• 计算2000年,85%集装箱船队可能经由巴拿马运河。

    In 2000, he calculates, 85% of the container fleet could still pass through Panama.


  • 计算速度永远不会变得更快,驾驶技术永远不会变得更好甚至飞行过程也不会变得更安全

    He'll never calculate faster, never drive better, or even fly more safely.


  • 计算出一年应该是365.24281481天,并创造了《大明历》。

    He worked out that a year should be 365.24281481 days long and created the Daming Calendar.


  • 菲尔创造了9个这样的冰储量,他计算已经储存了大约20万立方米的水。

    Having created nine such ice reserves, he calculates that he has stored about 200,000m³ of water.


  • 知道海水盐度大致水量之后,计算了海水已经存在

    Knowing the salinity of ocean water and the approximate volume of water, he calculated the amount of salt already held in solution in the oceans.


  • 然后计算它们的分布

    Then he calculates their distributions.


  • 我们约会计算每一分钱,出租车饮料甚至小费

    He calculates everything during our dating, taxi, drinks and even tips.


  • 计算速度很快

    He is quick at calculation.


  • 计算如果没有资助只有百分之一可以负担acts

    Without a subsidy, he calculates, only 1% of the target population will be able to afford ACTs.


  • 计算距离时自己脉搏确定自己位置并且到达终点

    He counted the number of strokes per length to know where he was and reached his goal.


  • 计算仅有3百万段音乐至少2月到7月之间下载或在线收听

    He is counting only the 3m tracks that were streamed at least once between February and July.


  • 计算产出增长百分比资本投入规模劳动投入规模变化计算在内

    It is calculated as the percentage increase in output that is not accounted for by changes in the volume of inputs of capital and Labour.


  • 计算,这家店有95不同小吃,61种防晒防晒霜以及80种不同止痛药

    He counts 95 different kinds of snacks; 61 varieties of suntan oil and sun block; and 80 different painkillers.


  • BarryHimmelstein银行客户律师代表反对这个处理方式,计算认为银行通过透支费用实际们45亿美元而支付金额却不到收取金额的百分之十。

    Barry Himmelstein, an attorney for customers who objected to the deal, said he calculated that the bank actually raked in $4.5 billion through the overdraft fees and was repaying less than 10 percent.


  • 冒昧计算错误

    If I may be so bold as to suggest that he made a mistake in his calculations...


  • 分数计算

    She taught me fractions and counting.


  • 笔记做了计算

    He took a few notes and made computations.


  • 这个过程中引发了计算音乐电信新闻行业剧变,这些变动现有公司来说痛苦的,但却受到了数百万消费者欢迎

    In the process, he triggered upheavals in computing, music, telecoms and the news business that were painful for incumbent firms but welcomed by millions of consumers.


  • 计算机一窍不通。

    He's completely clueless about computers.


  • 计算系统中删除了文件

    He also deleted files from the computer system.


  • 侵入这家银行计算

    He hacked into the bank's computer.


  • 恶作剧病毒把邮箱塞满计算机发送的电子垃圾邮件

    The prank crammed his mailbox with computer-delivered electronic junk mail.


  • 我们应该计算调查信息。

    We ought to check him out on the computer.


  • 计算调出地址

    I called his address up on the computer.


  • 或许拥有这样创造能力数学才能得到计算方面的工作。

    Perhaps, with such powers of invention and mathematical ability, he will be offered a job in computers.


  • 所两年制大专学校主修计算编程

    He went to a junior college and majored in computer programming.


  • 整台机器一台主控计算连接起来。

    He had interfaced all this machinery with a master computer.


  • 回到办公室计算更新工作日程

    He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.


  • 计算了程比较这些人中1431种可能成对组合

    He programmed his computer to compare the 1,431 possible combinations of pairs in this population.


  • 计算了程比较这些人中1431种可能成对组合

    He programmed his computer to compare the 1,431 possible combinations of pairs in this population.


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