• 修改代码使清单10中的代码相同

    Modify this code so that it is the same as the code in Listing 10.


  • 按照代码相同方式构造模型可以极大地简化代码模板。

    Structuring the model the same way as the code can greatly simplify the code templates.


  • 尽管客户代码相同,不过CXF中的客户端行为仍然一个显著差异

    Although the client code is the same, there's one significant difference in the client behavior with CXF.


  • 此类查询状态开发任何其他代码相同并且测试中使用它们

    Such queries have the same status as any other code you develop, and your tests should exercise them.


  • 中的样例keytool命令使用附带示例代码相同文件名密码

    The sample keytool command lines in this section use the same file names and passwords as in the supplied example code.


  • 清单15几乎与Search . groovy中的代码相同(参见第1部分)。

    Listing 15 is nearly identical to the code in Search.groovy (see Part 1).


  • 这个定时器引发定时器事件窗口应用程序其余代码相同的。

    The timer events raised by this timer class are synchronous with respect to the rest of the code in your Windows Forms app.


  • 同样地,请再次注意清单2模式文件必须位于 PHP代码相同目录内。

    Once again, note that the schema file from Listing 2 must be in the same directory where the PHP code is located.


  • 所有备份文件应放在与所修改的代码相同目录中,以便看到每个文件历史

    Always store backups in the same directory or folder as the original code, to make it easier to see each file's history.


  • 除了INI文件名用户密码之外代码与之前INI文件内的记录进行身份验证代码相同

    Aside from the name of the INI file and the user name and password, the code is identical to that used to authenticate a user using the records in an INI file.


  • 这里不是寻找代码相同分析解决方案,而不是通过其他一些参数程序运行时

    As described here, I am not searching for a solution for analyzing the same by looking at code, rather than through some other parameters at program runtime.


  • 原始代码执行速度通常几乎编译型语言(c语言)编写等价代码相同(有时快速)。

    Raw code execution speed is usually almost as good as — sometimes better than — the equivalent code written in a compiled language such as c.


  • 清单8中的代码完成工作初始代码相同,但是用于处理状态的逻辑已经放入每个状态一个对象中。

    The code in Listing 8 does the same thing as the original code, but the logic for handling states has been put into one object for each state.


  • 如果个人完全相同程序那么他们应该代码级检查,这样回认为代码相同了。

    If two people write exactly the same program, each should be put into microcode and then they certainly won't be the same.


  • 逻辑其余部分(即查找调用目标main()方法)与清单1 中的Run代码相同

    The rest of the logic, to find and call the main() method of the target class, is the same as the Listing 1 Run code.


  • 注意要让这些代码能够用PHP服务器上,lures .xml文件必须位于实际PHP代码相同路径

    Note that for this code to work on your own PHP server, the lures.xml file must reside on the same path as the actual PHP code.


  • 如今JVM性能优化非凡的它允许字节(byte code)许多情况下得到和本地编译的代码相同的性能。

    The optimizations performed by today's JVM are extraordinary, allowing byte code to outperform natively-compiled code in many cases.


  • 最佳猜测如果没有找到建议,就加入字典中所有拼写错误单词语音代码相同单词以及与拼写错误的单词编辑距离最小的单词。

    Best guess: If no Suggestions have been found, add all dictionary words that have the same phonetic code as the misspelled word and with the smallest edit distance from the misspelled word.


  • 可以使用CucumberIronRubyNET代码编写可执行规范但是使用与功能代码相同语言编写测试会得到更多好处

    While you can use Cucumber with IronRuby to write executable specifications for. Net code, there are immediate benefits to writing test automation code in the same language as your production code.


  • 系列早期文章代码相同下载部分包括用于通过ApacheAnt构建样例的build .propertiesbuild . xml文件(位于jaxb目录)。

    As with the sample code for previous articles in this series, the download includes build.properties and build.xml files used to build the sample with Apache Ant (in the jaxb directory).


  • 注意意味着元音不同插在中间字符HW不会组合相同代码字母形成障碍。

    Note that this means, unlike vowels, intervening H and W characters do not act as a barrier to combining runs of letters with the same code.


  • 除了一个监听器将输入字符串转换大写字母之外,监听器代码完全相同

    With the exception that one of the listeners converts the input string to uppercase, the code for the listeners is exactly the same.


  • 再次说明,批处理数据库操作折衷在于,这种操作不会代码相同顺序来处理更新通常带来更好性能

    Once again, the tradeoff is that batch database operations do not necessarily process updates in the same order as the code, but they do generally result in better performance.


  • 麻烦部分就是平衡债务减少活动涉及相同代码区域开发活动。

    The tricky part is balancing debt reduction activities and new development activities that touch on the same area of code.


  • 它们常常能够一小代码实现相同目标

    They can often accomplish the same goals with a fraction of the code.


  • 这种情况真实的,只要代码支持相同消息模式

    This case is true as long as the new code supports the same message schema.


  • 通过应用许多他们编写代码相同原则概念开发人员可以有效地担当需求工程师的职责。

    By employing many of the same principles and concepts they already use to write code, developers can effectively serve as requirements engineers.


  • 为了跟随示例应该使用代码下载完成相同的任务。

    In order to keep working through the examples, you should do the same using the code download.


  • 基本代码是否相同用户并无关系——存款取款就是不同逻辑操作

    It's irrelevant to the user whether the underlying code is the samedeposits and withdrawals are different logical operations.


  • 基本代码是否相同用户并无关系——存款取款就是不同逻辑操作

    It's irrelevant to the user whether the underlying code is the samedeposits and withdrawals are different logical operations.


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