• 后来发现必要这些搜索结果付费因为不同网站往往提供不同的免费信息——我本可以各个网站的所有免费信息拼在一起

    I found it unnecessary to pay for these results, since different sites tended to provide different information upfront — I could piece together all the bits of free information from various sites.


  • 本特:“这种位置感知不仅仅搜索发现服务未来,还是基于广告和付费内容未来,赋予阅读器和浏览器以更高价值。”

    Bentes says, "this kind of location awareness will be the future of not only search and discovery services, but even ad-based and paid content, giving even more value to viewers and readers alike."


  • BCG的这研究发现消费者容易接受付费的是地方社区新闻其次存档故事突发新闻调查性报道

    The BCG study found that consumers are most open to paying for local or community news, followed by archived stories, breaking news and investigative reporting.


  • BI挪威管理学院份报告发现那些非法下载盗版音乐的用户相较不下载音乐的用户,在付费购买音乐的可能性上要高出10

    A report from the BI Norwegian School of Management has found that those who download music illegally are also 10 times more likely to pay for songs than those who don't.


  • 除非组织付费,否则你发现他们的支持非常糟糕。

    Unless you pay the organization money you will find their support is terrible.


  • 发现酒杯倒满而不付费或者厨师你带来样菜

    You'll find your wineglass gets filled without being put on your bill, or the chef might bring you a sample.


  • 我们发现iPad用户愿意付费

    We basically found a greater willingness to pay among iPad users.


  • 尽管调查发现人们对流媒体音乐有超乎寻常的热情比如Spotify或者YouTube, 78%回访者准备为此付费

    Although the survey found huge enthusiasm for streaming music, such as on Spotify or YouTube, 78% of respondents said they would not be prepared to pay for a streaming service.


  • 鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)发现,向浏览旗下各大报纸网站读者收费看起了要预期的难得多,这很有可能导致他明年6月份无法实现推广所谓付费”计划的目标

    Rupert Murdoch is finding it harder than expected to introduce charges for readers browsing his newspaper websites and may miss a target of next June for the introduction of so-called "pay walls".


  • 许多投资者因此痛苦地发现德国推行付费电视或许在其它富饶国家都要困难

    As many investors have painfully discovered, it is perhaps harder to sell pay-television in Germany than in any other rich country.


  • 我们发现相对没有付费服务的用户提供功能应用程序付费的用户提供改进带宽额外的存储空间以及增值功能。

    We find many cloud applications offer premium users improved bandwidth, additional storage and other value added features compared to the features offered to users who do not have premium service.


  • 大部分发现手机是那种付费的那种,使得他们很难被追踪

    Most of the phones that are discovered are of the pre-paid variety, which makes them extremely hard to trace.


  • 关注付费应用时,Lorica发现只有6.3%人手中应用入围苹果应用商店付费应用热榜”的榜单,然而其中80%只是昙花一现。

    Looking only at paid apps, Lorica also found that 6.3% of all sellers have had an application that made it to the app Store's "Top paid apps" list, though about 80% of these were one-hit wonders.


  • 于是开始研究起各种付费SIM协议条款,并发现沃达丰付费手机用户提供每天最多15兆流量数据服务,费用大约每天2美元(超过的流量每收费4美元)。

    So I started digging around the terms and conditions of voice prepaid cards. Vodafone, it turns out, offers prepaid cellphone users up to 15 megabytes of data traffic a day for about $2.


  • 上了USnews网站,但是发现想看完整排名需要付费

    I went to your website and found that I have to pay for the complete college rankings data.


  • ,当商场排队付费,我发现年轻人紧紧的着我。

    One day I was at the shopping mall, and I noticed a group of young people staring at me as I was lining up at the cashier.


  • 经常发现几乎不可能其实很多学校项目个人项目都被付费客户的项目挤占时间

    At times, I found this nearly impossible, and to be honest a lot of my university and personal work suffered from my commitments to paying customers.


  • 聪明的做法是:“我们发现有些了600美元保费,却只节省500美元的自付费用。”

    Even less smart: "We've seen cases where people will pay a $600 difference for a $500 lower deductible."


  • 聪明的做法是:“我们发现有些了600美元保费,却只节省500美元的自付费用。”

    Even less smart: "We've seen cases where people will pay a $600 difference for a $500 lower deductible."


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