• 贾尼斯·乔普60摇滚歌手典型

    Janis Joplin was the personification of the '60s female rock singer.


  • 十世纪60年,沃特顿在进行水下录音时,注意到一些奇怪、低沉的声音。

    In the 1960s, Watlington was making underwater recordings when he noticed some strange, deep sounds.


  • 好啦,终于轮到了,终于机会这个博客里说出真相啦:喔,也许莎拉·不是迈克尔·佩亲戚,可我呀,因为妈妈第二表姐妹妻子

    Which finally, finally gives me an opportunity to mention on this blog that though Sarah Palin may not be related to Michael Palin, I am, because my mother's second cousin is his wife.


  • 来自新泽西罗德尼·弗里·海森则国会供职第六家族成员。

    Rodney Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress.


  • 电影改编自60同名超自然题材电视剧,德普其中扮演吸血鬼巴巴斯

    He plays vampire Barnabas Collins in the film based on the the 60′s daily supernatural series of the same name.


  • 国王剧院,这个布鲁克市民熟知地方,1929年97号正式营业。首部上映的影片是“艾文盖琳”并且主演多罗瑞丝也到场助兴。

    The Kings, as it was known to generations of Brooklynites, opened on Sept. 7, 1929, with a screening of “Evangeline” and a special appearance by its star, Dolores del Rio.


  • 密歇根大学阿伯分校的杰洛米•负责设计下一桥梁监测系统项目首席研究院

    Jerome Lynch of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is the chief researcher on a project intended to help design the next generation of monitoring systems for Bridges.


  • 不会介意他们这样,”美术馆合伙人埃里森 柯,他来自国外,参与1980保护老城区免遭拆除的工作

    "I didn't set out with this in mind, " said Alison Collins, the gallery's co-partner and an expat who worked to save it from demolition in the 1980s.


  • 正如长景经济顾问公司克里斯·指出的那样,黄金上一次牛市1970当时实际利率也为负值

    As Chris Watling of Longview Economics points out, gold's last great bull run was in the 1970s, when real yields were negative.


  • 由于在世界范围内,人们的智商缓慢提高(这种稍微有些神秘色彩的现象称作效应”),所以这个大学总体毕业最终还是可以实现的。

    And because IQ worldwide has been slowly increasing from generation to generation-a somewhat mysterious development known as the "Flynn effect" -higher rates still may eventually come within reach.


  • 奥尔毫不讳言自己70返回地球后的情况如何糟糕

    Aldrin holds nothing back when talking about how bad things were when he fell to earth in the early 70s.


  • 一位族谱专家日前表示,奥巴马和莎拉·第10表亲,他们共同祖辈为17世纪牧师约翰·史密斯

    Barack Obamaand Sarah Palin are 10th Cousins through a common ancestor, John Smith, a 17th century pastor, according to genealogists.


  • 上世纪20克兰哥伦比亚高地110号。在期间创作史诗中,有很多是描写布鲁克大桥的。

    Crane wrote much of his epic poem about the Brooklyn Bridge, the Bridge, while living at 110 Columbia Heights in the 1920s.


  • 2006年发表了一份研究成果,针对是上世纪90以来半岛电视台伊拉克报导(《阿拉伯公众声音》,哥伦比亚)。

    In 2006 Mr Lynch published a study of the station's reporting of Iraq since the late 1990s (" Voices of the New Arab Public ", Columbia).


  • 位于劳德尔堡的布克利·摩根婚姻家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,一对夫妇来办公室时说道:“他们生活两个不同世界。”

    Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."


  • 这个说法卡尔·奈提出来。他18世纪50发明了动植物分类体系沿用至今。

    This is the idea of Carl Linneas who in the 1750s came up with the classification system we still use today for plants and animals.


  • 理论在上个世纪70美国研究人家理查德·伊斯特所创立,就是著名"伊斯特幸福悖论"。

    The theory was first coined in the 1970s by US researcher Richard Easterlin and became known as the Easterlin Paradox


  • 生祥客家社会活动家音乐家参与20世纪90有影响力社会活动

    Lin is a Hakka social activist and musician who was involved with an influential social movement of the 1990's.


  • 业界第一如苹果史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、微软比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)以及戴尔电脑的迈克尔•戴尔到现任掌门,如谷歌拉里•佩奇(LarryPage谢尔盖•布(Sergey Brin),概莫能外

    Everyone from Steve Jobs (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Michael Dell (Dell) in the industry's first generation to Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google) in the current one has so far complied.


  • 英国财政大臣阿里斯·尔·(Alistair Darling)宣布银行派发奖金征收50%的

    Alistair Darling, the UK chancellor of the exchequer, announced that Banks would be hit by a 50 per cent tax on bonus pay-outs.


  • 或许是因为两者都受人关注的女性米歇尔·巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as "Palin-lite".


  • 或许是因为两者都受人关注的女性米歇尔•巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as “Palin-lite”.


  • 根据的观点,人IQ的提升不断增强抽象逻辑能力所引起。

    According to Flynn, generational rises are prompted by increased exposure to abstract logic.


  • 布鲁克·道奇队球迷们20世纪50时就说过:咱们明年见。

    As Brooklyn Dodgers fans said in the 1950s: Wait 'til next year.


  • 上世纪90Chilis汉堡连锁店的所有人诺尔曼·布克(已故)给公司起了个新名字,同时也希望为他的公司取一个新的股票码,好与他日益壮大餐饮帝国相称

    When Chili's late owner Norman Brinker was rechristening his company in the early '90s, he wanted a ticker symbol that would reflect his growing restaurant empire.


  • 布莱恩·默里哈珀斯出版集团董事长表示:“年轻不同方式获取信息他们可能没有必要进入书店,他们Google,MySpace, Facebook, author websites, Yahoo and MSN等网站渡过美好光阴。”

    When Brian Murray, group president of HarperCollins, said, “The younger generations are consuming information in a different way. They may not necessarily be going into bookshops.


  • 布莱恩·默里哈珀斯出版集团董事长表示:“年轻不同方式获取信息他们可能没有必要进入书店,他们Google,MySpace, Facebook, author websites, Yahoo and MSN等网站渡过美好光阴。”

    When Brian Murray, group president of HarperCollins, said, “The younger generations are consuming information in a different way. They may not necessarily be going into bookshops.


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