• 不同地区码长的不同风格披上去。

    The six yard cloth is draped in different styles for various regions.


  • 在朝画家在野画家古,或革新,不同风格丰富了清代山水画坛。

    DPRK artists and painters or Mogu opposition, or innovation, a different style enriched the landscape through the Qing Dynasty.


  • 对话框在功能上等同的,但是略有不同视觉风格更好地模拟一个GUI可能展示东西

    The two kinds of dialog box are functionally equivalent but have slightly different visual styles to better simulate what a GUI might present.


  • 这个逻辑4种不同调用风格调用一个下游JAX - WSweb服务测试案例25

    The logic calls a downstream JAX-WS web service in four different invocation styles, as indicated by test cases 2 through 5.


  • 就像鼎盛时期投球手麦凯恩不断变化速度不同声音音调叙事风格,在不同情节间自如转换

    Like a great pitcher in his prime, McCann is constantly changing speeds, adopting different voices, tones and narrative styles as he shifts between story lines.


  • 其他系列提供支持他们系列书的不同风格构思书籍。

    He also supports others who write for the series, helping them craft their books in the series' distinctive style.


  • 与其许多作品不同,本片直白风格讲述了简单故事:一名男孩父母教唆,通过假车祸借机表面上的肇事者那里敲诈钱财

    Unlike many of his films, it tells a simple story in straightforward fashion: a boy is taught by his parents to fake car accidents in order to extort money from the ostensible culprits.


  • 这些团队不同时区工作说着不同的语言遵照不同的文化习俗并且完全不同的风格工作着。

    These teams work in different time zones, speak different languages, follow different cultural practices, and work in completely different styles.


  • 当然两种内在特性不同项目管理风格(文化)来进行工作,会开发团队带来诸多挑战。

    Of course, working with two inherently different styles (and cultures) of project management presented a number of challenges to the development team.


  • PDO提供了3不同错误处理模式满足不同风格编程

    PDO offers 3 different error handling modes to suit different styles of programming


  • 篇文章中看到不同风格动物概念logo设计

    In this post you will see different kinds of Logo Design based on animal concept.


  • 研究主要设计概念阿美族服饰配件图纹,加创作设计作品上,表现出不同风格

    The main design conception of this study is using the totem of Amis 's cloth and accessory to create arts, in order to acquit different styles.


  • 宝马轿车车身造型具有鲜明特色灯具矩形水箱通风形成与众不同风格

    BMW W styling has distinct characteristics, shaped garden lamps with a rectangular tank ventilation gate frame to form a distinctive style.


  • 这个开放式房间木地板低垂的吊灯、不同风格色彩座位特点

    This open-plan room features wooden floors, white walls, low-hanging pendant lighting, and seats in a variety of tones and colours.


  • 我们向您推荐这款手提包最好皮革制成品种齐全风格各异满足各种人群的不同需要

    Thee hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.


  • 本文旨在通过对两部作品叙述风格比较加深我们对作品的理解获得不同审美感受。

    This paper attempts to analyze and compare the different narrative styles between the two works so as to attain different aesthetic perception and .


  • 必须各种不同的方法风格增加百分比

    You have to have a varied approach and style in order to increase your percentage.


  • 适用于不同风格任何个人物件获得几乎无限组合对象效果

    You can also apply different styles to any individual object to get almost unlimited combinations of objects and effects.


  • 最好每天阅读至少半个小时跟上不同写作风格词汇变化。

    It is advisable to indulge in at least half an hour of reading a day to keep abreast of the various styles of writing and new vocabulary.


  • 需求前提下进行欧式现代简约不同风格体现店面设计突显店名为主大气简约

    Requirements under the premise of European, modern, minimalist style reflects the different. Designed to highlight the main store name, the atmosphere simple.


  • 虽然这些女作家们写作风格不同鲜明群体意识使她们仍然具有某种共通的群体特征题材上,城市故乡

    Although their styles are different, but the obvious group-consciousness brings them some characteristics: on subject matters, city as hometown, on writing standing, dialogue with existence;


  • 为此设计各种各样实际操作活动运用不同教学策略满足不同学习风格的需要。

    To accomplish this, I use a variety of hanDs-on activities and different teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learning styles.


  • 学校理念提供多样化教学战略适合不同的学习风格

    The philosophy of the school provides a variety of teaching strategies that cater to a range of learning styles.


  • 本文旨在通过对两部作品叙述风格比较加深我们对作品的理解获得不同审美感受

    This paper attempts to analyze and compare the different narrative styles between the two works so as to attain different aesthetic perception and better our understanding of the works.


  • 本文陈洪绶这位当代海外学者称为十七世纪具个人风格画家分析不同古人的高古画风。

    Chen Hongshou the most characteristic painter who is known aboard as an example for analyzing his different elegant and classical painting style, which is different from the former painters.


  • 我们向您推荐手提包最好皮革制成,品种齐全,风格各异,满足贵国各种人群的不同需要

    The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.


  • 会议厅楼层海蓝色卷花地毯,奶白色墙壁装饰不同风格绘画摆件。

    The floors on the meeting level are carpeted in a rich blue scroll pattern and the walls are painted millwork with inset of upholstery.


  • 即使他们提出其他活动小时一小时电视,他们觉得他们可很容易地恢复生活一个不同那么被动风格

    Even as they put off other activities to spend hour after hour watching television, they feel they could easily resume living in a different, less passive style.


  • 即使他们提出其他活动小时一小时电视,他们觉得他们可很容易地恢复生活一个不同那么被动风格

    Even as they put off other activities to spend hour after hour watching television, they feel they could easily resume living in a different, less passive style.


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