• 这一部门能够有用的方式轻易地提供他们数据他们选择这样做。

    The bureau could easily present their data in more useful ways, but they have chosen not to.


  • 因为这个句型能让温和方式表达某一提议

    Because the sentence pattern allows you to very softly express a dislike about a suggested action.


  • 埃斯里奇论文中写道多人一种恰当的方式关注着工作中的错误

    Etheridge wrote in a paper that argued that too many have wrongly focused on the mistakes of her work.


  • 很多方式出现问题懒惰、怀有恶意的、咄咄逼人的、乏味的,情绪过于低落让人高兴起来的。

    The people can be wrong in an assortment of ways: lazy, spiteful, bullying or just dull and too depressed themselves to spread much cheer.


  • 通常第三执行,第三方资料整理有序然后泄露任何资料提供商个人身份方式发表。

    This is usually carried out by a third party, who puts the data in order and then discloses it in a way that does not reveal the identity of any individual data provider.


  • 消费者报告7月12日表示由于某种方式iPhone 4,iPhone4会失去信号,因此推荐消费者购买。

    The consumer organization said onJuly 12 it wouldn’t recommend the phone because of its tendencyto lose signal strength when held in a certain way.


  • 尼尔:可现在却说可能觉得某些事‘圆满’,因而可能会‘返世’,可说,一种新的方式再次经历他们的死亡便于……便于……

    Yet now you are saying that after a person dies they may feelincompletewith


  • 经验表示恰当方式伙子恰当的时机揭露秘密可能有害的。

    His experience has shown that revealing secrets in the wrong way or at the wrong time can be damaging.


  • 他们违反环保法律方式做这些,又将实际成本输出。

    And they're able to externalize the real costs of doing things in an environmentally responsible way.


  • 第一客户机编程模型此模型中,客户机能在阻塞应用程序的情况下非阻塞方式调用服务

    The first is the client programming model, where a client invokes the service in a non-blocking manner without blocking his application.


  • 以不表态方式哈马斯领导观点已经推动两国解决问题可能性如果巴勒斯坦人赞同全民公决的理念

    Some leading lights in Hamas have floated, in a non-committal way, the possibility of a two-state solution, if Palestinians endorsed the idea in a referendum.


  • 那些选择简约主义生活方式之路的人,丢弃对自己重要东西的前提下,寻求减少自己原有的东西匹配实践核心价值目标

    Those who choose a minimalist lifestyle seek to pare down their possessions and practices to align with their core values and goals without sacrificing things that are important to them.


  • 当然也可执行TDD方式进行重构去除重复代码使更简单灵活易于理解

    You can, however, refactor without performing TDD and still banish duplication while making the code simpler, easier to understand, and more flexible.


  • 也许亚洲国家愿意这样方式补贴他们出口业但是他们显然希望外国银行退休基金甚至对冲基金在这里分上一份。

    However, though Asian countries may be happy to subsidise their exporters they are not so keen to offer the same subsidy to foreign Banks, pension funds or hedge funds.


  • 现在读取事务访问当前提交连贯映像(写入事务兼容方式锁定),受到阻塞。

    Now, a read transaction can access the currently committed and consistent image of rows that are incompatibly locked by write transactions without being blocked.


  • 以不区分大小写方式搜索DB 2数据多种方法比如使用生成(请参见参考资料)。

    There are several methods to search DB2 data in a case-insensitive manner such as the use of generated columns (see Resources).


  • 老年人获取报酬或者获取报酬方式工作,他们照护家庭成员朋友组织协会做些退休后的工作。

    Older persons work in a paid or unpaid capacity, care for family members and friends, and carry out after-retirement work in organizations and associations.


  • 同样华尔街坚信的虔诚代理人精明资本分配个人理财道路坎坷遭遇失望时,他们就会这种方式解释开脱。

    Similarly, when people's faith in Wall Street as an honest broker, a smart allocator of capital, and a path to personal wealth was disappointed, they managed to explain things away.


  • 场景中包括启用安全性步骤非生产环境中启用安全性的方式运行

    Steps for enabling security are included, but the scenario can be run without security in non-production environments.


  • 在内部DB 2区分大小写的方式处理用户ID

    Internally, DB2 processes user ID and group names in a case-insensitive fashion.


  • 16岁蒂芙尼哈里斯伯杰故事深深打动,如果看到道义的罪恶行为,她发言写信方式参与进来与之斗争。

    Moved by Berger's story and his message, Tiffany Harris, 16, said if she sees an injustice being committed, she will get involved by speaking up and writing letters.


  • 如果我们破坏它们栖息地他们几千一样方式活下去。

    If we don't destroy their habitat they will just chunter along in the same way that they have for the thousands of years.


  • 采用传统方式记名形式投票,布朗需要议会绝对多数(至少三分之二)的支持率。

    To put the vote on the ballot the traditional way, Mr Brown needs a supermajority (two-thirds) in the legislature.


  • 根据协议图片等物他人刊登原署名刊登原署名的方式修改、用于商业用途免费分享

    Depending on the license, images, for example, can be remixed, used commercially, and Shared freely with and without attribution.


  • 尽量养成这种方式运行Swing应用程序习惯是因为正确而且如果这样有些第三方组件可能无法运行。

    Try to get into the habit of running your Swing applications this way - not only is it correct, but some third-party components may not work if you don't.


  • 尽量养成这种方式运行Swing应用程序习惯是因为正确而且如果这样有些第三方组件可能无法运行。

    Try to get into the habit of running your Swing applications this way - not only is it correct, but some third-party components may not work if you don't.


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