bar itself and leaked it to build hype for its product.


  • 与数据有关工作最后一步表示提供合并了信息以便将它们显示出来

    The final step in our data-related work involves providing a consolidated set of information for our presentation layer to display.


  • 大约三分之一客户建立限价订单以便发生急剧震荡的时候买进只跟踪股指基金或者是一只跟踪大宗商品行情ETN

    He has set up limit orders for around a third of his clients to buy either a stock index fund or a commodity ETN in the event of a sharp swing.


  • 下面一个示例未经组织数据(如一测定数据)通常采用某种方式进行处理,以便用户方便地阅读处理图形图表

    Here's an example: unorganized data, such as a group of measurements, is usually processed in some manner to make it easily readable for users, such as a graph or a chart.


  • 市场现在所需时间以便将零碎的信息汇整起来,为下一次大浪来袭做好准备。

    What markets need now is time to piece that information back together. Time before the next wave strikes.


  • 可信这些斑点作用解释:打散动物视觉外形以便森林斑驳光影下隐藏自身。

    More plausibly, he had an explanation for what the spots are for: to break up the animal's shape when it is hiding in the dappled light of the forest.


  • 可信这些斑点作用解释:打散动物的视觉外形以便森林斑驳光影下隐藏自身。

    More plausibly, he had an explanation for what the spots are for: to break up the animal’s shape when it is hiding in the dappled light of the forest.


  • IBM希望使SDK示例插件的源代码成为使项目受益的起点而且充分实用的,以便值得日常使用他们而安装

    It was IBM's intent that the source code from the SDK samples would be useful starting points for your own projects and also be practical enough to be worth installing for everyday use.


  • 关于世卫组织炮制“疫情以便制药业创造经济效益其它指控科学方面是错误的,在历史方面也是不正确的。

    Additional allegations that WHO created a 'fake' pandemic to bring economic benefit to industry are scientifically wrong and historically incorrect.


  • 这样好处可以基于性能需求市场部或者客户支持部提供数据以便让他们为客户提供理想配置

    The advantage of this is that marketing or customer support has data to advise on the ideal configuration for a customer based on his performance and other requirements.


  • 不幸的是,预算必要进一步削减以便哈佛大学适应新的经济现实

    Unfortunately, further cuts are needed in order for Harvard to adjust to the institution's new economic reality.


  • lambda表达式的基本原理提供代码表达数据的方式,从而可以代码字面量传递至代码库中以便方便时候随时调用

    The primary rationale for lambda expressions is to have a way to express code as data, so that code literals can be passed to libraries that will invoke them at convenient times.


  • IceRocketRSSbuilder一个简单界面可以添加主题链接内容以便的web站点创建rss提要

    IceRocket RSS builder is a simple interface that lets you add topics, links, and content to create RSS feeds for your website.


  • 本文目的提供必要的预备知识,以便能够使用我们描述DXL框架设计用来访问处理Domino数据应用程序

    The goal of this article is to prepare you to design applications to access and process Domino data using the DXL framework we have described.


  • 业务应用程序松散耦合的,以便通过使用Web服务企业带来业务价值

    Business applications are loosely coupled to bring business value to the enterprise by using Web services.


  • 需要导出目标环境内容第一是从ibmCognosAdministration页面进行导出,以便自动化使用相应的导出任务

    The content which needs to be exported to the target environment is done for the first time from the IBM Cognos Administration page to use the corresponding export task for the automation.


  • 需要导入目标环境内容第一是从ibmCognosAdministration页面进行导入以便自动化使用相应的导入任务

    The content which needs to be imported into the target environment is done for the first time from the IBM Cognos administration page to use the corresponding import task for the automation.


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