• 啊,我是个令人沮丧的人

    Holy smurf, I'm a downer.


  • 离异来说,圣诞节是个令人沮丧的节日。

    For divorced people, Christmas can be a downer.


  • 大多数工作一样,发现时间缺乏时间,是个永无尽头令人沮丧事情一场永远无法取胜的战斗。

    Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never ending frustration and an unwinable battle.


  • 一方面,在美国许多阶级生活体现令人沮丧头条新闻中。

    Many members of the immobile class, on the other hand, live in the America of gloomy headlines.


  • 一方面,在美国许多不动阶级生活令人沮丧的头条新闻中。

    Many members of the immobile class, on the other hand, live in the America of the gloomy headlines.


  • 令人沮丧的,有那么诚实感到吃惊,而对欺骗感到吃惊的却那么的

    It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. n.


  • 出现这种令人沮丧情况原因明确:精神卫生服务获得的财力资源极少。

    The reasons for this bleak situation are clear: mental health services are being starved of both human and financial resources.


  • 应该令人沮丧感伤,做喜欢工作,为付账单而奔波努力你不喜欢的满意

    It doesn’t have to be a depressing sob story of you working a job you don’t like, you struggling to pay your bills, or you trying so hard to please people you can’t please.


  • 现在为止iPhones仅限于不同服务单独使用—这是一个令人沮丧的功能特别是对于那些使用应用程序即时通讯系统Skype)的来说更觉得不方便。

    Until now iPhones have been limited to single use for different servicesa frustrating bar on its functionality, especially for those using apps or instant messaging systems such as Skype.


  • 尽管令人沮丧美国就业市场高达9.5%失业率一千四百六十万没有工作,但是这些工作仍然问津。

    Despite the dismal job market in the U.S., where the unemployment rate is 9.5% and 14.6 million people are out of work, there have been few takers.


  • 尽管令人沮丧美国就业市场高达9.5%失业率一千四百六十万没有工作,但是这些工作仍然问津。

    Despite the dismal job market in the U. s., where the unemployment rate is 9.5% and 14.6 million people are out of work, there have been few takers.


  • 7月2日令人沮丧数字显示行业6月份仅仅创造了少得可怜的83,000个就业岗位,公共行业还削减了就业机会,因为好些临时口普查工下岗了。

    On July 2nd gloomy figures showed that the private sector created only a measly 83, 000 jobs in June, while the public sector shed jobs as temporary census-workers were laid off.


  • 令人沮丧的,有那么诚实感到吃惊,而对欺骗感到吃惊的却那么

    It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.


  • 令人沮丧的,有那么诚实感到吃惊,而对欺骗感到吃惊的却那么的

    It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.


  • 令人沮丧的,有那么诚实感到吃惊,而对欺骗感到吃惊的却那么的。——n。科沃德

    It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. — N. Coward.


  • 就像这样背景在摸索盲从狂热的黑暗面一点来说,实在令人错愕沮丧

    That someone of his background still fell under the dark spell of fanaticism is really dismaying.


  • 其他很欣赏,而一带富有、最重要好像对她不在乎,的确有点令人沮丧

    It was certainly a little DE - pressing that the wealthiest and most important man in the area did not seem to admire her, as all the other men did.


  • 那些工作繁忙来说,最令人沮丧的就是电话邮件忽视

    There's nothing more frustrating to busy people than to have their emails and phone messages ignored.


  • 觉得一切有点令人沮丧因为看上去似乎能够成就大事业必须得是不知疲倦的工作机器。

    I find this all a bit depressing and reductive because it seems like those who make it to the top must be, by necessity, workaholic automatons.


  • 研究表明那些自我怜悯的幸福、更乐观焦虑沮丧也会更少并不令人惊讶

    Studies show that people who are self-compassionate are happier, more optimistic, and less anxious and depressed. That's probably not surprising.


  • 结果令人沮丧将近十分之一的6个月内离开

    The result is depressing: Almost one tenth left within 6 months.


  • 吉娜等待令人沮丧事情坐在美华天主教堂外面树荫下行道抽泣,美华天主教堂是该地避难所

    "Waiting is the most frustrating thing, " said Gina Thurman, 47, choking back tears as she sat by herself in the shade on a curb outside Ascension Catholic Church, one of several shelters in the area.


  • 令人沮丧的,有那么诚实感到吃惊,欺骗感到吃惊的却那么的科沃德

    It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. (N. Coward).


  • 普罗夫莫先生领导该行15之后,也许时候换换这样的法实属不当。对热衷于意大利银行而言,此种不当举措令人沮丧,又司空见惯。

    After 15 years with Mr Profumo leading the bank it was probably time for a change, but the incompetence with which it was carried out is both depressing and familiar to students of Italian Banks.


  • 这些情况出现时的确令人沮丧懊恼对于从事木材这种天然材料工作来说已是司空见惯了。

    It can be very disheartening and annoying when this happens, but it's the nature of working with a natural material like timber.


  • 7月2日令人沮丧的数字显示行业6月份仅仅创造了少得可怜的83,000个就业岗位,公共行业还削减就业机会,因为好些临时的口普查工下岗了。

    On July 2nd gloomy figures showed that the private sector created only a measly 83,000 jobs in June, while the public sector shed jobs as temporary census-workers were laid off.


  • 足球赛星期六核心对于无论是循规蹈矩青年公民还是不规矩的来说,经过了一周单调压抑的工作以及令人沮丧家庭生活后,足球赛是一种精神上的补偿

    The football match, core of Saturday, is, for many orderly youthful citizens as well as the unruly, the compensation for a week of monotonous, depressing work and, often, dispiriting family life.


  • 过去少数几个动力十足几乎没有动力大众一起行动通常导致令人沮丧的结果

    In the past, whenever a few action oriented people acted with the passive masses, the results were depressing.


  • 过去少数几个动力十足几乎没有动力大众一起行动通常导致令人沮丧的结果

    In the past, whenever a few action oriented people acted with the passive masses, the results were depressing.


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