• 不会容易。”严肃地

    'It won't be easy,' he said grimly.


  • “可以容易看出来不是由于那个的绝顶聪明使我们适应这样,”

    "It's easy to see that it's not individual intelligence that makes us so good at adapting," he says.


  • 介绍:“如果某人污点材料,那么你可以容易控制老板都是这样来选们的下属。”

    It is easier to control someone if you have kompromat on them, so that is how a boss often chooses his subordinates,” she says.


  • 你们过的嘛,容易,”笑道

    I told you it was easy.” He smiled.


  • 告诉年月互联网上发表译作应该容易的事情的时候,脸上放着异彩。

    When I told him that these days it would be easy to publish his translations on the Internet, his face lit up.


  • 但是还是忍不住会想起某位著名经济学家的话宁愿预测数字或者一个日期不是同时预言二者,因为那样的话,容易出错

    But I can't help recalling the words of the eminent economist who said he was willing to forecast a number or a datebut not bothbecause it made it too easy to prove him wrong.


  • 但是汉斯安慰,“不要害怕,”:“我们一小会儿直到月亮升起来然后我们能够很容易找到回家的路了。”

    But Hansel comforted her. "Don't fear," he said; "let us wait a little while till the moon rises, and then we shall easily find our way home."


  • 除了人们正在进行随机搜索这一事实本身,(随机搜索行为)容易被忽略掉”,

    "It would be easy to dismiss [casual search behavior], except for the fact that people are doing it," he says.


  • 只不过是理解帮助而已。这样容易成为朋友。”

    "I'm looking to understand and help them, which makes it easy to be a friend," he says.


  • 动态定价需求响应结合这个数字很容易再次翻番

    That number could easily double again, he says, with a combination of dynamic pricing and demand response.


  • 那时容易广场”,如果我们天下午开车穿过广场。

    "There were fewer cars, it was more accessible," he said as we drove past the square one afternoon.


  • 波顿先生挑点茬容易把新书描述成“对现代工作场所智慧奇特美丽厌恶颂诗”,其实是故意这么

    It would be easy to accuse Mr DE Botton, who describes his new volume as "a hymn to the intelligence, peculiarity, beauty and horror of the modern workplace", of firing cheap shots.


  • ,“非洲没有地方我们不能的,”“在一个国家生存容易的,在每个首都建立仓库。”

    "There's nowhere in Africa that we don't go," he says. "Being in a country is very easy, you can go and set up a depot in every capital city."


  • :“如果容易倒塌压死学生老师教室里,开设自然灾害灾难风险课程是否意义呢?”

    "Does it make sense to teach lessons about natural hazards and disaster risk in a classroom that is a liable to collapse and kill students and teachers alike?" he said.


  • 不到几个月后又开始登山,不顾别人警告当时所用石膏制的临时义肢可能很容易碎裂

    Within just a few months he was out climbing once again, wearing a pair of temporary legs made of plaster that could, he was warned, easily fracture.


  • :“设立一个呼叫中心能够很容易制度化,而且这种方式对选举得票影响。”

    “It could easily be institutionalised with a call centre,” he says.“It could have big vote-getting influence.


  • 弱点约翰就是逞英雄这就是容易潜在且致命危险之中

    Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation.


  • 大卫·哈德利·琼斯鲁比克品牌高级副总裁他说鲁比克360和魔方一样解开容易让人玩上瘾,而且光从外表看让人误以为应该简单的。

    David Hedley Jones, senior vice-president of the Rubik's brand, said that, like the fiendishly difficult but addictive cube, the 360 looks like it should be quite easy.


  • 越来越多证据表明四个月里迅速婴儿容易产生超重极度肥胖风险。”,

    "There's more and more evidence that infants who gain weight rapidly during the first four months or year of life are at much greater risk of" becoming overweight or obese, he says.


  • 但是愿意这个风险,当然对容易了。

    But he said that's a risk that I'm willing to take, which I mean that's easy for him to say.


  • 小岛的旅途要久的车深入路易斯安那湿地,然后坐上希望开船知道路怎么走湿地通路上容易迷路的。”

    Basically, he said, the trip involves driving deep into the Louisiana marshes and getting into a boat with someone "you hope knows the way. It is easy get lost in the marsh channels."


  • 小岛的旅途要久的车深入路易斯安那湿地,然后坐上希望开船知道路怎么走湿地通路上容易迷路的。”

    Basically, he said, the trip involves driving deep into the Louisiana marshes and getting into a boat with someone "you hope knows the way. It is easy get lost in the marsh channels."


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